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I can't even recall if I watched series 12 :fatcat:

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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I still need to watch the last 2 ep of series 11 and the whole 12

I lost interest tbh

idk the ep felt too long and there so many filler scenes in the episode so it was just stretchy and boring..

I could play the moderator, I can ban you, die sis.
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8 minutes ago, alsemanche said:

I can't even recall if I watched series 12 :fatcat:

Same lol :messga:

And I really do like the new Doctor and the way they've improved the production and writing but I still just forget to watch it :laughga:

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8 minutes ago, River said:

I still need to watch the last 2 ep of series 11 and the whole 12

I lost interest tbh

idk the ep felt too long and there so many filler scenes in the episode so it was just stretchy and boring..

Yeah tbh the show lost its magic. I hope they'd revive it with Chibnall and Whittaker but it was meh

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Just now, Cello said:

Same lol :messga:

And I really do like the new Doctor and the way they've improved the production and writing but I still just forget to watch it :laughga:

The stories are just not as interesting anymore :selena: I feel like they needed a hiatus after Matt Smith. Capaldi and Whittaker could have both been amazing if the episodes were actually interesting :fatcat:

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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