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Jonathan Bailey serves feet in Versace on IG

Ladle Ghoulash

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Ladle Ghoulash

Daddy vibes 🥵Jonathan-Bailey-Feet-7188047.jpg

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He has delicious pits too

@COOOK get here n tag the feet people

You cant hide who you are 11:59
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he should be cast as reed richards

stream ritacadabra
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I worked with Jonathan on Leonardo in 2011 for the BBC. He played Da Vinci and I was one of the apprentices - surreal to see how his career has blown up. He was so kind and friendly on set - I’m glad he’s doing so well😊 

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It gets old seeing kink threads here every day. 

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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27 minutes ago, INNA said:

It gets old seeing kink threads here every day. 

then it's as fresh as it can get for an INNA stan :bradley:

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