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Great Gaga songs with underwhelming studio versions

Maxine Puth

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Swine live is one of my fav songs of hers, while Swine studio is one of my least favorites :deadbanana:. The drop is just so underwhelming in the studio version

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4 hours ago, Lucas said:

Imo it's because we fell in love with the first versions so any difference on the studio versions was a big "nope" for our brains. This and I think the live versions at Swinefest had her raw vocals full of passion while on the studio versions her vocals are very edited to the point she sounds robotic to me

I understand it has this effect at first, but I listened to the album so much that the demos seem weak to me now, they feel unfinished compared to the final versions.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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