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Born This Way Ball CANCELLED


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Let me get this straight - the WHOLE of the rest of the tour has been cancelled???

Gaga can't walk and she'll have a surgery. Some people need up to 6 months to recover, so cancelling the whole tour seems pretty logical...

Edited by Pharaoh
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I am interested as to how many ggd users had tickets to cancelled shows like me - it has to be a pretty big number

I had a ticket for the Atlanta show, and then if i liked enough (i mean who wouldn't..) I was going t purchase a Greensboro, NC ticket from stubhub or something... :(

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She is either excellent at hiding it or she was on some heavy pain meds.

It's amazing what stamina, guts, and daily marijuana can do to for a person. :dead:
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Well, Pop is partially right, but I thought your post was BEAUTIFUL lilmonster1986, and I'm sorry you withdrew it.

You probably do have more to deal with than you can sort through right now, and some counselling might help. But everything else you said was totally true and understandable, and I agree 1000%! It's perfectly normal for people to have some event or vacation or whatever they are looking forward to, and to use that as a goal to help them keep their chin up in bad times, and then to be crushed if that falls through.

It really does suck that Gaga looks like just another hollow pop star to anyone who doesn't care to pay attention. She deserves so much more credit than that.

It really does suck that a lot of fans will miss out on seeing this show.

It really does suck that Gaga is hurt at all.

But trust me lilmonster1986, from someone who is older, life will crush our dreams sometimes, but it will also surprise you with wonderful dreams that come true. You'll get your moment in the sun. Hang in there! :hug:

Thank you so much Sara for understanding :) I might repost it under another topic, its nice to know there are people like you out there!
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It's amazing what stamina, guts, and daily marijuana can do to for a person. :dead:

She must have been using a LOT of weed, unfortunately.

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:tea: once again ChicaSkas spills the tea all over

:yes: :highfive:

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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life will crush our dreams sometimes, but it will also surprise you with wonderful dreams that come true. You'll get your moment in the sun. Hang in there! :hug:

Sara, you have no idea <3

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Hmm I actually don't think it is. It DID come on suddenly, an injury one night a month ago, but without rest it could not heal and has worsened into something serious.

I hope it was a traumatic injury because a degenerative injury of this type progressively gets worse and could lead to arthritis.

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Allison M

Yes people, it's cancelled.

Gaga is due for surgery and will have to do 6 months of physical therapy.

Instead if thinking about your show being cancellled, think about what hardships she has to go through because of her not wanting to let us down.

Sorry your show was cancelled, but honestly, Gaga thinks of us before herself. I thought people would be thinking of her during this time, but many are only thinking of themselves.

It's sad to see and I'm disappointed in some fans for their selfish reactions.

This isn't about you and the show, this is about caring for Gaga well-being.

Suck it up and get ready for her to come back stronger and snatch everyone's weaves.

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Hopefully she'll tweet something whenever she can. I know Bryan mentioned it, but the situation just seems so much sadder since we haven't actually heard anything from her.

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