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Ethel Cain supports killing CEOs

Morphine Prince

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15 hours ago, Roughhouse Dandy said:

I'm not saying I support direct violent action to get our way in this moment 👀👀👀 BUT I am willing to say that fear is, in fact, a very effective motivator in general and there was positive change enacted right after the killing of that CEO. 

VERY slippery slope you’re on here.  

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5 minutes ago, MACATL said:

VERY slippery slope you’re on here.  

The question is are we now on the slope or have we reached the bottom of the slope where we all fight it out hunger games style to get back on the ski lift? 

Its not like there hasn't been decades of peaceful or at least nonviolent activism concerning medical insurance & cost and economic exploitation.

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I dont know who that is but that person is right, those billionnaire CEOs are single handely destroying our planet and our society, they should be treated like terrorists against the people 

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Roughhouse Dandy
3 hours ago, MACATL said:

VERY slippery slope you’re on here.  

As suggested by another user, we've been on a slope since Reagan and look where we are now. Look at who is in charge. Look at where only organized peaceful protest has gotten us. Look where the world is headed. 

We can take another lifetime to march and plead and bleed in the streets so that maybe our grandchildren will still have a survivable community to grow up in, or there are a few more options that might put us at a better, more efficient trajectory for the future.

I'm not condoning or inciting anything else, but I'm not about to block potential blessings if others have decided for themselves that enough is enough. 

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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tyler k
15 hours ago, Roughhouse Dandy said:

If you're into reading, there's a play from the early 60's I'm working on putting up that analyzes this whole moral quandary through the lense of the French Revolution. Very dark, interesting, and has me thinking (necessarily) deeper into the meaning and necessity of violence as a means to an end. Obnoxiously long title, but it's usually shortened to Marat/Sade. 

I recommend it and can help you access it if you're interested 💜

omg yesss fantastic play! 

mmmy name ~isn't~ aliceee
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No one even needs to kill them, stop buying their stuff, trust me things will change VERY fast. We people have the power to change things but we need masses to act simultaneously which is basically impossible

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21 hours ago, howsAnnie said:

In order to kill the system, you have to hit those in power where it hurts. And they obviously couldn't care less about the people, their peers, the planet or humanity - all they care about is themselves, and their own well-being. 

So yeah, maybe another hydra head is gonna pop out whenever you take one down, but that new hydra head might just be a little bit more careful and less dangerous, because he knows what happened to the one before him. Those people feel completely untouchable, and we'll never see them play by the rules unless they finally start to fear that their actions could have consequences that affect THEM, PERSONALLY.

Don't necessarily agree. Look I fully supported lugi's action now I don't see him as a hero but yeah I agreed with his actions I think he felt like a NECESSARY EVIL needed to be presented to the public to start a revolt or inspire a change and he was that but yeah killing is wrong and so he will be persecuted.

What he did was wrong but needed to be done and I think he believes that, a CEO was killed to send a message the outcome should be a revolution not anarchy.

Anarchy ain't cute and sends the wrong message to who is in power and usually backfires with a terrible ripple effect to all areas in life. Fear inspires fear and the next snake will be more harmful.

A message was sent people diluting said message and changing the narrative by discussing the morality of killing is a very sticky and very thin line to walk this is not the issue here KILLING is wrong on all fronts but what's done been done NOW we can see what we can as a society mobilize and be heard now that is a natural continuation of the narrative.

Now I get the frustration and the anger but you guys (US citizens) should feel motivated to be heard as collative not to showcase this viewpoint as a radical cuz it's already how the media is spinning this so don't fall for it. 

Edited by onionring
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2 hours ago, llemesm said:

Iconic thighs 

Fixed. Respectfully.


jk sorry for the objectification 


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i'd say start with musk and zuck. make them human centipede eachother.

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