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Hideo Kojima Reviews Joker:FAD

Roughhouse Dandy

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Wet Fire

The FAD backlash was mostly media-orchestrated. People went to see the film to see how the movie "didn't work." YouTube reactors jumped on the bandwagon to leech off the backlash. The movie might not have been the best of the year, but the way it was made to look like the worst film of the tear was completely motivated by a faction of people who was adamant that the movie "has to be" bad.

Edited by Wet Fire
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I do believe Joker FAD will become a cult classic in the future. Now, when that future is set, that’s another story. 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Word of mouth from pissed off comic nerds/incels absolutely killed this movie’s box office. I’ve been watching a lot of Disease reaction vids on youtube, and multiple people have casually mentioned that they love Gaga’s acting but didn’t see FAD because they heard it was bad and wanted to save money and wait for streaming. Meanwhile me and my three friends all enjoyed it (and they’re not even Gaga super fans). FAD is by no means a perfect movie, but once it hits streaming, I think we’re gonna see a notable shift in its reception as more of the general public actually watches it and forms their own opinion.

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We love intelligent, insightful directors/writers like him.

Now go support Death Stranding and Death Stranding 2. Maybe Gaga could star in one of his masterpiece video games one day.

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6 hours ago, Oriane said:

The way that all the great directors, creators, artists overall loved the movie :bradley: I feel like I'm part of the elite, being one of those who actually liked it.

And that’s why we shouldn’t write off awards season just yet! 

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