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Bad Romance (Vocoder Version by Dan Easton) Haunting and Gorgeous!


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Marry The Glory

Me gusta! :flutter:

OMG... I know some of you might think I'm crazy but can you imagine having something like this (minimal) on ARTPOP?! :excited2:


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Sounds a lot different than the vocoders I know of. Unless I'm confusing it with a harmonizer?

I like it! It's like he Hide and Seek'd the song.

3 points in and ready for more
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Oh my god, this is so beautiful! It sounds like a choir of a thousand angels singing in heaven :clap: Thank you so much :worship;

I think you heard it as I heard it. It really helps if you wear headphones to localize the sound and contain the richness of the echoes. I literally played this for days on repeat for a while.


I loved it...

It's great. I really hope he does more.

after you move past the first few seconds, It's amazing. It's so emotionally driven and powerful

Yes. I don't much like the beginning.

It's so fantastic.


Thanks for sharing this gem, Chica!

You're welcome Leo, glad you enjoyed it!

a HAUS member on gagadaily?

I'm still trying to figure this news out :S

help? :(

No, not really, from time to time we spotlight a release by a fan or an event or other specialty or editorial that may not be 'news' to all people, but enriches the knowledge base of the readership.

In this case, I felt Mr. Easton here had a gem on his hands that needed some recognition, and in the Gaga universe of fan sanctuaries, Gaga Daily is a nice place to have your art featured and showcased to the globe of fans who come here each day.

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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