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I Never Thought We'd Have Such A Full Era Again


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TF and BTW are the only 2 albums that had 4 and 5 singles. Every other Gaga album has always had only 2 or 3 which always felt short and disapointing. Like they gave up on promoting it almost right away


Now were on the 3rd single (that so far is doing well) and album is not even out yet which means a 4th single is likely.


We havent had a long album era with 4 singles and exhaustive promo since Born This Way in 2011. Its been 13 years. This is what I been craving and I never thought wed have an era like this again :giveup:

Edited by Shadow
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This era is everything we wanted and more. My 2017/2018 self obessing every day about her return to pop music would not believe it. :air::air::air:   

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40 minutes ago, Economy said:

TF and BTW are the only 2 albums that had 4 and 5 singles. Every other Gaga album has always had only 2 or 3 which always felt short and disapointing. Like they gave up on promoting it almost right away


Now were on the 3rd single (that so far is doing well) and album is not even out yet which means a 4th single is likely.


We havent had a long album era with 4 singles and exhaustive promo since Born This Way in 2011. Its been 13 years. This is what I been craving and I never thought wed have an era like this again :giveup:

I feel like it's going to be such a full year too, even past the album, remember she filmed for Wednesday and was also spotted going to recording studios (this was after confirmation the album had already been produced/mixed), I'm twitching for a second album tbh

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The fact that Mayhem already has SIX singles beofre even coming out is wild

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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This era is already everything ive been wanting from her, not that past projects werent good, because i loved them, but im already obsessed and the album release anticipation is EATING ME ALIVE

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1 hour ago, Jill said:

The fact that Mayhem already has SIX singles beofre even coming out is wild

Six? Which 3 did i miss? Lol

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Ladle Ghoulash
10 minutes ago, Economy said:

Six? Which 3 did i miss? Lol

HMH, DWAS, Disease, Abra, The Cure, and All I Need is Time.

We have forgotten our public MANNERS
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  • Shadow changed the title to I Never Thought We'd Have Such A Full Era Again

While it's been great, I'm still missing more live performances and content (interviews, tv appearances, etc). Same internationally. 

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Well we have two songs, neither of which have been performed live yet despite one being out since October, so let's pump the brakes on that for a second :bear:

But with all the post-release plans we are definitely gonna get fed :whitney: 

Hard to be the 💛 in a 💜 sky
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I know right, it actually feels incredible….. ALL this time we were here waiting, almost frozen in time… I feel like when ROM dropped and Free Woman Demo leaked in 2020 we were like scratching at a surface or grasping for air on a return to pop….. and then 5 yrs later (!!!) BOOM, MAYHEM, ABRA… DISEASE.. DWAS…. It all just blossomed as Gaga truly delivering on her iconography AND actually happy to do so again 

Edited by GerMonsterNotta
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8 minutes ago, PartySick said:

Well we have two songs, neither of which have been performed live yet despite one being out since October, so let's pump the brakes on that for a second :bear:

But with all the post-release plans we are definitely gonna get fed :whitney: 

Live will come, it will come… I’m starting to just trust this mayhem process… fingers crossed 

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4 minutes ago, GerMonsterNotta said:

Live will come, it will come… I’m starting to just trust this mayhem process… fingers crossed 

Well of course it will, she has a couple festivals to do :flower:

Hard to be the 💛 in a 💜 sky
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