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Why do people hate Free Woman and Fun Tonight?


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I feel that these are some of the least popular tracks, along with SL and 1000 Doves. But what’s wrong with them? 

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FW's production is incredibly bland and generic. Hearing the demo beforehand didn't do it any good because the demo is a house bop that could have easily been top 5 in the album, but they changed it completely and opted for... that

FT hate I will never understand, it's a good song

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Don't worry about it, there's more taste in a bag of plain rice cakes than those opinions. :fan:

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Free Woman it's ok, but I don't really like the sound of the song (I actually prefer the demo)

and Fun Tonight feels too generic, I don't find anything interesting in it. I like the lyrics tho

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free woman: robbed from the iconic demo bridge just to make it shorter, and the final instrumental is the embodiment of a 2013 royalty free edm music

fun tonight: lack of taste is a symptom of covid

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Free Woman is bland. Fun Tonight seems like a bad Katy Perry song.

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Also 1000 Doves is probably so unpopular because it sounds like it's from 2013.

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I feel like hate is a strong word tbh. I don’t see anyone STRONGLY disliking the songs that much… But I do agree that they are among the less interesting songs in the album even though I LOVE them. 

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I think people don’t like the production more than anything. They both have the simple beat drop that was popular in summer 2013 onwards, which makes people think they’re generic pop tracks. 

I mean look at the FW Demo, pretty much everyone here loves the demo, an instrumental can have a drastic effect on how generic a song can sound

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Bland is the word i’ve been looking for all this time. Canna believe it was almost the title track…

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Julien Lockhart

The demo of Free Woman (one of those demos) was way better than this generic song. I don't like free woman it's a skip for me.


And Fun Tonight is too much OMG those "anhan", everything is here to sounds like ow she's sad but she's acting like she's happy. This song is very sad with powerful lyrics but I think the production of the song is a total mess, a piano version will be better.

He ate my heart
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