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Ranked The Fame Monster


Featured Posts


1. Bad Romance

2. Alejandro

3. Dance In The Dark

4. Telephone

5. Monster

6. Speechless

7. So Happy I Could Die

8. Teeth

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tyler k

1. Dance in the Dark

2. Monster

3. So Happy I Could Die

4. Bad Romance

5. Alejandro

6. Speechless

7. Teeth

8. Telephone 

mmmy name ~isn't~ aliceee
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Dancing Shadow

1. Speechless/Bad romance

2.Dance in the dark

3. Monster

4. Alejandro

5. Telephone/So happy i could die

"I hope that you will love me in this way For who I am—not then—but for today"
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1) Bad Romance

2) Dance in the Dark

3) Speechless

4) Telephone

5) Alejandro

6) Teeth

7) Monster

8) So Happy I Could Die

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2. Alejandro

3. Bad Romance

4. Monster

5. Speechless

6. So Happy

7. Telephone

8. Teeth


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Obvis it's


1. Bad Romance

2. Alejandro

3. Monster

4. Speechless

5. Dance in the Dark

6. Telephone

7. So Happy I Could Die

8. Teeth

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