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Mariah Carey trashed by 'All I Want for Christmas' co-writer


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Dancing Shadow

Damnnn Idk what to believe but my first thought is 

"why the heck is this even coming up?"

"I hope that you will love me in this way For who I am—not then—but for today"
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Dancing Shadow
36 minutes ago, LaLuna said:

Just because you don't know music theory doesn't mean you can't write songs and sing the hell out of them. 

absolutely, music theory is just really strong suggestions of what sounds good and it differs from culture to culture. Someone can be an artist without learning it but it helps a bunch to learn it. The fact that she has such a good song under her belt without even knowing music theory is hella impressive.

"I hope that you will love me in this way For who I am—not then—but for today"
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Not to diminish anybody’s accomplishments but I don’t think you need a music degree to write a pop song. Even someone who isn’t trained on piano could come up with a piano jingle if they played around for a little bit. 

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Some of you are defending Mariah just for the sake of it.

The topic at hand: Mariah claims she wrote the music for the song which she didn't. Walter says he did but she did the melody and lyrics. Walter is a talented composer, Mariah a talented lyricist with catchy melodies. That's the deal. 

Besides, she only started claiming this recently. She may have had a portion of the melody in her head as a child but she didn't compose any of it on her Casio. Mariah's musical knowledge is limited but that doesn't mean she's not a super-talented lyricist and vocalist. She doesn't need to exaggerate when the music was written by Walter based on her melody. She still kinda wins. So this picking sides when the beef is pretty simple is just dumb. 

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Lady Spring
4 hours ago, SharGaga said:

I'm a Mariah stan and she never ever said she came up with the song as a child. She wrote the song after Tommy Mottola her ex husband suggested she should make a Christmas album in 92/93. What kind of bs is this?

Any mariah lamb would know that she likes to joke around about her age. She refers to herself as eternally 17 or something and anything from the 90s she did "as a child". So i see where the misunderstanding is coming from 😭 

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6 hours ago, Babel said:

We shouldnt be paying attention about anything he has to say.





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First of all Mariah can play piano and has an amazing ear. She is producing her songs and she can write music. She told a lot of times that she is explaining the melodies with her vocals, also she is an AMAZING songwriter and singer. She wrote the lyrics of her songs alone for almost half of her discography. Walter needs to shut the f*ck up, because this woman made him a lot of money. Also, he took advantage of her just for money, he didn’t even help her when she needed help. 

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and shes still 1 million times more popular than he is lmao 

anyone can study music and understand music theory, to have a 5 octave range and have access to one's whistle register is more than anything that man can ever say........

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I'm a songwriter and don't know music theory, can't play instruments, I can "only" create a melody, write lyrics and sing, so I'm on her side on this one :oops:

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