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Rank Gagas albums from Least to Most…

Smother Em Eh

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Smother Em Eh



6. Born This Way- Only because it’s a LONG album with many different diverse sounds 

5. Joanne- Like BTW a mix of different songs with different sounds. It goes from dance pop songs to country to ballads. 

4. Chromatica- Long like BTW but has pretty good flow. 

3. The Fame- Most of the album has a similar sound and has great flow 

2. ARTPOP- With the exception of Dope and title track it’s pretty cohesive 

1. The Fame Monster- Flows together very well even tho I would end it with SHICD 

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ARTPOP least cohesive
Born This Way
The Fame (equally cohesive to Joanne)
Joanne (equally cohesive to The Fame)
The Fame Monster most cohesive

theme / lyrical content / messaging:

ARTPOP least cohesive
The Fame (equally cohesive to Chromatica)
Chromatica (equally cohesive to The Fame)
Born This Way
The Fame Monster most cohesive

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5. Born This Way 

4. The Fame

3. Joanne

2. The Fame Monster 

1. Chromatica

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ARTPOP sounds like a playlist of random songs thrown together
You go from EDM to rap to pop to rock to rn'b to ballad, to synth pop, a mix of producers, mix of singing styles/vocals, totally different themes

1. The Fame
2. Chromatica
3. Joanne (minus Dancin In Circles that has that tropical sound, sultry vocals and sexual lyrics, it's a cohesive album)
4. Born This Way
5. The Fame Monster

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Aga Gydal

Both thematically and sonically, Joanne and Chromatica. While it’s arguable if her songs have gotten better over time, there’s no denying she’s become a better album artist. ARTPOP and The Fame Monster are her least cohesive and sound more like a collection of tracks than a story or concept. Born This Way teeters on that but it’s easy to connect all its songs to some element of the queer experience, so it’s probably third. 

1. Chromatica

2. Joanne

3. Born This Way

4. The Fame

5. The Fame Monster


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