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Mar 12, 1:00 PM PT

Shakira faces 8 years in prison due to tax fraud


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  On 7/29/2022 at 10:10 AM, Sneaky Oliver said:

Imagine a prison themed album next that would be epic :lolly:


Free Woman original LG6 teas when Gaga said the album cover would be her outside of a prison gate.

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Omar Vela

That's very latin american of her to not pay taxes. You USA citizens think only rich people avoid taxes but in latin america almost everybody does in different ways. Also in most countries like Mexico is more common for rich and upper middle class people to pay taxes, poor usually don't do it. Obviously is not legal but it happens. 

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Can they just put her ass in jail already so I don’t have to read this headline every 6 months? :laughga: 

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Mother of Puppies

I think it would be better if she had to pay double the amount of what her tax was instead of locking her up. That money could be put to good use… (and I’m talking about anyone not just rich people of course)


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  On 7/29/2022 at 7:09 PM, Mother of Puppies said:

I think it would be better if she had to pay double the amount of what her tax was instead of locking her up. That money could be put to good use…


Not sure that would be a great deterent for anyone considering the same tho

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  On 7/29/2022 at 7:09 PM, Mother of Puppies said:

I think it would be better if she had to pay double the amount of what her tax was instead of locking her up. That money could be put to good use…


so it is fair that poor person has to go to jail for doing the same and rich people can be above the law and just pay when they get caught?

"You b*tch!" ~ Rat Boy
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Dancing Shadow

i really think 8 years is too much for that

"I hope that you will love me in this way For who I am—not then—but for today"
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Mother of Puppies
  On 7/29/2022 at 7:48 PM, Economy said:

Not sure that would be a great deterent for anyone considering the same tho



  On 7/29/2022 at 7:55 PM, Teletubby said:

so it is fair that poor person has to go to jail for doing the same and rich people can be above the law and just pay when they get caught?


No, that’s not what I’m saying. (And I'm not talking about poor vs rich!) I think only „dangerous“ people should go to jail - Which is what jail was originally made for so they wouldn’t harm others)

I do think people who don’t pay their taxes should be punished- with money for instance (% according to what they have to pay back - it must be a lot so it is a lesson for them)

 Apparently money is very important to her (and anyone who is trying to not pay taxes) - so a bigger punishment for her would be to pay even more than she had to. 

There are other ways for punishment and paying a lot of money is one way and it could be of more use than putting her in jail along with murderers and sexual abusers etc.

She didn’t kill anyone. (Make her pay A LOT and community service) but that’s just my opinion. 

Oh and I’m talking about everyone of course. I also don’t think it’s funny that she might be away from her small children for 8 years. I feel sorry for her kids because they would be without their mom when growing up. For them it would be a tragedy.


There is a difference between killing someone and not paying all taxes. Both is certainly wrong but one is far worse than the other and the punishment shouldn’t be the same or anywhere close. The proportion of the whole system is so wrong.


Some people who sexually abuse children are free to go after what? 3 or 5 years? So they can harm others again? It’s just all so wrong. 

edit: I just looked it up. Apparently the punishment for sexually abusing a child is between 6 months and maximum 10 years and this woman should be treated equally to be locked up for 8 years? :bear: I'm sorry, but no. That's not right.

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Mother of Puppies
  On 7/29/2022 at 7:48 PM, Economy said:

Not sure that would be a great deterent for anyone considering the same tho


it has always been like that... if you evade taxes u can go to prison and yet it still happens? Apparently this doesn't keep people from doing it though, so it's not deterent for people?

Some don't even think they have done any wrong (as well as Shakira) Maybe she hasn't lived in Spain for more than 6 months? I'm not the one to judge, because I wasn't there so I don't know. She thinks she's innocent. Sometimes cases are more complicated from what we can see from the outside. Maybe she is guilty. We will see after the trial. I just don't think locking someone away from society, from their family etc. for 8 years is an appropriate punishment in 2022 for not paying all their taxes to the government with their mostly corrupt politians.


I just think we need to reform the whole prison system - for anyone. There are a lot of articles and research that shows that there is potential to reduce crimes. The scandinavian countries do if differently already and it's more effective apparently. (generally speaking)

But anyways... we will see what happens, but I do feel very sorry for her small children.

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  On 7/29/2022 at 10:00 AM, Bat said:

Shakira, 45, "trusts her innocence and chooses to leave the issue in the hands of the law,"


Okay no... more like she trusts her celebrity status, connections, and money to keep her from being convicted like a regular citizen :bear:

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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