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Cupcakke Surprise Drops New Track "Squidward's Nose"

June 8, 2024 - The ever-controversial and boundary-pushing rapper Cupcakke has surprised fans with the unexpected release of her latest single, "Squidward's Nose." Known for her bold lyrics and unapologetic style, Cupcakke has once again proven she is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.


The new track, which dropped without prior announcement late last night, showcases Cupcakke's signature blend of humor and explicit content. "Squidward's Nose" is a playful yet provocative anthem, drawing inspiration from the beloved "SpongeBob SquarePants" character. The song is already generating buzz on social media, with fans and critics alike praising its catchy beat and clever wordplay.


In "Squidward's Nose," Cupcakke uses her lyrical prowess to deliver double entendres and witty metaphors, turning a children's cartoon reference into a raunchy and entertaining rap hit. The track's release has sparked a wave of reactions on Twitter and TikTok, with many fans creating memes and videos inspired by the song's cheeky lyrics.


Cupcakke, whose real name is Elizabeth Harris, has made a name for herself with her fearless approach to music. She first gained attention with her explicit and often humorous tracks that tackle topics ranging from sexuality to social issues. Over the years, she has built a dedicated fan base that eagerly anticipates her unconventional releases.


This latest drop follows Cupcakke's recent trend of surprise releases, keeping her audience on their toes and ensuring her music remains a hot topic of conversation. "Squidward's Nose" is expected to climb the charts rapidly, thanks to its infectious rhythm and Cupcakke's unique flair.


As fans dissect the lyrics and spread the word, it’s clear that Cupcakke has once again struck a chord with her listeners. "Squidward's Nose" is more than just a song; it's a cultural moment, a testament to Cupcakke's ability to transform the mundane into the extraordinary.


For now, fans can stream "Squidward's Nose" on all major platforms and join the conversation online, where Cupcakke continues to be a trendsetter and provocateur in the world of hip-hop.



Artist: Cupcakke

Title: Squidward's Nose

Release Date: 8-6-2024

Genre: Dirty Rap

Writers: Cupcakke, Julie Andrews

Producers: Defstarz



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17 hours ago, ImpossiblePrincess said:

New York Pride

It is pride month, New York Pride are looking for 5 performers to have a 15 minute slot each at their festival, the first 5 artists to claim this slot get to post an article for their pride performance, Sunday June 9th, this is a good promotion for your artist before the charts!

Confirmed artists:


Ariana Grande

Dua Lipa

Book 1 slot for Lena Katina and Azealia Banks

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2 hours ago, doraemon said:

Book 1 slot for Lena Katina and Azealia Banks

Done! :D 


Welcome to GagaDaily, it looks like things just got messgendary.
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Lena Katina Promotes New Single 'Red Strings' on The Graham Norton Show

Graham Norton: "Lena, welcome to the show! We're thrilled to have you here. Your new single, 'Red Strings,' is getting a lot of buzz. Tell us about it."

Lena Katina: "Thank you, Graham! 'Red Strings' is inspired by the East Asian legend of the red thread of fate, which suggests that we're all connected by an invisible red string to those we're destined to meet. The song is about those deep, meaningful connections that shape our lives."

Graham Norton: "It sounds fascinating. Now, let's dive into some fun topics. You're in the UK, so we have to ask: what are some of your favorite UK things?"

Lena Katina: "I absolutely love the UK! The music scene here is incredible, and I've always been a huge fan of British bands like The Beatles and Queen. I also adore British fashion—there's such a unique style here. And, of course, I have to mention afternoon tea. There's nothing quite like it."

Graham Norton: "Speaking of British culture, have you watched The Crown on Netflix? Any favorite moments?"

Lena Katina: "Yes, I love The Crown! It's so well done. One of my favorite moments is when Claire Foy, as Queen Elizabeth, confronts Prince Philip about his behavior. The tension and emotion in that scene are just incredible. I also loved the portrayal of Princess Diana—Emma Corrin did an amazing job."

Graham Norton: "It's a brilliant show, indeed. Now, your fans are curious—are you planning a world tour anytime soon?"

Lena Katina: "Yes, I am! We're in the early stages of planning a tour that will take me to various countries. I'm really excited to get back on the road and connect with my fans around the world. There's nothing like performing live and feeling that energy from the audience."

Graham Norton: "That's fantastic news! Now, let's take a trip down memory lane. Can you share an adventure you had with Julia Volkova inside Harrods during your t.A.T.u. days?"

Lena Katina: "Oh, that was such a fun time! Julia and I were in London for a promo tour, and we decided to explore Harrods. We ended up getting a bit lost in the store because it's so massive! We wandered through the food halls, tried on some extravagant outfits, and even got recognized by a few fans, which was exciting. It was one of those spontaneous, memorable days."

Graham Norton: "Sounds like a blast! Speaking of t.A.T.u., fans are always wondering—will the group ever come back together for a reunion?"

Lena Katina: "I get that question a lot! Julia and I are still good friends, and we occasionally talk about the possibility. Never say never, but for now, we're both focused on our solo careers. If the timing and circumstances are right, who knows? It could happen."

Graham Norton: "We'd love to see that! Lena, it's been an absolute pleasure having you here. Best of luck with 'Red Strings' and your upcoming tour. We can't wait to see what you do next."

Lena Katina: "Thank you so much, Graham! It's been wonderful being here."

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Posted (edited)



After a whirlwind promotional tour in the UK for her latest single "The Boy Is Mine," global pop sensation Ariana Grande has returned to the United States. Grande's UK visit was marked by various media appearances, including the BBC and Graham Norton. "The Boy Is Mine" has resonated deeply with audiences, marked as a response of sorts to the media's scrutiny on her relationship with Ethan Slater. Amidst her busy schedule, Grande took a moment to connect with her Australian fans by calling into the popular Kyle and Jackie O Show on KIIS 1065.

Kyle: Alright, everyone, we have a very special guest joining us on the line all the way from the US. The one and only, Ariana Grande! Hey Ariana, how's it going?

Ariana Grande: Hey Kyle, hey Jackie! It's going great, thanks for having me.

Jackie: It's our pleasure, Ariana. Now, let's get straight into it because we know you're busy. Your new single, "The Boy Is Mine," has been getting a lot of buzz and we absolutely love it and can't stop playing it. How do you feel about the response to it?

Ariana Grande: It's been amazing so far. I'm so relieved, releasing the first like piece of the bigger project is hard to do because its the first impression and I've been waiting for over 3 years to come back to music and releasing actual albums because of that pressure. But I was definitely so ready and am so glad you all love it!

Kyle: Can you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind it?

Ariana Grande: Absolutely! "The Boy Is Mine" is really about challenging the narratives that the media or society try to force upon you. It's about breaking free from the boxes they try to put you in and reclaiming your own identity. I think a lot of people can relate to that struggle of wanting to be seen for who you truly are, not just the role others assign to you. But with this song *laughs* because I know that sounds silly, I'm actually making a mockery or a light of that role that I'm expected to take part in by making into a really fun song that is hopefully really successful

Kyle: Absolutely, it's such an empowering track. Now, we've heard whispers about a potential tour, and your Aussie fans are buzzing with excitement. Can we expect to see you down under anytime soon?

Ariana Grande: Oh, I would love that! It's been way too long since I've been to Australia. I miss the energy and the fans there so much. I'm definitely looking into it and hoping to make it happen soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

Jackie: We'll keep everything crossed for that, Ariana. Now, speaking of Australia, it's been seven years since you were last here. Do you have any fond memories from your previous visits?

Ariana Grande: Oh, absolutely! Australia holds a special place in my heart. The fans are incredible, the scenery is breathtaking, and the food is amazing. I can't wait to come back and make some new memories, the Dangerous Woman tour in Australia was so much fun and you all really took care of me.

Kyle: We can't wait to have you back! Now, Ariana, there have been these mysterious billboards popping up around the world with "AG" and "Eternal Sunshine" on them, you have to tell us that's the title of THE album right? The one that fans cannot miss an opportunity to ask for?

Ariana Grande: *laughs* You know, I love to keep things mysterious these days and thats why we surprise dropped the single this time. All I can say is, stay tuned but there are bigger, fuller things coming.

Jackie: Ooh, we love a good mystery! Now, before we let you go, Ariana, we have to ask: do you have a favorite Australian city?

Ariana Grande: That's a tough one! I love them all for different reasons, but if I had to choose, I'd say Sydney. There's just something magical about it.

Kyle: Sydney's a fantastic choice! Thank you so much for chatting with us today, Ariana. We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.

Ariana Grande: Thank you, Kyle and Jackie! It's been a blast. Take care, everyone!

Jackie: You too, Ariana. Until next time!

Edited by TEANUS
British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Last night, fans of the Graham Norton Show were treated to a star-studded episode featuring none other than the iconic Ariana Grande. Filmed earlier in the week during her promotional tour in the UK, Grande's appearance on the show was nothing short of spectacular. The episode kicked off with Norton's trademark wit and charm as he welcomed Grande to the stage with enthusiastic applause. Sporting a sleek and chic ensemble, Grande dazzled in a form-fitting black turtleneck paired with edgy black leather pants. Her signature high ponytail cascaded down her back, adding an extra touch of glamour to her already flawless look.

Graham Norton: Ariana! Are-we.......awwwna. *laughs* I love your name, sorry I think I'm a little tipsy oops

Ariana Grande: Great start Graham *laughs*

Graham Norton: Yes Graham now stop messing around and get to it I know you're a busy woman! *laughs* but while we're on the subject of liquid courage, when you do have time to unwind, what's your go-to drink of choice?

Ariana Grande: Oh, you know, Graham, I like to keep it classy. I'm a big fan of a good old-fashioned cocktail, like a Cosmopolitan. 

Norton's quick wit kept the conversation flowing smoothly, and soon the topic turned to Grande's latest single, "The Boy Is Mine." Norton couldn't resist poking fun at the song's title, jokingly asking Grande if Monica and Brandy had given her their blessing to release a song with a similar name to their iconic hit.

Graham Norton: Now, Ariana, we have to address the elephant in the room. "The Boy Is Mine" is causing quite the stir and everyone loves it, including me. Did Monica and Brandy give you their blessing to borrow their song title?

Ariana Grande: (laughs) You know, Graham, I haven't gotten any angry phone calls yet, so I think we're in the clear. But no, in all seriousness, I had my people contact each of their people and put them in contact with me and we got on a....a three way call and I of course told them and how much I loved them as a kid and sent them the song and they loved it, so it was a really fun call! But yes, I did get their blessing!

The real highlight of the evening came when Grande took to the stage to deliver a show-stopping performance. Joined by two talented dancers, Grande kicked off her performance lying on her back, surrounded by a mesmerizing display of lights as she sang the song's alluring first verse. As the camera panned overhead, the trio launched into a dynamic routine, rolling from side to side until the song's chorus. They all made it to their feet and performed some light choreography until the song's bridge when the dancer's left the stage. Grande's vocals soared through the studio, filling the air with her trademark powerhouse vocals. The performance culminated in a breathtaking finale, with Grande belting out the final chorus with new ad-libs and runs, showing off her iconic vocal chops. 

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Ariana Grande is back in the US to continue the promotion of her newest single, "The Boy Is Mine" after a quick blitz in the UK. Kicking things off in the US, she made a splash on The Elvis Duran Show on Z100, bringing her signature blend of charisma and talent to the airwaves. The pop sensation sat down for a lively and lighthearted interview, dishing on everything from her latest single to her upcoming performance on Saturday Night Live. The conversation kicked off with Grande discussing her new single, "The Boy Is Mine," which has been making waves since its release. In a playful twist, Grande revealed that the song is a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the media's tendency to cast her in the role of a homewrecker, read excerpts from the interview below.

Elvis Duran: Ariana, "The Boy Is Mine" is such a catchy tune! Can you give us a little insight into the inspiration behind it?

Ariana Grande: Thanks, Elvis! Well, "The Boy Is Mine" is all about flipping the script and poking fun at the roles that the media likes to assign to me. It's about reclaiming my narrative and not taking myself too seriously. You can say this about me, but I'm gonna take it back into my own hands and take back the narrative and put into a catchy song that people love so that it disenfranchises it I guess you could say. Plus, it's just a fun song and a "bad b*tch anthem" which I know my fans love and.....I do too *laughs*

Elvis Duran: So I'm so honored to be your first stop back here in the States and I know you're doing SNL this weekend right? Are you excited? Nervous? I mean you've done it before, so probably not too nervous.

Ariana Grande: I'm always nervous! Especially with something as prolific and iconic as SNL, you don't wanna go on their bad side or on the bad side of history as far as performances go and I always want to deliver the best I can. They've always treated me so well on the set so I just hope I can give them a good show as they have for us forever!

Elvis Duran: We're so excited to see you back on that stage! Can you give us any hints about what you have in store for us?

Ariana Grande: (laughs) You'll just have to tune in and see, but I'll use one word.......meow!

Elvis Duran: Is that a word? Not what I expected *laughs*

Ariana Grande: It's gonna have to do! But I can promise you it's going to be a night to remember. I'm so grateful for the opportunity just to be back there after all these times. Thank god they're not tired of me yet, you too. How are you still interested in anything I have to say? *laughs*

Elvis Duran: We could talk about anything anytime, girl. Well after all these years you're practically an honorary New Yorker at this point! Is there anything about the city that still surprises you?

Ariana Grande: Oh, definitely! New York has a way of keeping you on your toes, whether it's a good surprise or not so good *laughs*

Elvis Duran: There are some not so good things, yes, like trying to get around. I guess you have entourage now, but did you ever have to hail a taxi?

Ariana Grande: Believe it or not, I've never actually hailed a taxi here *laughs*

Elvis Duran: You have no idea how lucky you are!

Elvis and Ariana discussed many other things, from her love for the food carts around the city to her worst NYC traffic story. Grande's appearance on The Elvis Duran Show was a delightful mix of humor, insight, and mystery, leaving fans eagerly anticipating her next move. With her infectious energy and undeniable talent, Grande continues to captivate audiences around the world, solidifying her status as one of music's brightest stars.

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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I'm posting my pride article early because I'm super busy tomorrow 🙃 




Pop Sensation Jiaffei Stuns at New York Pride: A Performance to Remember


In a dazzling display of resilience and dedication, pop sensation Jiaffei delivered an unforgettable performance at New York Pride, debuting her highly anticipated new single, "Crossing Borders." The event, held at the heart of the city, was electrified by her powerful presence and the vibrant energy of the crowd.


Jiaffei, known for her dynamic stage presence and powerful vocals, was one of the headliners of the event, which celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. The crowd eagerly awaited her performance, and she did not disappoint. Dressed in a shimmering, rainbow-hued ensemble, Jiaffei took to the stage with her trademark charisma, launching into her set with a series of her greatest hits before transitioning to her new single.


"Crossing Borders," a song that speaks to themes of unity, acceptance, and the breaking down of barriers, was met with enthusiastic cheers and applause. The song's poignant lyrics and infectious melody had the crowd dancing and singing along. However, the performance took an unexpected turn when Jiaffei, in the midst of an energetic dance routine, missed a step and tumbled down a flight of stairs on the stage.


Gasps rippled through the audience as Jiaffei fell, but the pop star's determination shone through immediately. Despite the visible pain and the obvious severity of her injury—later confirmed to be a broken leg—she continued to sing, her voice unwavering. Her dancers quickly rallied around her, helping her back to her feet, but Jiaffei insisted on finishing the song, embodying the very spirit of perseverance and strength that "Crossing Borders" encapsulates.


Her courageous act did not go unnoticed. The audience, initially shocked, erupted into cheers and applause, louder and more supportive than before. Social media quickly lit up with messages of admiration and support for the singer, praising her for her professionalism and dedication to her fans. "Jiaffei is the definition of a true artist," one fan tweeted. "She literally gave her all for us tonight."


Jiaffei was immediately taken to a nearby hospital following her performance, where it was confirmed that she had indeed broken her leg. Despite the injury, Jiaffei remained in high spirits, posting a message to her fans on social media from her hospital bed: "Nothing can stop us from celebrating love and unity! Thank you, New York Pride, for an unforgettable night. I'll be back stronger than ever."


Her performance at New York Pride will undoubtedly be remembered as a highlight of the event and a testament to her unwavering spirit and dedication to her craft. "Crossing Borders" is already being hailed as an anthem for the LGBTQ+ community, resonating deeply with its message of overcoming obstacles and embracing diversity.


As Jiaffei recovers, her fans are rallying around her, eager to support her through her healing process and anticipating her return to the stage. Her courageous performance at New York Pride has solidified her status not just as a pop icon, but as an inspirational figure who embodies resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

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11 minutes ago, CupcakkesWig said:

I'm posting my pride article early because I'm super busy tomorrow 🙃 




Pop Sensation Jiaffei Stuns at New York Pride: A Performance to Remember


In a dazzling display of resilience and dedication, pop sensation Jiaffei delivered an unforgettable performance at New York Pride, debuting her highly anticipated new single, "Crossing Borders." The event, held at the heart of the city, was electrified by her powerful presence and the vibrant energy of the crowd.


Jiaffei, known for her dynamic stage presence and powerful vocals, was one of the headliners of the event, which celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. The crowd eagerly awaited her performance, and she did not disappoint. Dressed in a shimmering, rainbow-hued ensemble, Jiaffei took to the stage with her trademark charisma, launching into her set with a series of her greatest hits before transitioning to her new single.


"Crossing Borders," a song that speaks to themes of unity, acceptance, and the breaking down of barriers, was met with enthusiastic cheers and applause. The song's poignant lyrics and infectious melody had the crowd dancing and singing along. However, the performance took an unexpected turn when Jiaffei, in the midst of an energetic dance routine, missed a step and tumbled down a flight of stairs on the stage.


Gasps rippled through the audience as Jiaffei fell, but the pop star's determination shone through immediately. Despite the visible pain and the obvious severity of her injury—later confirmed to be a broken leg—she continued to sing, her voice unwavering. Her dancers quickly rallied around her, helping her back to her feet, but Jiaffei insisted on finishing the song, embodying the very spirit of perseverance and strength that "Crossing Borders" encapsulates.


Her courageous act did not go unnoticed. The audience, initially shocked, erupted into cheers and applause, louder and more supportive than before. Social media quickly lit up with messages of admiration and support for the singer, praising her for her professionalism and dedication to her fans. "Jiaffei is the definition of a true artist," one fan tweeted. "She literally gave her all for us tonight."


Jiaffei was immediately taken to a nearby hospital following her performance, where it was confirmed that she had indeed broken her leg. Despite the injury, Jiaffei remained in high spirits, posting a message to her fans on social media from her hospital bed: "Nothing can stop us from celebrating love and unity! Thank you, New York Pride, for an unforgettable night. I'll be back stronger than ever."


Her performance at New York Pride will undoubtedly be remembered as a highlight of the event and a testament to her unwavering spirit and dedication to her craft. "Crossing Borders" is already being hailed as an anthem for the LGBTQ+ community, resonating deeply with its message of overcoming obstacles and embracing diversity.


As Jiaffei recovers, her fans are rallying around her, eager to support her through her healing process and anticipating her return to the stage. Her courageous performance at New York Pride has solidified her status not just as a pop icon, but as an inspirational figure who embodies resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

I am actually cackling stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Welcome to GagaDaily, it looks like things just got messgendary.
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4 minutes ago, ImpossiblePrincess said:

I am actually cackling stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I pride myself on being this games wildcard, I haven't even begun 💀

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On 6/3/2024 at 4:07 PM, ImpossiblePrincess said:

PROMO OPPORTUNITIES - WEEK 1 03/06/24-09/06/24

Prices depend on the amount of exposure your artists will get from the promo.


other TV promotion is allowed and is free, however these are the biggest exposure for your artists, some shows air weekdays, some weekends, you can book as many of your artists on these shows that have more than one guest, however each artist can only appear on a show once a week, example, an artist can't appear on Jimmy Kimmel more than once a week.

To complete the promotion, you have to write (or use AI) to write an article that explains what happened on your artist's appearance on the show.

Make sure to specify what days you are booking, you can claim a promo slot by replying to this post


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The Tonight Show - $75,000 (per slot)
(2 guests per show, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Monday 3rd June - Dua Lipa @Auralegends
Thursday 6th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy
Friday 7th June - Luna Luna @homomo

Friday 7th June - @CupcakkesWig

Jimmy Kimmel - $50,000 (per slot)
(2 guests per show, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Wednesday 5th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy
Friday 7th June - Dua Lipa @Auralegends

Watch What Happens, Andy Cohen - $25,000 (per slot)
(3 guests per show, Sunday-Thursday, no performance, interview only)
Thursday 6th June - Luna Luna @homomo

Friday 7th June - @doraemon

Saturday Night Live - $100,000 - BOOKED
(1 guest, Saturday, 2 performances)
Saturday 8th June - Ariana Grande @TEANUS

Good Morning America - $50,000 (per slot)
(2 guests per show, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Tuesday 4th June - Luna Luna @homomo
Thursday 6th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy

Thursday 6th June - Dua Lipa @Auralegends

The View - $25,000 (per slot)
(2 guests per show, Monday-Friday, no performance, interview only)
Monday 3rd June - Luna Luna @homomo

Star Académie - Canada - $25,000 (per slot) - BOOKED
(1 guest per show, Saturday, 1 performance)
Saturday 8th June - Dua Lipa @Auralegends


  Reveal hidden contents

The Jonathan Ross TV Show - UK - $50,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Saturday, 1 performance and interview)

The Graham Norton Show - UK - $50,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Friday 7th June - @doraemon

Friday 7th June - Ariana Grande @TEANUS

The X-Factor UK - $75,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Sunday, 1 performance)

Good Morning Britain - UK - $35,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Wednesday 5th June - @CupcakkesWig
Thursday 6th June - Ariana Grande @TEANUS

Le Grand Journal - France - $35,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Friday 7th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy

On N'est pas Couché - France - $20,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Saturday, 1 performance and interview)

Wetten, Dass..? - Germany - $25,000 (per slot) - BOOKED
(1 guest, Saturday - 1 performance)
Saturday 8th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy

Quelli Che il Calcio - Spain - $15,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Sunday, 1 performance and interview)



  Reveal hidden contents

Australian Idol - $25,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Sunday, 1 performance)

Sunrise - Australia - $25,000 (per slot)
(2 guests, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)

Wednesday 5th June - @doraemon


  Reveal hidden contents

Sukkiri!! - Japan - $25,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Monday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)

Wednesday 5th June - @doraemon

SMAPxSMAP - Japan - $25,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Monday, 2 performances and interview)


  Reveal hidden contents

The Howard Stern Show - $20,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Thursday-Friday, 1 performance and interview)
Thursday 6th June - Fiona Apple @bees and honeyy

BBC One - UK - $15,000 (per slot)
(1 guest, Monday-Friday, interview only, no performance)
Tuesday 4th June - Dua Lipa @Auralegends
Wednesday 5th June - Ariana Grande @TEANUS
Thursday 6th June - CupcakKe - @CupcakkesWig

Other radio station promotional appearances are free and for you to choose! 

I will let all of you know the amount of money your record label has :D 

@bees and honeyy @Maria Brink @Grim @homomo @doraemon @TEANUS @Auralegends @gagzus @CupcakkesWig

I know this is late but can Ari get Watch What Happens Live on Sunday, June 9 :hor:

She has a special announcement to make!

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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27 minutes ago, TEANUS said:

I know this is late but can Ari get Watch What Happens Live on Sunday, June 9 :hor:

She has a special announcement to make!

of course! :D 

Welcome to GagaDaily, it looks like things just got messgendary.
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Ariana Grande, the pop sensation known for her powerhouse vocals and trend-setting style, recently made a striking appearance on American Top 40 with Ryan Seacrest. The songstress turned heads as she stepped into the studio adorned in a black catwoman-inspired leather bodysuit, complete with sleek cat ears and an enigmatic black eye mask. Ryan Seacrest, the charismatic host, couldn't help but admire her outfit, expressing his desire to snag one just like it.

The studio buzzed with excitement as Ariana settled in for an interview, where she delved into her latest single, "The Boy Is Mine," a track that has been making waves on the charts. The conversation quickly turned to the inspiration behind the song, with Ariana hinting at the media's relentless speculation surrounding her rumored relationship with actor Ethan Slater.

Below is a transcript of the interview excerpt:

**Ryan Seacrest:** Ariana, it's always a pleasure to have you here. Can we talk about this stunning ensemble you're rocking today?

**Ariana Grande:** Thank you, Ryan! I'm feeling a bit playful today. Thought I'd channel my inner feline.

**Ryan Seacrest:** Well, you're certainly purring with style! Now, let's dive into your latest single, "The Boy Is Mine." It's been generating quite the buzz. What's the story behind it?

**Ariana Grande:** "The Boy Is Mine" is a reflection of the constant scrutiny and speculation that surrounds my personal life. It's about reclaiming my narrative and asserting my independence. Plus, it's just a fun, empowering bop.

**Ryan Seacrest:** I love that message! And can we expect a music video soon?

**Ariana Grande:** Oh, definitely. It's going to be fierce and a little catty, if you catch my drift.

**Ryan Seacrest:** Intriguing! Now, your previous singles have dominated the pop radio charts. What's your secret to such consistent success?

**Ariana Grande:** Honestly, I just pour my heart and soul into my music. I'm grateful for the support of my fans, and I always strive to push the boundaries creatively.

**Ryan Seacrest:** Well, it's certainly paying off. Switching gears a bit, I’ve always wanted to ask you about your time on The Voice and it’s been so long since I’ve talked to you. What was that experience like for you?

**Ariana Grande:** It was incredible! Working with such talented artists and being able to mentor them was truly inspiring. I learned a lot myself, and it was an honor to be part of such an iconic show.

**Ryan Seacrest:** And speaking of talented artists, you've been vocal about your admiration for Dua Lipa. What do you think of her latest single, "Falling Forever"?

**Ariana Grande:** Oh, I'm obsessed with it! Dua never fails to deliver bops after bops. "Falling Forever" is another hit in her arsenal, and I can't wait to see what she does next.

As the interview wrapped up, Ariana left a lasting impression not only with her captivating music but also with her undeniable charm and fashion-forward flair. With her latest single heating up the charts and a tantalizing music video on the horizon, it's clear that Ariana Grande continues to reign supreme in the world of pop.

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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