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How long have you been a member of Gaga Daily?


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I just checked and I joined october the 30th of 2011! My anniversary is just around the corner. 

I was never very active, but I always check on this site. The pre eras are always so much fun.

This time seems so rare though. I do remember the pop emergency when applause leaked then Gaga release it earlier, remember staying up to hear Perfect Illusion on the radio, then SL leaking months before.

This one though feels like it will have a very healthy rollout. Single one day, music video a couple of days after, hopefully some performances and interviews, a second single... 

I understand some fans are worried about her silence but I really think this is well thought out. 

Anyways, happy to be on this site and share the excitement with you all.



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October 23, 2011 which I think is just the date we moved to the new site???

I can remember posting on here about the Alejandro video and the Born This Way album art reveal so definitely before then

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stream ritacadabra
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I was lurking on here but more active on Propagaga at first. Became a Gagadaily member in december 2011. Crazy how time flies.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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I've been a member since 2011 but I remember lurking here since early 2010 if I'm not mistaken. I'm usually here when she releases new stuff but I don't check it as I used to, I was obsessed with Gaga back then :laughga: 

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25 minutes ago, bionic said:

October 23, 2011 which I think is just the date we moved to the new site???

I can remember posting on here about the Alejandro video and the Born This Way album art reveal so definitely before then

must be, I have the same date

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I lingered, but I joined Sept 9 2016, the day of Perfect Illusion’s release. 

Joanne was actually a really nice era to be here because even though it wasn’t a smash, the successes it had weren’t front-loaded (other than debuting  #1 without a hit single). Smaller good things kept happening throughout that era. There was positive energy

I’ve been a monster since Poker Face though

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since  2009. been through like 28 banned accounts

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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I remember checking this site every now and then for news back in the early days. But I finally decided to make an account in 2011, during the You and I era. I think I made it so that I can comment on a post, lol. Can’t believe it’s been so long!

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7 hours ago, BARKDANGER said:

Are you talking about Littlemonsters.com? Then yes! 

No it was her actual website, ladygaga.com. It had a little forum or chat section where people could post, but it was really messy and full of trolls.

I do remember littlemonsters.com though! Gaga was way ahead of her time.

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