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What do you think of the Mayhem Album Cover?

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To me it looks more like a magasine cover or random Instragram moment than an actual album cover...

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4 hours ago, Nite said:

I like that it shows her duality like a lot of this era seems to :flower:

That said I would've preferred this one as the default cover:


Which shows it too, how something can be very different/deranged and it's still you, just from a different point of view. It's already my lockscreen :hor:

I hate this image so much 'cause I can only see a lazy eye and flat hair :ladyhaha: 

I like the original, the meaning she gave for it makes me happy.

I hate that there's even one variant to the cover, let alone the half a dozen or however many there are now :laughga: 

Hard to be the 💛 in a 💜 sky
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Nessun Dorma

I’m a big fan of this cover and its concept. When I first saw it, I immediately thought about “my head is filled with broken mirrors”. It felt to me that she was anticipating what would come next and I loved this feeling of connection. 

Mayhem is about embracing the inner chaos and darkness, accepting that they’re all part of life and who we are. As Gaga would say, it’s the radical acceptance of what we consider to be a flaw/mistake. We must live in spite of and with it. 

So when she said that “even if you can’t put the pieces back together perfectly, you can create something beautiful and whole in its own new way”, it felt to me that she took her broken pieces and glued them back together in order to create her art. To celebrate the inextricable parts of what makes her who she is. 

Mayhem is, in a way, her happy mistake. God, I love her brain! 

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I will die on the hill that MAYHEM's cover is great and that the vehement hatred for it is crazy and unwarranted. If you simply don't like the cover, fine, but it is not as bad as some people want to make it out to be. I think y'all are blinded by nostalgia because there's no way you can look at MAYHEM, TFM, TF, and BTW and think "Yeah, the former is so much worse than the other three." Conceptually and stylistically, it's very similar to those covers, yet they're lauded as untouchable? 


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I think I'm just spoiled by all the alternate covers lol, I like the explanation behind the main one though. 

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It’s not my favorite but I don’t hate it. I’m honestly really indifferent and only really care about the music 

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I wish it would have been spookier, it seems kind of plain to me and doesn't say a lot, but maybe I'm missing something

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