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Madonna: The Confessions Tour


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Watching this masterpiece again tonight on Apple TV; not for free, I bought it. 

is this the best pop concert tour captured via proshot video ever? It still holds up. It is just so so so so good!!!

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  • jimmytimestep changed the title to Madonna: The Confessions Tour

The audio mixing is immaculate 👀 The colour grading and visual editing are just enough to keep it visually dynamic without ever getting too busy and there is plenty of more raw looking footage to give you a feel of the arena and being there.

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Seen this one live and the recording is pretty close to the live experience (except live to tell, the effect of the light reflected by the cross straight into the audience was impossible to capture I guess). The reimagined versions of her older sings blended in perfectly with the songs of the album. Staging and choreography was amazing (Erotica/You thrill me gives me goosebumps every time).

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one of the best (or even the best) live art ever.... MASTERPIECE

Ora et labora, Deus adest sine mora
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One of the best tours I've ever been to. Start to finish pretty much perfection. A phenomenal album backed up by superb versions of older tracks. The video captures it as well as any other I've seen.

Went to Cardiff, all 8 Wembley (I have spotted myself in the broadcast version) and a couple in Paris. For that month everything else was just a way to kill time between going to the shows. Wonderful times. 

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Guillaume Hamon
42 minutes ago, Blackout19 said:

The performace of Get Together :heart:

The best song of the album me thinks.

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