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Grimes joins Musk gamer drama


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Joshie S

Wow he's like, the coolest :huntyga:

The melody that you choose can rescue you ♥
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This is why gamers get on my nerves, the competitiveness is far too much, like stop being a neanderthal it's not that deep 

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9 hours ago, ALGAYDO said:

He 100% paid someone to get that advanced in the game lol there’s zero doubt in my mind. 

Literally most games now are pay to win anyway


Theres this game Travian i played for many years (has some resemblance to tribal wars or clash of clans) but i stopped playing a couple years ago cuz it got to the point that even if you were good at the game, you had to spend at least $50 to $100 a month minimum on advantages or youd quickly drop in the rankings

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This is the thing she chooses to defend him over? Over so much else wrong he’s done? Yeah she’s trash

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20 hours ago, Economy said:

Literally most games now are pay to win anyway


Theres this game Travian i played for many years (has some resemblance to tribal wars or clash of clans) but i stopped playing a couple years ago cuz it got to the point that even if you were good at the game, you had to spend at least $50 to $100 a month minimum on advantages or youd quickly drop in the rankings

Playing a scammy pay-to-play game is different than hiring someone to advance in the game for you, which I believe is what Elon did. I have literally zero proof of this, but I just know it lol 

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1 minute ago, ALGAYDO said:

Playing a scammy pay-to-play game is different than hiring someone to advance in the game for you, which I believe is what Elon did. I have literally zero proof of this, but I just know it lol 

He definitely did this. Not really familiar with the situation but I asked a friend who plays the game in question (not D4, the other one) and he says Elon is a loser and a poser :ladyhaha: which is funny because he used to love him, whatever he did, it's backfiring spectacularly :ladyhaha:


you love to see it :oops:

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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The Wolf

who gives a ****?

Hey, I'm king of the world, you ought to hear my song, you come on measure me, I'm twenty inches long
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