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21 minutes ago, Catnikko said:

this is what i hear in my head everytime i see this thread name on the homepage :air: 

It worked then

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Its okay eventho it hurts my ARTPOP heart. Thats why this fanbase is beautiful. we got all those diffrent monsters sharing love for Gaga in their way. Our uniqueness makes us shine.

I sometimes get hate for saying Chromatica is my least fav album. Its just too safe and boring to me. even joanne feels more daring. the interludes kinda saved the album. other than that its just house pop. (i love the album cover tho; and babylon is a slay)

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5 hours ago, ThePopDevil said:

how is swine a mess its one of her best songs i hate that most of gaga fans listen to only pop singers like dua lipa and katy perry like...

Swine is terrible. I said what I said.

This coming from a guy who listens to 1000+ artists on Spotify and have 3,500+ songs in my playlist 😘

Inside, we are really made the same. 🕊
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51 minutes ago, Quartz said:

Swine is terrible. I said what I said.

This coming from a guy who listens to 1000+ artists on Spotify and have 3,500+ songs in my playlist 😘

Just because you dont like it it doesnt mean it’s terrible. Swine is not a fun pop song meant to be listened to in a light way. It’s a heavy song, and I love it 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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I like all her albums but I would say Joanne is my least favorite purely because it has been YEARS since I listened to it. And, while I like Chromatica, I think a lot of it is too safe and uninspired. All her other albums are top tier.

Edited by JoanneMonster
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11 hours ago, Red said:

With a new Lady Gaga era, they came: the threads asking us to rank Gaga's music; rank the albums, rank the lead singles... This time they put me in a deep state of reflection. And I reached a sad conclusion.

Please listen and don't judge, I am a child of Gaga just like you.

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I- :bradley: 

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ARTPOP is my least favorite album


And I didn't want it to be this way :nooo: It's not that I don't like it, I just think the other ones are better :cryga: 

I still like it. I wanted to like it more, I wanted to love it. But it is what it is.

Please forgive my sins.

...and I even liked you!

No gurl fr don't lie like that. Tell everybody you bought the first pressing vinyl with DWYD on eBay for 400 bucks. 

I am actually scalped and shocked.

Love, one day it will be fine.

Edited by CookieHWilson
i forgot the world vinyl cause I don't check before posting, and cause I am shocked and stoned and when stoned shocks are even shocker than the shock of the stoned shocks
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Let’s be honest, the entire EDM genre from that time sounds dated and aged like milk. A song like G.U.Y. is anything but timeless, where her other older work could be released today and still sound fresh.

I love the album but it’s messy and immature. Born This Way, for example, felt much more crafted and the 80s inspiration was clear yet modernized.

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Thank you for your bravery lol

ARTPOP has more memorable moments than Chromatica (which is sonically flaccid in comparison),

but there is not one song on the album that is genuinely good, imo.

I still enjoy some of them, but the album as a whole feels depressingly messy & "amateur" after TFM & BTW.

So many of the lyrics are stilted & awkward, and the production is often annoying.

Applause, Do What U Want & Sexxx Dreams are my faves from that album...

...but they're still not GREAT songs (mostly because of some cringe lyrics in those instances).

She was throwing everything at the wall around this time to see what would stick, and unfortunately very little of it did.


ARTPOP is better than Joanne and Chromatica to me, though.

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What is happening. Why does everybody suddenly not like ARTPOP now? That said, ARTPOP is my least favorite of her bodies of work. Sorry. It was DOA and was already dated by the time it came out. It’s such a mess. 

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It's probably my most played Gaga album :firega:

I don't know why but for me it's the most easy to listen and always puts my mood into a better place :kara:

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