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Halsey for Paper Magazine - 40th Anniversary Issue


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When it came time to record the next record, Halsey admits she was “a lot braver,” calling on musicians she looks up to like Alex G to work with her. “A couple years ago, I would have never called Alex G. I would have never done that.” The admission stuns me, and they’re well aware of their modest self estimation. “My music is almost always, like you said, about working out why I am so awkward and self destructive and weird. Then there’s this community that has formed around that, but I don’t really make music about anything but myself. I guess I’m quite self involved in that way. I feel like you write about things you have questions about, and the single greatest question that I have is me.”

Interview: https://www.papermag.com/halsey-40th-anniversary#rebelltitem14

Edited by phantasmas
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Linus Gaga

Is it fair to say she is actually as transformable as Gaga in terms of looks? :firega: not sure why she isn't A list though

Hit me a message and say hi !
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She’s putting her feet into food. That’s considered very disrespectful in our culture. Not that I am complaining, but that pic does make me feel a bit uncomfortable 

love halsey though

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58 minutes ago, Linus Gaga said:

Is it fair to say she is actually as transformable as Gaga in terms of looks? :firega: not sure why she isn't A list though

halseys cute but she doesnt have gagas vision or impact

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LOVE the fashion. Hate that it's on plain backdrops. Would have loved to see her in a vintage kitchen.

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Just like Gaga, Halsey is a true chameleon. There’s no denying she and Gaga share a lot of artistic passion and discipline. So happy to call her my fave alongside Gagz :bradley:

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1 hour ago, Linus Gaga said:

Is it fair to say she is actually as transformable as Gaga in terms of looks? :firega: not sure why she isn't A list though

visually and sonically!!

mother, what must i do?
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Addison Rae

she’s so cool, i love the singles from this era so far 

sitting on his lap sipping diet pepsi
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