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Poker Face at the Chromatica Ball was unreal


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2 hours ago, Bowman said:

The way this version has been edited sounds amazing! 

i wish tcb sounded better live, it was amazing but sounded so drowned out sometimes, especially Alice

Tbh I think Alice is bc she sings it higher where her voice doesn’t tend to project as much. I bet when the recorded version/live album (if that’s also gonna come with it) drops the audio will have been edited a bit to compensate for that. That’s not out of the norm.

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I wish she’d do it on the main stage because I couldn't see **** even tho I was front row. The red light really obscured the view and we really couldn’t see her properly. Plus how dope would have it been if she did the full choreo on the main stage instead of turning on a lazy susan 

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5 hours ago, VTV said:

that's ricky :( 


1 hour ago, Hold My Ham said:


Tbh I could've SWORN someone posted a pic of her in a motion capture type suit/room during the tour prep era. I would assume that the dancing animation on the screens was her. But I could be wrong :derpga:

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1 hour ago, SS77 said:


Tbh I could've SWORN someone posted a pic of her in a motion capture type suit/room during the tour prep era. I would assume that the dancing animation on the screens was her. But I could be wrong :derpga:

You're mistaking it with Enigma, for Chromatica Ball she posted a picture of her surrounded by cameras when shooting the interludes with Nick Knight 

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18 hours ago, Borislshere said:

She got completely ate up by her hologram tho



this was my favorite visual of the whole ass concert :saladga:

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