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"PepsiCo" wants Lady Gaga in its commercials


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I agree that Gaga linking herself to Pepsi would be bad for her brand. It would be seen as endorsing a product that isn't good for kids, just to make herself a buck.

In the past every pop star who is anyone endorsed Pepsi and or Coke, from Michael Jackson to Britney and Kylie, but times change.

Yes, I see her endorsing more technologically innovative companies like Apple, Google (which she already has) and socially conscious companies that's more aligned to her values of technology and empowerment, rather than a Pepsi or Coke.

So, I'd rather see her do an Apple commercial which has more relevance to her brand (i.e. ARTPOP app) than soft drink.

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Only inviting further comparisons to You Know Who, but I guess that can be said about anything she does.

Didn't She Who Shall Not Be Named have her commercial pulled due to the Vatican boycotting pepsi?

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meh, I only like product placement/endorsement/marketing if it's done with an artistic motive. Like Fame, or even the Telephone video, I'm cool with. Pepsi commercials are too basic. And pop water was released by her manager so I don't really consider it to be an actual endeavor. And promoting the youthful spirit of change through strengthening as civilized individuals to impact society through advertising a sugary soda? :wtf: not quite here for this.

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Ok just because you don't like an artist/think she's untalented doesn't mean she's not popular. Denying that Minaj has made a mark on the modern pop landscape is silly.

I think Gaga should do it.

Did you not see that I put no shade there? While most people hate on Nicki on this forum, I stan for her. Always have and I always will. Check the Nicki thread(s). No need to come at me :nacho:

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Just because I hate the taste of pepsi, why doesn't she ask Coca Cola if she is allowed to appear in one of their commercials. Or better yet, in River Cola, so that the brand gets re-launched :D.

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J e s s e

If it's on the lines of those ones with the three idiotic guys who trash a guy's office, and take advantage of another one, then no. :pukey:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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I also like Coke more than Pepsi,

but doesn't mean the artist i follow religiously,

can't sign a contract with whoever they want.

This is show business after all, which brings advantage for both parties.

Also doesn't mean Gaga cannot switch team to Pepsi though she lends her song for Coke before.

She is certainly not the first person who contacted and worked with either brands.

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