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Billie Eilish talks Tourette's


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"It didn’t look like Eilish was necessarily planning on talking about Tourette’s — which she said she was diagnosed with at age 11 — but the topic came up naturally after a change in the set lighting provoked one of her tics. “If you film me for long enough, you’re going to see lots of tics,” Eilish explained. “I don’t care. It’s really weird, I haven’t talked about it at all. The most common way people react is they laugh, because they think that I’m trying to be funny. They think I’m [ticcing] as, like, a funny move… And I’m always left incredibly offended by that.”"

“What’s funny is so many people have it that you would never know. A couple artists came forward and said ‘I’ve actually always had Tourette’s.’ And I’m not gonna out them, because they don’t want to talk about it, but that was really interesting to me. I was like, ‘You do?! What?'”

“I hope to God what we’ve done didn’t exacerbate this,” Letterman said, extending his gratitude to Eilish after the unexpected subject change. “I know nothing about [Tourette’s].” Eilish responded: “I actually really love answering questions about it because it’s very, very interesting. And I am incredibly confused by it, and I don’t get it.” 

Most of Eilish’s tics, like wiggling her ear or twitching her arm muscle, are hardly detectable to anyone else but her. “These are things you would never notice if you’re just having a conversation with me, but for me, they’re very exhausting,” she explained. “It’s not like I like it, but it’s part of me. I have made friends with it. And so now, I’m pretty confident in it.”


Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Y'all should watch the show. It is on Netflix. :applause:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I watched that episode and I love how open she talked about it :diane:. I was also impressed and shocked on how they set her vocals in Happier Than Ever together :wtfga: . That seemed like a job for weeks :duck:

Ew, David!
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1 hour ago, RAMROD said:

Y'all should watch the show. It is on Netflix. :applause:

Whats the title

checkout my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5iGoXYpXnIfLHH1o7H9lxA
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3 minutes ago, VTV said:

Whats the title

My Next Guest Need No Introduction, With David Letterman :flower:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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It's important people don't use these words as an adjective (not saying Billie does she was diagnosed with it), for example if you move your leg a lot, don't say i'm having tourette, just like people do with OCD, it's just annoying as hell.

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