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MAYHEM Press Conference


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Thought it was fun and cute.

im praying with every molecule in my being that we can now shut up and move on about ARTPOP act 2. That notion has been giving me chronic undiagnosed IBS from the start

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
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Tbh I loved it and while I could see how you guys could say a couple of those questions were planted, everybody in that room was a super fan I could just tell, loved how goofy and natural it seemed like I've always pictured her interactions with fans on the BTWB aftershows to be exactly like this. I do think she was nervous tho but I just could tell she loosend up when people just made it seem like a conversation and talked about themselves a bit more rather than it being a straight forward interview. In interviews lately she tends to give short, concise and to straight to the point answers here she just spoke freely to an extent.

Over all I honestly think this was really fun and could watch over 2 hours of this content, and those fans were really lucky i'm sure that must've been really special honestly they feel like a typical random sample of our fandom as a collective.

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Wow this was so cool and fun. Had Spotify done this before? If not than I would love this to start becoming a standard for new releases!!

Also, who was the mc?? 👀

Edited by TheOriginalOne
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9 hours ago, Seringai said:

Yas!! - I don't know, I have a feeling she will treat every single track as single now - I'm saying, this is maybe her visual album- it is just not coincidence track 1 and track 2 is a single 

Ummmm idk a lot of artists put their singles first on the album.  Ive seen it loads of times

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I wish people would honestly stop asking her about ARTPOP II. She’s answered it enough times for us all to move on. Stop badgering her about it. 

Edited by Murakami27
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Sneaky Oliver

I’ve just finished watching the press conference and I have to say it was a GREAT idea in theory but it ended up being kind of embarrassing 

I mean how can you listen to a new Gaga record in an exclusive event and then proceed to ask her personally about Azealia Banks, Telephone and ARTPOP Act 2 come onnn

There were a few interesting questions for sure but overall I don’t think Gaga revealed much about the album or her career 

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I really enjoyed it it got me hyped and I just thought like wow if the child me could see me sat here right now as a grown man staying up for this just felt so correct and nostalgic. Loved it.

loved that nick was there too :kara:

Rowt ay soyng aybouwt yer eyesh, ayt ay sliysche ohf cherreh pye. Eye crei'd awl noiyght.
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9 hours ago, RAMROD said:

MAYHEM Tour is coming wbk :abra:

The sheer panic that tidbit caused me. I actually need her to wait until I’m paid because I’m flat out broke :sis:

Rowt ay soyng aybouwt yer eyesh, ayt ay sliysche ohf cherreh pye. Eye crei'd awl noiyght.
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