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National Geographic promotes Abracadabra


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The spell is working :oops:

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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Gaga drops Abracadabra, and now National Geographic is out here giving history lessons. Turns out, the word isn’t just for voguing ”it was an ancient spell to fight off malaria


They even wrote it in a triangle like this old manuscript, thinking the letters disappearing made the sickness disappear too.


Leave it to Gaga to make a 2,000-year-old spell trendy again. Full article here: National Geographic


So is she a pop star or a time-traveling sorceress?


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That's nice of them but we already know it means 'feel the beat under your feet, the FLOOR'S ON FAAAYAAAARRRR' :abra:


Edited by CautiousLurker
Men are naturally more dominating, aggressive, and logical thinking because we have balls.
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Ahh thank you for sharing!!!!

I’ve been sitting on this observation for awhile but, but notice how triangles factor heavily in the music video: the initial formation, the dueling dances in the second chorus, her cape when it is pulled taut, the ending when the dancers form an arrow and are “pushing” her. Very thoughtful. 

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We're gonna be so protected against malaria you gheys :woohoo:

Men are naturally more dominating, aggressive, and logical thinking because we have balls.
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38 minutes ago, alsemanche said:


why it's written puta on the left :abra:

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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46 minutes ago, River said:

why it's written puta on the left :abra:

It's Latin for "I believe/think/value" and many other things. Ut puta means "for instance, for example"

Edit: sorry if I forgot to add any emoji, my message may sound rude, but I was just rush-writing :messga:

Edited by Scri
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4 minutes ago, Scri said:

It's Latin for "I believe/think/value" and many other things. Ut puta means "for instance, for example"

oh wow so it has a totally different meaning than today

does it have any connection to puttana?

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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42 minutes ago, River said:

oh wow so it has a totally different meaning than today

does it have any connection to puttana?

iirc, puttana is from old french translation of the Latin pŭtus (l.v. *puttus), which means "young boy" (and the female "young girl"). It's just a polarization of a neutral word (like bitch was nothing more than a female dog). The latin meaning of pŭtus is still alive in the Italian "putto" (those little angels in Renaissance paintings - if it's Cupido than it's an amorino, not a simple putto) and in some regional varieties of Italian for "boy/kid".

The bad meaning is very old tho and it came before the "actual" Italian. In the old part of the Basilica of Saint Clement in Rome, you can see a fresco (ca. 11th century), this one:


It's like a comic strip. In the right, you can see the prefect Sisinnus saying to his slaves "Fili dele pute, traite", which means "Sons of bitches, pull it (i.e. the column)". It's a very old proof of Latin transforming in Italian (If you're curious, the oldest known "italianiazation" of Latin is dated to X century, with the placiti, see the eng. wiki).

The original meaning from Latin putare in Italian has partially survived in verbs like reputare (to value). Potare is from a different Latin putare (which means "to clean").

Edited by Scri
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