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Harry Styles will be submitted for Oscar consideration


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my baby <33333333

best of luck harry :**

Ora et labora, Deus adest sine mora
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I watched him in “Don’t worry darling” and I and my friend thought he did amazing! Not sure why he got hate for his acting :shrug:

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Let's face it... awards season will be more dramatic and fun the more stuff Harry gets invited to :gayhat: I can just see this whole HarLivia romance turning to a messy breakup and entertaining mess over the course of awards season. So bring the on the nominations baybee :gaycat: (regardless of whether or not he deserves to win)

My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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Are u kidding me? By no means was he bad, but he wasn't good let alone magnificent in his acting :poot:

edit: nvm this isnt for dont worry darling i didnt see my policeman to judge

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this is not surprising, studios submit almost every major name for awards, even when they know there's no chance... it's just a part of the promo

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