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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Shawn Mendes struggled with body dysmorphia after topless photoshoot


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3 minutes ago, InTheCloset said:

i feel bad for him. i have body dysmorphia among many other things. clinically diagnosed, didnt diagnose it myself. and sometimes im all ready to go out with friends but cancel because i hate my nose or my giant forehead catches my attention and most of the times my almost bald head and receding hairline at 23 stops me from having fun. i also never take pictures of myself or even selfies because i dont like the way i look.  and i keep thinking all the time about all the procedures i would get done to 'fix' myself. i just have to get rich enough to get the kardashians' surgeons on myself and then its over for all hoes

You got this Hun. We're dysmorphic together :kara:

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4 hours ago, TimisaMonster said:

I'm sorry but....did I NOT see a brand new magazine photoshoot of him yesterday....shirtless in bed? :bear:

If it's so traumatizing to him...why is he still doing it? :awkney:

He's still under contract sis. They trying to make him the main pop boy. He definitely has no control this young in his career.

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5 hours ago, Gagz4Gaga said:

A rich white guy has to whine about something, I guess. Boo hoo.

Not cool. I relate to his feelings and many on here do too. I don't know how his wealth has anything to do with body dysmorphia. 

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44 minutes ago, WheresMy911Alice said:

You got this Hun. We're dysmorphic together :kara:

do you often think about getting stuff done to fix yourself? and if you do how do you stop that

Where's the spunk, Adam?
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I bet Camilla fvcked him hard the entire week afterwards to console him. He pushed through. 

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7 hours ago, The Child said:

People are dying. No one forced him to make those photos.

Imagine if it was Gaga and she was saying all of this, would you still say 'people are dying, no one forced her to make these photos...' 

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7 hours ago, Gagz4Gaga said:

A rich white guy has to whine about something, I guess. Boo hoo.

body dysmorphia or insecurities have no gender, no financial status nor skin colour

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9 hours ago, Helxig said:

It's about time we start having serious conversations about men's body image standards and mental health 

Tbh. I struggled a lot in past too (still do a little) and somehow some ppl always automatically dismiss it as a female problem just because objectification is worse in females


Not to mention theres other types of pressure that can put pressure on u just as much...


Maybe the pressure to look cute or attractive isnt quite as bad for males as it is for females but then theres other stuff that factors into the equation like how if u arent strong and muscular ur not a true man


As someone who has the lanky genetics and i have to work out A LOT to get anywhere, its a struggle

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The Child
1 hour ago, Pharamon said:

Imagine if it was Gaga and she was saying all of this, would you still say 'people are dying, no one forced her to make these photos...' 

no because Gaga is not a hypocrite.

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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Pink Narcissus
9 hours ago, The Child said:

People are dying. No one forced him to make those photos.

Hey next time read the room 

As Long As You Pay Me…
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7 hours ago, Agunimon said:

Because people are dying does not invalidate other people's struggles, both physical or mental. There are more important issues in the world for sure, but invalidating smaller issues people face in their every day life because a mass of other people have it worse and have way more pressing issues going on is not the way to go and is incredibly dismissive. Might as well say that to all the people in therapy; not helpful to the stigma against mental health. 

Brilliant post.

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I had body dismorphia and didn't know it. 

No matter how skinny I got it wasn't enough. I always thought I was fat. Then I went to the gym with a friend and I tried to bench press just the bar with no weights and I couldn't. That's when I realized how unhealthy I was. 

So I started eating and exercising more. 

It's still a struggle for me. There are times I think I am too fat and there are times I feel fine. 

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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3 hours ago, The Child said:

I’m a man so I understand that completely. It’s just that it’s a bit hypocritical to have your body on every giant billboard (so contributing to that toxic perfect body image that pressures a lot of men to look like that) and then complain about it. 

I'm pretty sure this is the part of the problem he's talking about (?)

You feel the need to look perfect, so you take those photos, they are edited

You feel good about them

Then you feel bad about yourself

You take photos again, they are edited...

Never ending story

You can't just say "stop it if you have a problem", that's insensitive

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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3 hours ago, InTheCloset said:

do you often think about getting stuff done to fix yourself? and if you do how do you stop that

Not anymore :haroon: I was more into extreme dieting / excessive exercise type. I'm 32 now so I've just learned to love myself (still a process). Eat as healthy as you can, be active, meditate, do yoga. Being kind to yourself is the first step of loving yourself.

EDIT: I also make sure to take time for self care. Even as simple as upping your dental care game, skin care, hair, etc can make you feel good about your self. Regular grooming. Bubble baths. Candles. Incense. 

I'm also kind of a hippie tho :billie:

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Future Lovers
1 hour ago, The Child said:

no because Gaga is not a hypocrite.

First of all, she has been hypocritical about many things over the years but we can get into that another time. 

Second of all, that’s a pretty poor defense for completely invalidating someone’s struggle. The comment like yours and the other people in this thread who have waived away the experience is a big reason people don’t discuss problems like this. 

If this had been anyone else then those sort of comments wouldn’t have been made but because of who it is, we get this. 

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