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Mar 12, 1:00 PM PT

Born This Way Ball CANCELLED


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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:52 AM, HausOfMike said:



Because the issue of 4 shows being cancelled dissolves into the larger fact that all the shows are cancelled. Simple.

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Damn :/ I had a feeling in my gut that it was gonna get cancelled. I feel so bad for her :ohno:

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:55 AM, werkthatweave said:

so the btwball really is cancelled? im only asking this because im so shocked i guess

We don't know if they are truly cancelled or just postponed for months.

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I am completely and utterly shocked and upset... I'm so sad OMG :omg: I can't believe this is actually happening :( :( :(

I'm Chloe. Except the C and the L are silent.
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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:58 AM, JoshMetcalf said:

Am I the only one who can't wait to see all this in Terry's film?

I was thinking the same... it'll be interesting...

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:55 AM, werkthatweave said:

so the btwball really is cancelled? im only asking this because im so shocked i guess

I'm wondering this myself. I already let my aunt know about all this though so she can get a refund.

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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It's awful.. I was thinking last night about how I couldn't wait for the tour to be finished so she can move onto something new. I didn't want it to happen like this.

Knowing Gaga, this must be hitting her so hard. She's such a tireless hardworking person but she pushed herself too hard for us. She should know she doesn't need to prove herself to us.

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I don't know what to feel. I've been waiting for my ball since september... and now its gone. all of the hype, and the... :noparty:

I know that gaga's health is most important and I totally support her getting all the rest she needs, but I still can't help but feel disappointed that my ball is just ... gone. :fat:

"Who are we, if not slaves to this torment?"
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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:54 AM, EarnYourLeather said:

I am so incredibly sad for so so sooooo many reasons.

1. My idol who I love and adore is hurting right now on so many different levels (mentally, physically, etc.)

2. My show was scheduled exactly a month from today. I have been waiting two years to see this tour, and I bought my tickets five months ago.

3. I don't think the BTWB DVD was recorded; therefore, I won't see it in any degree (just lame-ass YouTube videos).

4. ARTPOP will be delayed due to the fact that she cannot film music videos, promote, perform, etc.

Though all those reasons are sucky, I want her to recover and rest. I love her to death, and I'm sure she'll come out on top of all of this.


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Feeling bad for her the most of corse: all her ilusion, her concerts in her hometown... she has to feel devasted right now so Gaga if you are reading this get well, relax, rest because we need you healthy :heart:

Feeling bad too for all of you who have tickets for the tour :( I guess it has to be horrible too... and feeling bad about the DVD, and ARTPOP... I don't want this to sound frivolous or anything, heath is first but I'm feeling that gaga needs get the public image again and needs ARTPOP soon to keep relevant and I don't know what's going to happen now... :S

Anyway HEALTH IS FIRST and all she needs now is get well soon and rest

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