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Zöe Kravitz: "It's a scary time to have an opinion"


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1 hour ago, Obobo said:

Art isn’t 100% authentic anymore and you can tell artists have to filter how they view the world or they’ll get “cancelled” and starve.

Yes cancel culture is real, nobody is losing their career but the art itself is tainted by public opinion. It’s watered down, doesn’t make you think. The internet before was a wild place with endless angles of expression and opinion, a dance of ideas. Now, its putting one viewpoint on a pedestal and silencing everybody who thinks differently.

Art should reflect and be a commentary on reality. Now it’s just meaningless visuals or some blanket safe statement we already agreed on. 

Again, check the art you're consuming. There's plenty of very real and raw art out there beyond the mainstream and many of us are consuming it. It doesn't have to be full of racist and transphobic and gross jokes and statements for it to be 'real'. I have no idea what meaningless art you're talking about but I'm sure many of us are being exposed to incredibly meaningful and important art on the daily and 'cancel culture' hasn't altered that. 

1 hour ago, Obobo said:

I think this is the problem. We only like controversial art if it offends a viewpoint we disagree with but if it offends our beliefs we need to silence them.

No one said you're not allowed to offend viewpoints. But human rights, racial injustice, queerphobia, etc. aren't viewpoints. They're realities that are lived by real people who go through hell. You can make art that offends religion all you want, there is no issue with that. Religion is a viewpoint and a belief that NEEDS to criticized. And that's just one example. If people can't make these nuances then yeah ofc they're gonna water down their own art in order to avoid the issue altogether and that's on them, not on some 'cancel culture' that's ruining their artistic production. 

And add to that the fact that there will ALWAYS be oppositions to whatever you create. If something offends your beliefs, you will stand against it, that's the way things have been for ages, well before 'cancel culture' was even a coined expression. If an artist can't handle that then, again, that's their problem and if they choose to distill their art to avoid that, that's their choice. You'll still find plenty of artists who don't give a f*ck and who will do what they do regardless of the negative feedback. But you won't catch reasonable people allowing (for example) homophobic slurs in songs and just passing it as a 'different viewpoint' because that's not a viewpoint. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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still cant believe ppl defended will 


if it had been anyone else who slapped a comedian for doing their job, people wouldve lost their minds....... 


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Wolf Boy
19 hours ago, Pennywise said:

Anyone who uses the term "cancel culture" seriously and who believes that there is such a thing, is a part of the problem.  Same with the words "sjw",  "woke",  etc. They're red flags that say "this person is wolf in sheep's clothing" to me. 


None of this exists beyond the internet. Not in the way it’s presented online anyway, and those who use it in real life outside of certain circles are the ones peddling it daily online.

 People who’s entire consumption of the world revolves around what happens online are generally extremists and mentally unstable.

People in the real world outside of Twitter, who interact with a wide scope of human beings and actually have lives and their own set problems and actual lived life experience have a much healthier rounded approach to how the world works. 

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