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Lady Gaga Saved Her Pop Star Career With ‘Abracadabra’ - Variety Article


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"the wicked 'lady in red' of the somewhat nonsensical lyrics"


Follow every rainbow till you find your dream
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.... Link? :madge:

Edit: Thanks @NUTELLA, @suchheights8 owes you a contracting fee now for completing ha post lol

Edited by JazzGa
My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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The Ew from Judas

“Saved” implies she was in trouble

she’s been doing just fine 

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Oh but of course when a woman decides to maintain a healthy balance between private life and career, she needs to "save" one or the other. Thank God, the industry and the US president that male artists don't face the same issues!!!

Sorry, but not giving them clicks, just the title is enough. If they actually want to praise her, they should fix their phrasing. Enough with the sensationalism. Gaga's previous "phase" of her career included ASIB, Chromatica, Love for sale (a Grammy-winning record), Hold my hand and an amazing tour. Her career doesn't need saving coming off of these projects... :triggered:

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Because if it hadn't been for abracadabra, she would merely be at number 1 on billboard & have the longest running stpotify global number one of all time literally right now still at number one. A true flop.

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Variety if you wanted to say Abracadabra's a smash, then say that. You don't have to insult Gaga to do it :huntyga:

in her tongue she said, "death or love tonight"
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Saved? I can see if it was that one gospel singer but Gaga? 

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21 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Ah yes because her career needed saving. :Cautious:

Sadly it did need saving.

She was only able to tour baseball stadiums not football stadiums so sad :franminervini:

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Wasn’t it Variety saying that she needed a solo hit? They are trying to do damage control by praising her.

Edited by SOON
gaga, halsey, lorde, taylor, dua
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They probably wrote this in advance about Katy's prospective comeback last year but since that went to shjt they just recycled it and edited it a bit. :excuseu:

"Saved" lmao like she hasn't had at least one top 5 hit with each album minus the side projects. At least being upfront with their bs in the headline saved me from giving them a click. :excuseu:

In I fly on wings of winter.
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