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'GAGA RADIO' Megathread


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2 minutes ago, ceminay said:

It’s obvious she was forced and pushed to do Chromatica, she wasn’t in a good mood to be the popstar she used to be, so that doesn’t count. After ARTPOP, none of the albums other than Chromatica were pop in the same way as her earlier records. It shows that Chromatica wasn’t made organically.

Which is a shame cause it is so good :nooo:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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38 minutes ago, GAGA IS GROOVY said:

I don’t really understand what Gaga means when she keeps calling MAYHEM a “return to pop” or says how Michael convinced her to make a pop record again….. apart from her jazz projects, isn’t Gaga’s entire discography pop? Someone help me understand. 


31 minutes ago, Ladle Ghoulash said:

I think in another interview she said something to the effect of “a return to the type of pop people knew me for at the beginning of my career.”

In fact all the casuals were saying "Gaga's back" when she dropped Abracadabra

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2 minutes ago, ceminay said:

It’s obvious she was forced and pushed to do Chromatica, she wasn’t in a good mood to be the popstar she used to be, so that doesn’t count. After ARTPOP, none of the albums other than Chromatica were pop in the same way as her earlier records. It shows that Chromatica wasn’t made organically.

There are indeed hints that point into this direction. Chromatica feels like what the producers wanted it to be like and Gaga a mere protagonist to fulfill that position.

I'm looking gorgeous tonight
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Kermit the frog
40 minutes ago, GAGA IS GROOVY said:

I don’t really understand what Gaga means when she keeps calling MAYHEM a “return to pop” or says how Michael convinced her to make a pop record again….. apart from her jazz projects, isn’t Gaga’s entire discography pop? Someone help me understand. 

I guess she simply means she was always trying to reinvent herself and make music that she thought she had to make instead of following her weirdo heart. 

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16 minutes ago, AyeshaErotica said:

The interview opens more questions than it solves!

Well that’s the literal goal of a teaser :ladyhaha:

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7 minutes ago, Red said:

Which is a shame cause it is so good :nooo:

I love Alice, Replay and Babylon. The other songs in essence are good as well, but Bloodpop’s influence really ruined them for me. I can tell that if she was in the right mindset and was able to direct the image for what she wanted, it would be 10x better.

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It’s understandable, we know she puts a lot of pressure on herself and you know there’s gonna be comparisons to BTW and TFM but I’m so glad she’s bringing this dark pop sound. Nobody can do this like she does. Nobody. 

Say goodnight, angel eyes
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But on the other hand.......................

Honestly, we can never know what an artist truly wanted an album to be like and how much of it is his or her input and how much was negotiated and how much is foreign input. There are hints but hints can be traitors and deceiving, too.


Remember when Britney said she LOVED Femme Fatale?

When she said she pushed so much energy into it? That it is what she loves? And said it in interviews?

And after years in retrospective, some/lots of fans say it was kinda fake and Britney forced to do it?

So did she just pretend it?

Or not?

We do not know.

We have to be careful when we make such assumption.


The newest Gaga statements totally contradict this view and support the earliest fans vision that Gaga somehow is early Gaga but for mysterious reasons does sth else.

But historically, the older Gaga statements seem to support the 2010s eras view.

So you see, it is kinda hard to judge it.

I'm looking gorgeous tonight
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1 minute ago, ceminay said:

I love Alice, Replay and Babylon. The other songs in essence are good as well, but Bloodpop’s influence really ruined them for me. I can tell that if she was in the right mindset and was able to direct the image for what she wanted, it would be 10x better.

The category for Chromatica album/era is: enjoy it for what it is, not what it could have been :traumatica:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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50 Ft Queenie
50 minutes ago, GAGA IS GROOVY said:

I don’t really understand what Gaga means when she keeps calling MAYHEM a “return to pop” or says how Michael convinced her to make a pop record again….. apart from her jazz projects, isn’t Gaga’s entire discography pop? Someone help me understand. 

Thanks for mentioning that, Yeah its odd it sounds like brain washing but surely she's not? I don't understand why she keeps repeating it over & over also when she said there was “nothing hopeful” in her catalogue at fire aid… I was like who's telling her that?..? :triggered:  It freaked me out!

Oh well its odd but lets just enjoy mayhem

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50 Ft Queenie
5 minutes ago, ceminay said:

I love Alice, Replay and Babylon. The other songs in essence are good as well, but Bloodpop’s influence really ruined them for me. I can tell that if she was in the right mindset and was able to direct the image for what she wanted, it would be 10x better.

Dreamy songs my fav

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Evan Peters

i really don't understand what is so hard to understand about her stating (multiple times now) that for a very long time she felt forced to create pop music that wasn't authentic to what she wants, i.e, her initial sound.

tbh her nasty fans are hugely to blame for this (meltdowns over jazz, meltdowns over joanne, meltdowns over literally anything that wasn't what they felt is OG gaga) and i think she got stuck in a never ending cycle of trying to appease fans (which never worked bc the fans constantly shift the goalpost on what makes gaga gaga) while simultaneously shutting out her own desires, ideas, and concepts for where she wanted to go sonically. i've always thought there was shift after chromatica where she was, slowly, thinking less about the fans' input and more about what she wanted to do which a) created less anxiety around making music b) allowed the return of the 'authentic' gaga sound that mayhem exhibits and c) in a...perhaps ironic way, caters to the fans now more than ever. 

i hate how so many of her fans constantly ridicule and knitpick any thing she says about her music as if they've caught her in a lie, or whatever. lady gaga knows infinitely more about what makes her her than any member of an internet forum. lmao. she's free to speak about her experiences because they're hers. if that upsets you then i think you have bigger, parasocial related problems that need to be addressed. 

she seems to be in a great place mentally and physically, and i hope that continues throughout the rest of her career. the woman has been through a lot, and it's great to see (as much as one can see from an outsider perspective) that she has a team that supports and pushes her--Michael included. I'm not going to spout the thinly veiled misogynistic remarks that some fans have said in regards to him 'saving' her career, but i am happy she's found a man who actually...gets her. it's sweet and beautiful. 

also, she's one of the few artists who i could listen to talk about their music for hours. i hate how overlooked her knack for production and creation are due to the 'popstar' label. 

Edited by Evan Peters
emma roberts is an abuser
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"I wrote LoveGame for another artist. They ultimately didn't want it. I got to keep it. I'm happy that happened. I wrote it one night at 4am. The original vocal was recorded on the side of a computer. I could never top it, so I kept it." – Gaga via Gaga Radio


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  • monketsharona changed the title to Lady Gaga explains LoveGame backstory on Gaga Radio

She gave Fever to Adam Lambert I wish she kept that too 

Like a poem said by a lady in red
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  • monketsharona changed the title to 'GAGA RADIO' Megathread

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