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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th



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Ariana Grande has covered her fourth magazine in the 'Eternal Sunshine' era as part of its promotional trek. She kicked off the series with promotion of the project's lead single, "The Boy Is Mine", by covering Elle. Next, she covered Vanity Fair and finally Vogue, the latter of which releasing last week alongside the album's surprise drop. Finally, she has now covered Attitude, which is widely known as the best-selling LGBTQ+ focused magazine, in which she discusses who she writes her music for, her love for the gay community, and of course, 'Eternal Sunshine'. 

On her love for the gay community and the overall LGBTQ+ community:

"I've felt a certain closeness and compassion for the gay community and anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ for the very larger part of my life - as long as I can remember really. My brother is a proud gay man, and I'm the proud sister of a proud gay man. I love him as much as i love the most important things in my life. I just wish we lived in a world where we didn't have a calling among some of ourselves to have to have extra compassion for groups of people. All people are truly equal and every human deserves compassion. I think having my brother has extended that lens for me, but like I said, I truly feel like I've always wanted to treat people with extra compassion and understanding when and where it's needed."

Who she feels she makes music for - and who she wrote 'Eternal Sunshine' for:

"I think more than ever, I really did write for myself with 'Eternal Sunshine'. I needed to write this to release a lot of built up internal tension and cognitive dissonance - internal dissonance in myself caused my trauma and these prolonged negative feelings and holding onto these negative experiences. But....part of me thinks that that's unfair to say. Maybe it would be better to say that this music ended up serving the most purpose in my life emotionally and in terms of growth more than anything I've ever made. Because I really do want to make music for everyone. I try to make music for everyone. I think I do try to keep that in mind - writing about my own experiences but writing for everyone. I want you to be able to find yourself and your own thoughts in the lyrics."

On what she wants 'Eternal Sunshine' to accomplish:

"Just love. I hope that love comes out of it. Of course I hope that people love the music in itself - basically. But also I hope that it inspires people to love, whether they've been needing to be loved, needing to remember how to love, or needing to love themselves again. I struggle with all of that every day. But with 'Eternal Sunshine' I really wanted to say this is what I deserve and this is who I am and what I feel I'm worth. I'm not worth the words you say or what you think of me. I'm worth the experiences in my life and the relationships that I've made and how much love I've been able to share on the planet."


British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Ariana Grande has brought her promotional tour for 'Eternal Sunshine', her seventh studio album, to mainland Europe! After kicking off the era in the United Kingdom and returning last week for appearances at Glastonbury and X Factor UK, appearances in the United States, Canada, and Japan, she has taken to France to deliver content for and to visit her French fans. Her major promotional appearance in France was on Le Grand Journal - where its Monday episode was focused on her and all things 'Eternal Sunshine', including a performance of "Yes, And?".

**Christophe Tison**: Bonjour Ariana, bienvenue au Grand Journal!

**Ariana Grande**: Bonjour Christophe, merci beaucoup!

**Christophe Tison**: Ariana, it's wonderful to have you here. Tell me, what are some of your favorite things about France?

**Ariana Grande**: Oh, there are so many things I love about France, but if I had to pick one, it's definitely the kindness of the people here. Every time I visit, I feel so welcomed and appreciated by my French fans. Paris was the first stop on the Dangerous Woman Tour back in 2017 after what happened in Manchester.

**Christophe Tison**: I imagine it was indeed a significant moment following the tragic events in Manchester. How did that experience shape your relationship with your French fans?

**Ariana Grande**: It was a very emotional time for me and for everyone involved. It definitely changed and strengthened my relationship with my French fans forever. The love and support I received from my fans in France, and really from fans all over the world, it meant everything to me. Paris was incredibly special because it was a symbol of resilience and unity after such a difficult period.

**Christophe Tison**: Speaking of resilience, I think everyone is ecstatic to have you back on the radios after all these years, and your music career is showing resilience. Your new album, 'Eternal Sunshine', was highly anticipated and debuted at number one on global charts around the globe. Can you tell us a bit about it and how you feel now that it's number one?

**Ariana Grande**: Absolutely! 'Eternal Sunshine' is a very personal album for me. It explores themes of love, loss, and growth. I've poured my heart and soul into this project so it finally being out and people loving it so much is everything to me and it just helps me continue to heal.

**Christophe Tison**: Well we would love to welcome you back onto the stage here in France? Will we have the pleasure of seeing you on tour again soon?

**Ariana Grande**: (laughs) Most likely! Touring is something I really enjoy, and of course, France will be on the list of places I'll visit. I have such fond memories of performing here. I'll probably tour for 'Eternal Sunshine' - but I have no idea what that would look like yet. 'Eternal Sunshine' us such a personal album to be so I would love to continue to build upon those emotions in person with my fans.

**Christophe Tison**: Speaking of emotions, there are quite some emotional, almost heartbreaking, songs on the album. I'm mainly thinking "I Wish I Hated You" - do you think you would perform that song? Are there any others in particular that you think could be challenging or prolific to perform?

**Ariana Grande**: Definitely. "I Wish I Hated You" is a song that's particularly meaningful to me. It's about the complexity of emotions in a relationship, mainly towards the end of that relationship, and performing it every night would definitely be an emotional journey for me. I don't know that I would be able to do it honestly. I wouldn't want to get so morbidly sad every night, yanno?

**Christophe Tison**: And finally, the music video for "Yes, And?" has been praised for its energetic and dance-heavy production. How was that experience for you?

**Ariana Grande**: It was incredible. I've never felt so free on set before. The dancing, the energy, it was all so exhilarating. I really wanted the video to reflect the joy and creativity behind the song, and I think we achieved that.

**Christophe Tison**: Merci beaucoup, Ariana, for sharing your thoughts with us today. We look forward to seeing you on tour potentially. And when we come back, you're going to perform for us right?

**Ariana Grande**: Yes if you'd have me!

**Christophe Tison**: I think it would be more than a pleasure for all of us. Ladies and gentlemen, when we come back a performance from the incredible Ariana Grande.

When the program returned, the camera was already focused closely in on Ariana's face. Almost immediately, the instrumental introduction of "Yes, And?" began. When the vocal harmonies began in the song's intro, she camera began to back away, revealing dancers lined up behind her in two lines, seemingly ready to tear into a choreographed routine. When the song's house-pop beat dropped, the dancers began to sashay away from Ari with sass and poignancy, mimicking the empowering energy of the track. During the song's first verse, Ariana delivered the vocals of the song at a mic stand while the dancers performed its choreography.

During the song's first chorus, Ariana ripped the mic from its stand and joined in with the dancers to perform its choreography from its music video. When the song's second verse arrived, the dancers all got onto all fours and Ari laid on her side across them as she continued the performance. When the pre-chorus ushered in once more, the dancers safely put her onto the ground just before the second chorus. For the song's spoken word bridge, the dancers lifted her into the air, where she performed the song's final chorus. Just before the final moments of the track, she and the dancers mimed the starting and finishing poses from "Yes, And?"'s music video. 

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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7 hours ago, ImpossiblePrincess said:

Canada is the other drag race option on the promo list, would u like me to book that for u? :D 


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Ariana Grande is taking Europe into the palms of her hands with the 'Eternal Sunshine' era! Having kicked off the era by debuting its lead single, "The Boy Is Mine", in the United Kingdom, she flew back last week to perform at the 2024 Glastonbury Festival alongside the likes of artists like Dua Lipa. While there, she also appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show and performed on UK's The X Factor. Now, she has taken promotional efforts to the continental mainland - starting with France. Following an appearance on Le Grand Journal, where she sat down for an interview with Christophe Tison and performed 'Eternal Sunshine's second single, "Yes, And?", she made her way to NRJ Radio's studios in Paris today to discuss the album and its newest single and further plans for her European visit!

**Manu Levy**: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest in the studio with us today here at NRJ Paris. We are thrilled to have with us here, the one and only, Ariana Grande. Bonjour Ariana!

**Ariana Grande**: Bonjour Manu! How are you?

**Manu Levy**: I'm amazing, even better now that you're here in the studio! It's fantastic to have you here in Paris. 2019 was the last time you here right?

**Ariana Grande**: Uhhhhh...yes - wow that's crazy, five years. It was the Sweetener Tour. I had such a good time, I always have a blast here in Paris.

**Manu Levy**: I know you've talked very recently on Le Grand Journal about your love for Paris and how it was the first city of the Dangerous Woman Tour 2017 that followed the senseless, tragic events in Manchester. Do you think that's why you have such a special connection to Paris and France in general?

**Ariana Grande**: Yeah I would say it's definitely a big part of it. I love the whole country, Lyon, the countryside, but after that, Paris especially holds a special place in my heart. It was indeed the first stop after what happened then and the support and bravery you all showed me here gave me the courage to continue. Your warmth and love mean everything to me. Part of me expected everyone to stay home.

**Manu Levy**: Paris will always show up for you Ariana! Now, on a lighter, fresher note - your new album 'Eternal Sunshine' has been eagerly awaited. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind it?

**Ariana Grande**: 'Eternal Sunshine' is very personal to me. It delves into themes of scrutiny, heartbreak, and perseverance. I would say those are the main key themes. All of those together - and also how to overcome trauma, which, I feel like a broken record, but it's such a windy road and it has ups and downs and I don't think we are ever done healing. 'Eternal Sunshine' is about that, taking what's already happened and accepting it as part of your story, but overcoming it and basking in the sun that follows the storm.

**Manu Levy**: I think is a great album to bask in the sun to, as well *laughs*

**Ariana Grande**: Well that too - in the literal sense. *laughs* But yeah, I did want it to feel light and airy because there's already so much heaviness in the lyrics and how I felt when I made it, but it's designed to feel lighter.

**Manu Levy**: Talking about the storm and the theme of scrutiny, is that relating to the media storm, if you will, that surrounded you last summer?

**Ariana Grande**: That's where the scrutiny aspect comes in, most definitely I've experienced more reporting on my personal life than a lot of people I think. I think there are others who have gotten it much worse than me....Britney, Mariah, Whitney, Michael, Elvis, because I don't think I can ever be what they were. But I do think that, with this album, it's more in a place of bewilderment with how they can focus on, what I would think, should be so trivial to them compared to what's really going on. I'm not so much angry, but more making fun of it or questioning why? I wanted to approach everything with honesty and depth, but I didn't want to do it on every song because I didn't want to really focus on it too much. But on like....."Yes, And?", "The Boy Is Mine", and some others, I think those best show that lighter side of the response. I mean in "Yes, And?" I literally ask "why" *laughs*

**Manu Levy**: Very true! *laughs* Now......Many of your French fans are excited that you're here. What else do you have planned for your time here in France?

**Ariana Grande**: This is actually my last stop.....Unfortunately, my visit this time is too short. We're doing the whole European tour for 'Eternal Sunshine' this week. But I came to you all first!

**Manu Levy**: Ahhhhh well very well, we do appreciate you making us your first stop! So where else are your promotional activities taking you?

**Ariana Grande**: So we're going to Germany tonight for....a day and a half *laughs* and then we'll do literally less than a day in Italy. But I promise to come back soon and spend more time with my French fans!

**Manu Levy**: Do you think that next stop will be for a concert tour rather than a promotional tour? We would love to see you on the big stage again!

**Ariana Grande**: Everyone is asking about it so we're definitely looking into it more now than ever - but like I said on Le Grand Journal, I still don't really know thematically what a tour for 'Eternal Sunshine' would look like yet. I have a few ideas and images in my brain, because they're really always there, but I would want to have a more clear vision before agreeing to it. But I do love getting closer to all of my fans and getting them all into that arena and giving them an amazing show, so....I think we'll probably do something. But wait for me to say more first! *laughs*

**Manu Levy**: Merci beaucoup, Ariana, for joining us today. We can't wait to hear more from 'Eternal Sunshine' and hopefully see you back in France very soon!

**Ariana Grande**: Merci à vous, Manu. À bientôt, Paris!

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Wednesday 03/07/2024: Dua Lipa releases Zoetrope variants of "Radical Optimism", up for pre-order starting from today.

Album release on Monday July 8th




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Ariana Grande has been feeding her fans this summer following the launch of her latest studio album, ‘Eternal Sunshine’. After dropping its number one lead single, “The Boy Is Mine”, she released the album last week by surprise and began a massive promotional trek in support. Appearances so far have included Good Morning America, UK’s The X Factor, a performance at the 2024 Glastonbury Festival, and so much more. It doesn’t seem Ari plans on slowing the content train down anytime soon - as she just kicked off a series of live performance videos with a recording of a studio performance of “The Boy Is Mine”.

The video kicks off showing a dimly orange lit set with the titles “Eternal Sunshine Live Series” and “Part 1 - The Boy Is Mine” across the screen. The introduction of “The Boy Is Mine” begins immediately and Ariana walks out from beyond the camera’s view into center stage. She begins singing the song’s sultry first verse, “how can it be? You and me. Might be meant to be, can’t unsee it”, as she stands at a mic stand.

During the song’s first chorus, two dancers make their way into the shot and begin performing the song’s slick choreography. For the second verse, Ari took the mic off of the stand and the stand was removed from the stage area. The camera followed her around the room for a minute, taking all kinds of different angles throughout the verse and second chorus.

During the song’s bridge, she lied down on the floor as the camera got up close for a personal shot. She delivered an iconic powerhouse vocal not present in the album version of the track - proving once again that her live performances are often as good, if not better, than the original song. For the final chorus, she joined in with the dancers for a lighter version of the song’s choreography before the video ends, displaying a message, “To be continued…”, promising more performance videos to be uploaded.

Edited by TEANUS
British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Ariana Grande has taken to Europe as the latest stop for promotion of her seventh studio album, ‘Eternal Sunshine’. The album was released last week by surprise, with Ari previously refusing to share any details about the album past its title and its number one lead single, “The Boy Is Mine”. Since dropping the album, she has appeared on Good Morning America, The Jonathan Ross Show, the 2024 Glastonbury Festival, the BBC, and so much more. Now, she continues European promotion of the album and its latest single, “Yes, And?” with a 30 minute TV special on one of Germany’s top television stations: RTL. The special, titled “A Day With Ariana”, includes behind the scenes footage from the “Yes, And?” music video and an interview with Ari about her new music.

The special opens with a scene showing Ari on the set of the “Yes, And?” music video, released earlier this week. The screen shows the program’s title as Christian Breslauer, the video’s director, yells the words, “…and, action!”. Ari and the dancers begin performing one of the video’s intricate dance scenes, showing them executing the choreography flawlessly. A voice-over starts with Ari saying, “This video was the most liberated I’ve ever felt on the set of a music video”.

The special cuts to an interview with the singer, where she is asked about returning to music, which she says is “surreal. It’s been nearly four years, so, I really wanted to refine what I wanted to say because I knew there would be expectations”. She discusses how she feels it’s important to “keep growing” and that she waited to write an album until she felt she had actually grown since the making of her 2020 album, ‘Positions’. Cue more behind the scenes footage as she answers the interview questions.

The behind the scenes looks show Ariana looking over previously captured footage and giving her seal of approval, saying “oh my god I love it so much. Like seriously”. Back in the interview, Ari shares the inspiration behind the title ‘Eternal Sunshine’. She reveals, “the Jim Carrey movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is obviously a big factor. You know the coordinates in the ‘Yes, And?’ video are actually a place in Montauk, New York where the movie takes place. But it’s moreso a reference than a reflection of the direct theme - it certainly is an aspect of the music and one of the concepts that inspired it, but the album is really about allowing yourself to stand in the sun after trauma and hard times.”

As the behind the scenes footage continues, it shows Ariana on the set, exhausted, as she explains, “‘Yes, And?’ is about saying….this is where I’m at despite where you think I am in life. And anyways, why is my life at the forefront of your focus?”, referring to media scrutiny around her personal life. In the footage, Ari can be seen rehearsing the bridge segment of the music video, during which she practices blocking the movements of interacting with the critic characters. A comedic scene shows her dropping one of the props in the middle of shooting a scene as the music rolls.

Back in the interview portion of the special, Ariana discusses her love for Europe, describing it as “many worlds - there’s so much to explore and there’s so much diversity in the ways that people coexist and interact with one another. All of it is beautiful in its own way”. She expands on her love for Germany specifically and how she feels “a certain extra strength” when she’s there and among her Deutsch fans. The behind the scenes footage cuts to showing Ari telling the camera, “the fact that this is ‘work’ for me - I’m eternally blessed. We’re not working, we’re having fun”. 

Before the special concludes, the behind the scenes footage shows the final moments of the video shoot. Ariana thanks the crew, the dancers, the actors, and her team for their support on the video shoot, saying “this wouldn’t be possible without each and everyone of you and your energy. Thank you for staying positive.” They share a massive group hug and applaud one another for their work on the set. Finally, in the interview, Ariana shared what is next for her in her career: “more, more, and more ‘Eternal Sunshine’. We have so much planned for this era and I can’t wait to share it and experience it with you all!”.

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Ariana Grande has made Germany the latest stop on the European promotional tour for her latest album, ‘Eternal Sunshine’, and its second single, “Yes, And?”. Following a second promotional run in the United Kingdom that included appearances on The X Factor and The Jonathan Ross Show, she visited France, where she appeared on Le Grand Journal and NRJ Radio. Now, she has taken to Deutschland! Alongside the airing of a docuspecial on RTL Television, she sat down for an interview on heute-show with Oliver Welke, known for its lighthearted, often satirical, comedic tone. 

**Oliver Welke**: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to heute-show. Today we have a very special guest with us, the incredible Ariana Grande! Welcome back to Germany, Ariana!

**Ariana Grande**: Thank you, Oliver! It's so nice to be here. Germany has such a magical energy, it feels really great to be back after five years. The last time was 2019 on the Sweetener Tour. Did you go?

**Oliver Welke**: Uhhhhhh yeah you didn’t see me?

**Ariana Grande**: *laughs* I didn’t! But you could have had your people call my people. You know *laughs*

**Oliver Welke**: Okay, okay, you got me. *laughs* But yes, five years is a long time - five years too long. We’re so glad you’re back! Now I know you’ve been doing a lot of interviews and stuff for your new album ‘Eternal Sunshine’, I hope you're not tired of answering the same questions over and over again?

**Ariana Grande**: (laughs) You get used to it, but I'm curious to see what you have planned!

**Oliver Welke**: Well, I thought we'd do things a bit differently. I tried to ask you some some questions that others…..probably wouldn’t, okay?

**Ariana Grande**: Oh god I’m scared, but now I’m too curious to say no *laughs* So go ahead

**Oliver Welke**: Okay, okay. So I listened to ‘Eternal Sunshine’ and I loved it!

**Ariana Grande**: Thank you Oliver!

**Oliver Welke**: I wanted to ask - German folk music, Volksmusik, you should really look into doing that! I think you have a great voice for it *laughs*

**Ariana Grande**: *laughs* Oh, that would be interesting! I guess I made a big mistake on missing incorporating that genre into the album. I better add that under my belt, or my careers been for nothing. My next album is Volksmusik. "Eternal Volksmusik" is the title. Pre-order now!

**Oliver Welke**: *laughs* Fantastic! I think it will be a hit! Let's talk about your new album "Eternal Sunshine". I'm sure Germany will love it, even though it’s not Volksmusik

**Ariana Grande**: *laughs* Well thank you, I sure hope so! But you know, there are definitely a lot of European influences on the album overall. For example, the track "Forget About Me" has some UK garage influences, and "Conspiracy" is heavily influenced by house music. I also love Eurodance music. “Yes, And?” is definitely very Eurodance and I wanted to incorporate the sounds of 1990s clubs.

**Oliver Welke**: Very interesting! But no inspirations from Germany huh? How much do you really love us Ariana?

**Ariana Grande**: *laughs* I love you I love you, swear! Hey, I’m making my whole next album as German folk music, so isn’t that enough Oliver?

**Oliver Welke**: Okay true, fair enough *laughs* Now I'd like to play a little game, if you do love me enough. "This or That". I'll name two German things, and you choose one. Ready?

**Ariana Grande**: Sure, let's do it!

**Oliver Welke**: Beer or bratwurst?

**Ariana Grande**: (laughs) Tough one, but I'll go with bratwurst! I really can’t do heavy beers

**Oliver Welke**: Oktoberfest or Carnival?

**Ariana Grande**: Oktoberfest!

**Oliver Welke**: Berlin or Munich?

**Ariana Grande**: Berlin, definitely.

**Oliver Welke**: Autobahn or Black Forest?

**Ariana Grande**: Autobahn!

**Oliver Welke**: Well done, you did great! Thank you so much, Ariana, for this entertaining conversation. Best of luck with your new album!

**Ariana Grande**: Thank you, Oliver, it was a pleasure!

**Oliver Welke**: And please don’t wait five years to come back and see us next time!

**Ariana Grande**: I definitely won’t! I promise!

**Oliver Welke**: And to all of you out there, until next time! Goodbye!

**Ariana Grande**: Goodbye!


Edited by TEANUS
British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Wednesday 03/07/2024 - Yaylor Swift on the Cover of Vanity Fair





**Vanity Fair: Thank you for sitting down with us today, Taylor. Let's dive right in. Your latest single and album are both called "Would've, Could've, Should've." That's quite a provocative title. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind it?**

**Taylor Swift:** Thanks for having me! The phrase "Would've, Could've, Should've" is something that has always resonated with me. It's about those moments of reflection, the choices we make, and the ones we didn't. This album explores a lot of those themes—regret, nostalgia, growth, and the idea of what might have been.

**Vanity Fair: That sounds deeply personal. Can you share a bit about your creative process for this album?**

**Taylor Swift:** Absolutely. This album was a bit of a departure for me in terms of how I approached songwriting. I spent a lot of time journaling and reflecting on my past—digging into old memories and thinking about how they’ve shaped me. Musically, I wanted to blend different styles and sounds that I've experimented with over the years, but also bring in some fresh elements that reflect where I am now as an artist.

**Vanity Fair: Speaking of blending styles, your music has evolved so much over the years. How would you describe the sound of "Would've, Could've, Should've"?**

**Taylor Swift:** It's a mix of everything I've done, really. There are some elements of pop, of course, but also folk, rock, and even a bit of synth-pop. I wanted each song to stand out on its own while still feeling cohesive as an album. It's reflective and introspective, but also has moments of empowerment and hope.

**Vanity Fair: Your lyrics are often very narrative and detailed. Can you tell us about a specific song on the album that you're particularly proud of?**

**Taylor Swift:** One of my favorites is a track called "You're On Your Own, Kid." It's about independence, growth, and self-reliance. It tells the story of someone navigating life's challenges and realizing that, ultimately, they must rely on themselves. Writing it was incredibly cathartic for me, and I hope it resonates with listeners who might be dealing with similar feelings.

**Vanity Fair: That's beautiful. You've mentioned surprises for this era. Can you give us a hint of what fans can expect?**

**Taylor Swift:** I can't give away too much, but let's just say I've been working on some special collaborations that I'm really excited about. Also, there are some unique visual elements that will accompany this album—think immersive experiences. I'm also planning a few surprise performances, which will be announced spontaneously. It's going to be a very interactive era.

**Vanity Fair: That sounds exciting! You've always had a knack for connecting with your fans in unique ways. How do you keep that connection strong?**

**Taylor Swift:** My fans mean everything to me, and I always want them to feel like they're on this journey with me. Social media has been a huge part of that, but I also try to engage with them through surprise releases, personal notes, and special events. It's about creating a community where everyone feels included and valued.

**Vanity Fair: Finally, what do you hope people take away from "Would've, Could've, Should've"?**

**Taylor Swift:** I hope it encourages people to reflect on their own lives and choices, but also to find peace and acceptance in where they are now. Life is full of "would've, could've, should've" moments, but each one shapes who we become. It's about learning, growing, and embracing the journey.

**Vanity Fair: Thank you so much for sharing with us, Taylor. We can't wait to hear the album and see what surprises you have in store!**

**Taylor Swift:** Thank you! I'm so excited for everyone to experience it.

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Thursday 04/07/2024


Dua Lipa releases new artwork for her latest single "These Walls"


In addition, an extended version of the song is released on streaming and Youtube


Vinyls with the new artwork containing both the standard and extended version of the song are released today (04/07). 

People who buy this version get a 10% discount on the pre-order of "Radical Optimism". This promotion runs until Sunday 07/07/2024.

As a reminder: Radical Optimism will be released on Monday 08/07/2024


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**Lena Katina Opens Up on The Zach Sang Show: New Singles, Upcoming Album, and Life After t.A.T.u.**

Lena Katina, the renowned former member of the iconic duo t.A.T.u., recently sat down with Zach Sang for an in-depth interview on The Zach Sang Show. Katina discussed her new singles "Red Strings" and "Crush," her highly anticipated upcoming album "Mood Swings," and her journey from her t.A.T.u. days to her current solo career. She also shared personal insights about her life in Moscow and Los Angeles, her relationship with former bandmate Julia Volkova, and why she gave Hollywood another chance.

**New Singles: 'Red Strings' and 'Crush'**

Katina's latest singles, "Red Strings" and "Crush," mark a new chapter in her musical career. She delved into the inspiration behind these tracks and what they represent for her.

**Lena Katina:** "Red Strings is a very personal song for me. It speaks to the invisible connections we share with people who have a significant impact on our lives. Crush, on the other hand, is more about the excitement and thrill of infatuation. Both songs showcase different sides of my personality and my musical style."

**Upcoming Album: 'Mood Swings'**

Katina's upcoming album, "Mood Swings," is set to explore a wide range of emotions and experiences. She explained the concept behind the album and what fans can expect.

**Lena Katina:** "Mood Swings is a journey through various emotional states. There are upbeat dance tracks as well as more introspective ballads. I wanted the album to reflect the complexity of human emotions and experiences. It's been a therapeutic process for me, and I hope it resonates with listeners."

**Career Evolution: From t.A.T.u. to Solo Artist**

Reflecting on her transition from t.A.T.u. to a solo artist, Katina spoke about the differences in her career now compared to her past.

**Lena Katina:** "The t.A.T.u. days were incredible and a huge part of my life. However, as a solo artist, I have more creative freedom to explore different styles and express myself authentically. It's been a challenging yet rewarding journey, and I'm grateful for the experiences that have shaped me."

**Relationship with Julia Volkova**

Katina addressed her current relationship with Julia Volkova, her former bandmate in t.A.T.u.

**Lena Katina:** "Julia and I have a complicated history, but we share a deep bond from our time in t.A.T.u. We don't see each other often, but there's mutual respect and appreciation for what we achieved together."

**Avoiding Political Discussions**

When asked why she prefers not to discuss politics, Katina explained her stance.

**Lena Katina:** "Politics is a very divisive topic, and I prefer to focus on bringing people together through music. My goal is to create a space where everyone feels included and connected, regardless of their political views."

**Past Solo Albums**

Katina took a moment to break down her previous solo albums and how they have influenced her current work.

**Lena Katina:** "My English debut album 'This is Who I Am' was about finding my own voice after t.A.T.u. 'Mono' and 'Mannequin' allowed me to explore different sounds and themes in my native language. Each album represents a different phase in my life and has contributed to my growth as an artist."

**Life Between Moscow and Los Angeles**

Katina shared her experience of splitting her time between Moscow and Los Angeles and how it influences her music.

**Lena Katina:** "Living in both Moscow and Los Angeles gives me a unique perspective and influences my music in different ways. Moscow is home, with its rich culture and history, while Los Angeles offers a vibrant and diverse artistic community. It's the best of both worlds."

**A Second Chance in Hollywood**

Explaining why she decided to give Hollywood another chance, Katina revealed her motivations and aspirations.

**Lena Katina:** "Hollywood can be a tough place, but it also offers incredible opportunities for growth and creativity. I wanted to challenge myself and see what I could achieve. This time around, I'm more experienced and prepared to navigate the industry."


Lena Katina's interview on The Zach Sang Show provided a comprehensive look at her evolution as an artist and her exciting plans for the future. With her new singles "Red Strings" and "Crush," and the upcoming album "Mood Swings," Katina continues to captivate audiences with her authentic and heartfelt music. As she navigates her career between Moscow and Los Angeles, her journey from t.A.T.u. to a successful solo artist serves as an inspiring testament to her resilience and talent. Fans eagerly await the release of "Mood Swings" and the next chapter in Katina's remarkable musical journey.

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### Azealia Banks Promotes *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* on *Watch What Happens Live!* with Andy Cohen

Azealia Banks recently appeared on Bravo’s *Watch What Happens Live!* with Andy Cohen to promote her highly anticipated album, *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*. During the lively and engaging interview, Banks discussed her latest musical project, shared some of her pop culture favorites, and revealed her love for *The Real Housewives* franchise and *RuPaul’s Drag Race*. Cohen, a self-proclaimed fan of her track "Count Contessa," ensured the conversation was both entertaining and insightful.

#### Discussing *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*

The interview kicked off with Cohen expressing his excitement for Banks' new album.

“Azealia, it’s great to have you here! I’ve been loving ‘Count Contessa’ for years. Tell us about *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*,” Cohen began.

“Thanks, Andy! I’m thrilled to be here,” Banks replied. “*Fantasea II* is a continuation of my journey, blending different genres and exploring new sounds. It’s a personal and experimental album, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.”

#### Andy Cohen’s Love for "Count Contessa"

Cohen couldn’t hide his enthusiasm for Banks' music, particularly her re-released single "Count Contessa."

“I have to say, ‘Count Contessa’ is one of my favorites. What inspired you to re-release it?” Cohen asked.

“‘Count Contessa’ has always been special to me and my fans,” Banks explained. “I wanted to give it a fresh spotlight and introduce it to new listeners as we gear up for the album release. It’s a track that embodies the spirit of the new album.”

#### Pop Culture Favorites: *RuPaul’s Drag Race* and *Real Housewives*

The conversation then shifted to some of Banks' favorite pop culture moments. Cohen, knowing Banks’ love for *RuPaul’s Drag Race* and *The Real Housewives*, couldn’t resist asking her about them.

“Let’s talk *RuPaul’s Drag Race*. Who are your favorite contestants and Snatch Game characters?” Cohen inquired.

“Oh, that’s a tough one!” Banks exclaimed. “I love Shea Couleé, Sasha Velour, and Bob the Drag Queen. As for Snatch Game, Jinkx Monsoon’s Little Edie and BenDeLaCreme’s Maggie Smith are iconic!”

#### Top 10 *Real Housewives* Moments

Next, Cohen grilled Banks on her top 10 *Real Housewives* moments.

“Now, as a *Real Housewives* superfan, what are your top 10 moments from the franchise?” Cohen asked, leaning in with anticipation.

Banks laughed, “Okay, this is going to be fun! In no particular order:
1. Teresa Giudice flipping the table in New Jersey.
2. NeNe Leakes’ ‘I said what I said!’ moment in Atlanta.
3. The leg toss by Aviva Drescher in New York.
4. Lisa Rinna’s ‘Own it, baby!’ in Beverly Hills.
5. Ramona Singer’s crazy eyes in New York.
6. Kim Richards calling out Lisa Rinna in Amsterdam.
7. The ‘Bye, Wig’ party in Atlanta.
8. Erika Jayne’s ‘You don’t know what I go through every night!’ meltdown in Beverly Hills.
9. Vicki Gunvalson’s ‘Whoop it up!’ in Orange County.
10. The iconic ‘Jesus Jugs’ argument between Tamra Judge and Alexis Bellino in Orange County.”

#### Love for Chanel Ayan

Cohen then brought up Banks' admiration for Chanel Ayan, one of the standout stars of *The Real Housewives of Dubai*.

“You’ve expressed your love for Chanel Ayan. What do you adore about her?” Cohen asked.

“Chanel Ayan is fabulous! She’s glamorous, confident, and brings a unique flair to the show,” Banks gushed. “I love her style and her fearless attitude. She’s a true queen.”

#### Future Plans and More

To wrap up the interview, Cohen asked Banks about her plans post-album release.

“What’s next for you after *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* drops?” Cohen asked.

“I’m planning a tour to bring these new songs to life on stage,” Banks revealed. “There are also some exciting collaborations and creative projects in the works. I’m always looking for new ways to evolve and connect with my audience, so stay tuned!”

#### A Lively and Engaging Interview

Banks’ appearance on *Watch What Happens Live!* with Andy Cohen was a delightful mix of music, pop culture, and genuine conversation. Her insights into her new album, love for reality TV, and future plans provided fans with a deeper understanding of her artistic vision and personality.

“Azealia, it’s been a blast having you here. Best of luck with the album release!” Cohen said as the interview concluded.

“Thank you, Andy! It’s been so much fun,” Banks replied with a smile.

As *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* prepares to make its debut, fans eagerly anticipate what Azealia Banks will bring to the music world next, knowing that whatever it is, it will be nothing short of extraordinary.

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**Lena Katina Charms on SMAPxSMAP: From Culinary Delights to Musical Performances**

*Tokyo, Japan* – In an unforgettable appearance on the beloved Japanese variety show SMAPxSMAP, Lena Katina, formerly of the iconic pop duo t.A.T.u., showcased her charm, humor, and musical talents. The evening featured a delightful mix of culinary creativity, comedic moments, and stellar musical performances, leaving both the audience and hosts thoroughly entertained.

**Bistro SMAP: A Culinary Adventure**

The show kicked off with Lena participating in the popular Bistro SMAP segment, where she challenged the chefs—Takuya Kimura, Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, and Shingo Katori—to put their unique twist on two traditional dishes: Chicken Kyiv and Pierogi (known as Varenyky in Lena’s native Russia).

As the chefs presented their creations, Lena eagerly tasted each dish, expressing her delight with the Japanese phrase "Oishii desu" (It's delicious). Her enthusiastic approval prompted the show's host, Masahiro Nakai, to shout, "Oishii!" in excitement, much to the audience's amusement.

**A Comedic Twist**

In a hilarious turn of events, Shingo Katori returned to the set dressed in a high school uniform, complete with a wig, to perform a lip-sync skit to t.A.T.u.'s hit song "All The Things She Said." The sight of Katori's enthusiastic and over-the-top performance was too much for Lena, causing her to burst out laughing and nearly spit out her meal. The audience and fellow SMAP members joined in the laughter, creating a moment of pure joy and spontaneity.

**Musical Performances: 'Crush' and 'Red Strings'**

The evening continued with the S-Live segment, where Lena took to the stage to perform her latest singles. She delivered a captivating rendition of "Crush," followed by an emotional performance of "Red Strings." Her powerful vocals and stage presence reminded everyone of her undeniable talent and why she remains a beloved figure in the music industry.

**Lena Katina:** "Performing on SMAPxSMAP was an incredible experience. The energy was amazing, and I had so much fun with the Bistro SMAP segment. It’s moments like these that make connecting with fans in different parts of the world so special."


Lena Katina's appearance on SMAPxSMAP was a delightful blend of humor, culinary creativity, and musical excellence. Her interactions with the SMAP members showcased her playful side, while her performances reminded everyone of her exceptional talent. As Lena continues to promote her new singles "Crush" and "Red Strings," her ability to engage and entertain audiences worldwide remains as strong as ever. This memorable episode of SMAPxSMAP is sure to be cherished by fans for years to come.

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### Azealia Banks Promotes *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* on Capital FM UK

Azealia Banks, the trailblazing rapper and singer, recently sat down with Capital FM UK to discuss her upcoming album, *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*. In a compelling interview, Banks opened up about the inspiration behind her latest singles, her creative process, and her future plans. She also expressed her admiration for other artists and revealed her desire to collaborate with the bold and talented Cupcakke.

#### Promoting *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*

The interview began with a discussion about Banks' new album, which has been generating significant buzz.

“Welcome, Azealia! We’re so excited about your new album, *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*. What can fans expect from this project?” the host asked.

“Thank you! *Fantasea II* is a continuation of the journey I started with my first *Fantasea* mixtape,” Banks explained. “It’s a blend of different genres and stories, with a lot of personal growth reflected in the tracks. I’ve experimented with various sounds and themes, and I can’t wait for everyone to experience it.”

#### "Wings of A Butterfly" as a Trans Girl Anthem

Banks then discussed one of her latest singles, "Wings of A Butterfly," and why she described it as a trans girl anthem.

“You’ve called ‘Wings of A Butterfly’ a trans girl anthem. Can you tell us more about that?” the host inquired.

“‘Wings of A Butterfly’ is all about transformation and embracing your true self,” Banks said. “The butterfly symbolizes change and beauty, which resonates with the experiences of many in the trans community. I wanted the song to offer a message of hope and empowerment, celebrating the journey of self-discovery.”

#### The Decision to Re-Release "Count Contessa"

The conversation then shifted to Banks' decision to re-release "Count Contessa," a track that has remained a fan favorite.

“‘Count Contessa’ has been a beloved track for a long time. Why did you decide to re-release it now?” the host asked.

“‘Count Contessa’ holds a special place in my heart and has always been a favorite among my fans,” Banks explained. “Re-releasing it allows both longtime fans and new listeners to rediscover the track as we prepare for the album release. It’s a way to keep its spirit alive and introduce it to a new audience.”

#### The Creative Process Behind *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*

Banks shared insights into the creative process behind her upcoming album, highlighting the dedication and experimentation involved.

“What was the creative process like for *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*?” the host asked.

“It was an intense but rewarding journey,” Banks said. “I immersed myself in different sounds and stories, experimenting with various genres and themes. The album reflects my growth as an artist and a person, with each track contributing to a cohesive and dynamic story.”

#### Love for Other Artists and Potential Collaborations

Banks also expressed her admiration for other artists and revealed her interest in collaborating with Cupcakke.

“You’ve mentioned your love for other artists. Who inspires you, and who would you love to collaborate with?” the host asked.

“There are so many talented artists out there,” Banks said. “I have a lot of respect for Cupcakke. She’s bold, unapologetic, and incredibly talented. I think we could create something amazing together. Collaborating with artists who bring their own unique energy to the table is always exciting.”

#### Future Plans Post-Release

To wrap up the interview, Banks discussed her plans following the release of her album.

“What’s next for you after the album drops? Any tours or new projects in the works?” the host asked.

“I’m planning a tour to bring these new songs to life on stage,” Banks revealed. “There are also some exciting collaborations and creative ventures in the pipeline. I’m always looking for new ways to evolve and connect with my audience, so there’s definitely a lot to look forward to.”

#### A Glimpse into Azealia Banks' Artistic World

Azealia Banks’ interview on Capital FM UK provided fans with an in-depth look at her artistic journey and future aspirations. Her discussion about the significance of "Wings of A Butterfly," the strategic re-release of "Count Contessa," and the creative process behind her upcoming album offered a deeper understanding of her vision and creativity.

As *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* and its singles climbing up the charts, the anticipation continues to build, promising a bright and dynamic future for this groundbreaking artist.

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### Azealia Banks Lights Up *Good Morning America* with Performance and Interview

Azealia Banks, the innovative and outspoken rapper, made a memorable appearance on *Good Morning America* to promote her upcoming album, *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*. The segment featured captivating live performances of her re-released single "Count Contessa" and the empowering anthem "Wings of A Butterfly." Following her dynamic performances, Banks sat down for an in-depth interview, discussing her new music, creative process, and future plans.

#### Electrifying Performances

The show kicked off with Banks delivering a high-energy performance of "Count Contessa," a track that has been revitalized and reintroduced to her audience. The live rendition showcased Banks' vocal prowess and magnetic stage presence, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating more.

She followed with a soulful performance of "Wings of A Butterfly," a song she has described as a trans girl anthem. The emotional delivery and powerful lyrics resonated deeply, highlighting Banks' ability to blend meaningful messages with captivating music.

#### Promoting *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*

After her performances, Banks joined the hosts for a sit-down interview, where she shared insights about her upcoming album.

“Welcome, Azealia! Your performances were incredible. Tell us about your new album, *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*,” the host began.

“Thank you! *Fantasea II* is a continuation of the journey I started with my first *Fantasea* mixtape,” Banks explained. “It’s a blend of different genres and stories, reflecting my personal growth and experimentation with new sounds. I’m really excited for everyone to hear it.”

#### "Wings of A Butterfly" as a Trans Girl Anthem

The conversation turned to Banks' latest single, "Wings of A Butterfly," and its significance as a trans girl anthem.

“You’ve called ‘Wings of A Butterfly’ a trans girl anthem. Can you tell us more about that?” the host asked.

“‘Wings of A Butterfly’ is about transformation and embracing your true self,” Banks said. “The butterfly is a powerful symbol of change and beauty, which resonates with the experiences of many in the trans community. I wanted the song to offer a message of hope and empowerment, celebrating the journey of self-discovery.”

#### The Decision to Re-Release "Count Contessa"

Banks also discussed her decision to re-release "Count Contessa," a track that has remained a fan favorite for years.

“‘Count Contessa’ has been beloved for a long time. Why did you decide to re-release it now?” the host inquired.

“‘Count Contessa’ holds a special place in my heart, and I felt it deserved a fresh spotlight as we gear up for the album release,” Banks responded. “Re-releasing it allows both longtime fans and new listeners to experience the track in a new way, keeping its spirit alive.”

#### The Creative Process Behind *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*

Diving into the creation of her album, Banks shared insights into her creative process.

“What was the process like behind *Fantasea II: The Second Wave*?” the host asked.

“It was intense and rewarding,” Banks said. “I immersed myself in different sounds and stories, experimenting with various genres and themes. The album is a reflection of my growth as an artist and a person. Every track has its own unique vibe, but they all come together to tell a cohesive story.”

#### Love for Other Artists and Future Collaborations

Banks expressed her admiration for other artists and her excitement about potential collaborations.

“You’ve mentioned your love for other artists. Who inspires you, and who would you love to collaborate with?” the host asked.

“There are so many talented artists out there,” Banks said. “I have a lot of respect for artists like Cupcakke. She’s bold, unapologetic, and incredibly talented. Collaborating with her would be amazing. I’m always inspired by artists who bring their own unique energy to the table.”

#### Future Plans Post-Release

To wrap up the interview, the host asked Banks about her plans following the album release.

“What’s next for you after the album drops? Any tours or new projects in the works?” the host asked.

“I’m planning a tour to bring these new songs to life on stage,” Banks revealed. “There are also some exciting collaborations and creative ventures in the pipeline. I’m always looking for new ways to evolve and connect with my audience, so there’s definitely a lot to look forward to.”

#### A Bright Future Ahead

Azealia Banks’ appearance on *Good Morning America* provided fans with an exciting glimpse into her artistic journey and future plans. Her electrifying performances of "Count Contessa" and "Wings of A Butterfly" set the stage for a dynamic interview, where she shared her vision for *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* and beyond.

As *Fantasea II: The Second Wave* and its singles climbing up the charts, anticipation continues to build, promising a vibrant and impactful new chapter for this trailblazing artist.

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