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I Wanna Be With You should have been on ARTPOP


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I just genuinely think the vocals, lyrics and especially the music on I Wanna Be With You is way better than that of Dope. Dope is a good song as well, it’s just that I way prefer IWBWY.

Do you agree or disagree? And why?

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I think Dope is in there to fit the theme of the album and it sounds and lyrically like Gaga. I Wanna Be With U You doesn't sound like a Gaga song at all (at the time ofc, IWBUY could be an ASIB or Joanne song)

keep on looking for Psyduck
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Maxine Puth

It definitely has more replay value than Dope :enigma: But Dope serves an important message after Mary Jane Holland. I think having them both be on would’ve been the best option. 

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Maxine Puth
9 minutes ago, Psyduck said:

I think Dope is in there to fit the theme of the album and it sounds and lyrically like Gaga. I Wanna Be With U You doesn't sound like a Gaga song at all (at the time ofc, IWBUY could be an ASIB or Joanne song)

In my opinion IWBWY is BTW coded, by the end of the song it has that The Queen arena rock vibe. 

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It's a cheesy fan service song. Cute to play on tour. But "Dope" is a blistering universal ballad. A much better lyric. 

Now...."Princess Die" deserved. 

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M i K E Y

Dope was better for the album itself but to me IWBWY is the superior version 


But I adore Dope for its rawness. Her vocals. Her words. Her heart. Pure honesty here. I love the kinda off beat deep synth bass in the background. The vein of the album is still pulsing even in the piano ballad of the album. Then Gypsy following with the piano but in a happier tune. It was clearly the better choice. I wish IWBWY would be released as a B-Side.


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27 minutes ago, Maxine Puth said:

It definitely has more replay value than Dope :enigma: But Dope serves an important message after Mary Jane Holland. I think having them both be on would’ve been the best option. 

Totally, Dope fits perfectly after Mary Jane Holland and I cannot imagine it being any differently. IWBWY could be a bonus track or something and imo it is kinda better than Dope, but ARTPOP without Dope would simply not feel the same.

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I disagree. I think Dope having "worse"/rawer vocals was necessary. It becomes the most vulnerable and honest point in the record, in a way that I Wanna Be With U is a bit more processed and typical for a ballad.

Dope also fits extraordinarily well after MJH. MJH was written at the peak of her addictions, while Dope apologizes for how her addictions have affected those close to her, both songs utilizing weed as a focal point. I think having that kind of realization/"rock bottom" moment makes the album feel more cinematic, and like it has more of a story arc going on.

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48 minutes ago, Psyduck said:

I Wanna Be With U You doesn't sound like a Gaga song at all (at the time ofc, IWBUY could be an ASIB or Joanne song)

heavy disagree, gaga had done rock before joanne

mother, what must i do?
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I Wanna Be With You's lyrics are so bland and corny to me, whereas Dope has so much more depth.

Time. It will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on...
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I think Dope far surpasses I Wanna Be With You in lyrical content and quality.

I think its probably her best ballad if you only include her solo studio projects.

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11 minutes ago, Ultimecia said:

I Wanna Be With You's lyrics are so bland and corny to me, whereas Dope has so much more depth.

Absolutely ! Just relistend to it and it truly sounds like a brain-storming writing exercise you do in summer camp. Very disconnected, the words often times don't fit the tempo of the melody and so on.

Its a very nice starting point for something else (Dope) but its not finished at all.  




how to even compete with that? <3 

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i bet that’s why Brooklyn Nights and Mary Jane Holland were battling. it was probably Brooklyn Nights - I Wanna Be With You - Gypsy which is a cute little story arc. but once it became Dope, MJH made more sense. just my two cents 

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Dope is better. 

IWBWY is a cute, sappy ballad but Dope is a raw and painful song right from Gaga's heart and I ADORE her vocals in it. It's still my second favorite song tbh

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