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Sean Penn claims men are too feminine nowadays


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Regina George

I’m sorry but I’m actually shocked at the amount of people agreeing with this considering we’re fans of Lady Gaga. Feminine/masculine is a concept made by society and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with men being more feminine. This is a good thing IMO because toxic masculinity is what is truly our problem and by supporting this and shaming those men y’all are part of the problem! 

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1 hour ago, flyaway said:

There are a lot of, I think, cowardly genes that lead to people surrendering their jeans and putting on a skirt.


Wtf is wrong with this man or whatever the f he is. 

~I wanna go hang out with that horse later~
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Ah, famed gender studies scholar Sean Penn had spoken! Let's all gather round and revel in his wisdom!!! :green: 

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Future Lovers
1 hour ago, flyaway said:

“I don’t think that being a brute or having insensitivity or disrespect for women is anything to do with masculinity, or ever did.”


Then why did you beat Madonna with a baseball bat in the 80s Sean? 

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Queen Gloria

Well, personally I've always thought he was ugly as f*ck, so he's easily cancelable, imo. 

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35 minutes ago, Karlillosz said:

I am Gay

ive been wanting to paint my nails or whatever "new feminine trends are in rn" but I have this homophobic inside me still 

I growup with that toxic mentality from men around me

I have to admit that I feel nauseus thinking about it 😭

Maybe I am wrong I should be able to trancend that mentality 

like u said. 

nail polish # Gay in guys

As long as you're aware of it and taking steps to fix it.

I was raised in a deeply homophobic setting and internalized a lot of it too. It takes a lot of unlearning and patience but we'll get there :kara:

If you want to paint your nails, do it. They're your nails :gayhat:


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14 minutes ago, Regina George said:

I’m sorry but I’m actually shocked at the amount of people agreeing with this considering we’re fans of Lady Gaga. Feminine/masculine is a concept made by society and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with men being more feminine. This is a good thing IMO because toxic masculinity is what is truly our problem and by supporting this and shaming those men y’all are part of the problem! 

I'm not surprised at all really. Gays can be toxic :ph34r:

"Masc4Masc, NoFem, NoSpice, NoRice, NoFats" etc etc.

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33 minutes ago, Karlillosz said:


I apologize if I offended anyone; I didn't mean to. 

I suppose I'm part of the problem; I'll have to modify my mindset.

It’s ok we’re all learning! Glad you can recognize the mistakes in that kind of mindset and learn from it for the future! :kiss:

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33 minutes ago, Karlillosz said:

I feel terrible now since I didn't want to come out as nasty or ignorant. 

Although I have a messed up mentality, I appreciate the criticism from you people. 

I need to get rid of my homophobic tendencies. 

Is there a video that deals with this type of issue?

im sorry if I offend someone

At least your open to the idea of something different unlike Mr Penn.

Gender norms are a social construct that's pushed on everyone from the moment their born. Society built up these ideas of what is for men and what is for women, Nowadays people are more open minded and going against these ideas and It's great to see.

At the end of the day a skirt is just a piece of fabric, nail polish is just paint and pink is just a colour. These things aren't exclusive to a specific gender or "feminine" by default.

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10 minutes ago, RahrahWitch said:

At least your open to the idea of something different unlike Mr Penn.

Gender norms are a social construct that's pushed on everyone from the moment their born. Society built up these ideas of what is for men and what is for women, Nowadays people are more open minded and going against these ideas and It's great to see.

At the end of the day a skirt is just a piece of fabric, nail polish is just paint and pink is just a colour. These things aren't exclusive to a specific gender or "feminine" by default.

Thank you so much for making it so simple to grasp with the way you put it together.

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"cowardly genes" LMAO it just does  a lot to demostrate that these men deep down are misogynistic and think that femininity is a sign of weakness, the fact that he regard "strong women" to those who don't signify a threat to masculinity for him, ridiculous.

Mad Architect of Light
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21 minutes ago, PartySick said:

As long as you're aware of it and taking steps to fix it.

I was raised in a deeply homophobic setting and internalized a lot of it too. It takes a lot of unlearning and patience but we'll get there :kara:

If you want to paint your nails, do it. They're your nails :gayhat:


thank you really it made me cry rn as I read 

" if you want to paint your nails do it, theyre your nail"

I will do the best to be myself , what I want to wear or express in my every day life even thoug im scared

i had enought of these homophobic doctrine in my life 

Thank you !!!! Blessings

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Nobody is becoming anything. It’s just that the fear of men expressing their feminine side is slowly dwindling. 

This guy needs to do some critical thinking.

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