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Calls for dropping Gal Gadot after program on displaced indigenous people


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6 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:


No one should be punished because of their opinion. That's fascism. 

I hate extremism. 

Human rights and genocide aren’t opinions but okay :saladga:

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A private company deciding to work with someone or not based on their public statements and values is not f*cking fascism... it’s literally freedom of speech.

They can decide whether or not they want to do what some of their viewers are asking. “Cancel culture” my ass.

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4 hours ago, alsemanche said:

Three things: 

1- This whole "it's mandatory to serve the army" is BS because if you REALLY cared about what your army stands for (aka genocide and ethnic cleansing) you would have taken an actual stance and refused to contribute to it. Ad besides, not only did she serve in the IOF, she also very clearly supported it. So stop making excuses. We literally have someone on GGD who refused to enter the IOF because they know that it's wrong. "So you wanna oppose anyone who enters the IDF?" Is that really that hard to grasp? Of course I will oppose anyone who does it, it's a no-brainer.

Most 18 year olds aren't even educated or well informed about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict when they join the army. A lot of them don't even go to combat or have killed anyone throughout their entire service. They serve the army because they must and some of them feel pride in that by defending their country. After years that the Jewish people were persecuted, expelled and killed throughout history, they finally have an army to defend themselves. Antisemitism will continue to remain for probably many more years and the Jewish people will continue to face threats so there is a sense of pride in the fact that they can now, after thousands of years of struggle, defend themselves.

Now, that does not mean IDF should not be held accountable for the crimes it does partake in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And it doesn't mean their actions shouldn't be criticized and investigated after every operation. 

But you can't have a non-political individual face the criticism of the army she non-voluntarily served in. Gal, like every Israeli, should have the right to not be defined by Israel government's actions. She is a successful actress who has worked her way up all by herself. She does not deal with politics and she is not spreading any Israeli propaganda. She works in the entertainment industry and attempting to shut her down only because of where she came from makes absolutely no sense.

4 hours ago, alsemanche said:

if you still conflate Zionism and Judaism, that's on you not on anyone else. Israel is a Jewish state, cool, but it doesn't represent all Jews and it doesn't stand as a replacement for Jewish people. Israel is a ZIONIST state, first and foremost. As far as I saw, no one who is calling out Gadot has mentioned her being a Jew, it's always those defending her who are bringing it up then calling us anti-Semitic. Opposing Zionism isn't anti-Semitic, and if you don't agree with that then that's your problem not ours. 

It's not on us. It's literally what happens. The criticism towards Israel and people straying away from seeing both of the sides has directly affected Jews all over the world.  link link link

Instead of acting responsibly, people are only fueling the fire and this is the result. There are two sides of this conflict and both should be heard.

4 hours ago, alsemanche said:

Stop throwing buzzwords like fascism and cancel culture around just to make a (n empty) point. Zionist propaganda is a very real issue (proof: it put the whole "anti-Semitic" narrative center-stage and moved the focus away from Palestinians literally being carpet bombed) and it needs to be countered. People like Gal Gadot and others are contributing to this Zionist propaganda and need to be shut down from their platforms. It's as simple as that. Cultural boycott (along with economic boycott) is an essential part of the fight. Look up BDS, read about it, follow it. And stop falling for centrist/liberal "two-sides!!!" "arguments" that ignore reality. 

There's false propaganda in both sides. The BDS movement do not recognize in the concept of a national homeland for the Jewish people. Especially when the co-founder of the BDS movement has opposed to a Jewish state, does not believe in a two-state solution and has denied the persecution of Jews in Arab countries. The BDS movement supports the delegitimization of the Jewish people's right to self-determination and their solution is for them to be again a minority under one state, which has happened throughout history and frequently ended with Jews being persecuted. 

It's important to add that Hamas which is a terrorist organization that is currently ruling over Gaza aim to establish an Islamic state instead of Israel. They are profoundly anti-semitic, act based on the Jihad and do not want the Jews in their land. 

The "two sides" argument is the reality of this conflict. As long as Israel and the Palestinian authorities won't return to the negotiation table to discuss the two-state solution, this won't be solved. 


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5 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:

Arab's don't have to serve in Israeli military. What are you even taking about?

You are canceling an Israeli Jew for serving in a mandatory army. Get a grip already.  

The fact that you need to repeatedly accuse people of cancelling her because she's a Jew (since you mentioned that many times by now) is kinda funny at this point. It doesn't matter what religion she is; it doesn't add up to her as a person. It's her action.

And yes, Arabs do serve in the army, maybe not the Arabs you know, but they're known as Druze. Look it up.

5 hours ago, Ronlop said:

Serving the army is mandatory though. Are we supposed to cancel every single person who served in the army, no matter what was their position or what they have done during their service?

Are we supposed to cancel any Israeli who has managed to get any sort of success abroad just due to the government's actions? 

Anti-zionism is not antisemitism by definition but it is often used by people to get away with their clear anti-Jewish stances. History has shown that many times. Which is why this call to "cancel" her just because she is famous and Israeli feels very similar to Jews being boycotted throughout history. 

Yes, everyone who made the choice of joining the army means that they agree of what the army's doing. Look up many videos of former soldiers confessing the horrible things they witnessed and committed during their service and now they want to clear their conscious. Does that tell you anything?

Y'all need to understand that religion is irrelevant in this conversation. Not all Jews are Israelis, not all Israelis are Jews. The problem lies within the person being a Zionist. I'll give a clearer example; the guy who owns Nas Daily, for example, isn't a Jew, but actually Palestinian-Arab citizen of Israel, but he needs to be cancelled immediately. I don't know if you're a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, or whatever, if you whitewash crimes, you should be shamed, called out and cancelled.

Luckily, most of us are educated enough to know the difference between antisemitism and anti-zioniosm. People don't know to get anywhere near antisemitism when criticizing the Israeli Zionist government's atrocities. Most Zionists don't believe in God yet they'll argue that God promised them a land :smh:

4 hours ago, KanyeWest said:

Im gonna be the biggest enemy here on this forum but Palestine is a geographic region not a nationality.

Are you simply wiping off the identity of millions of Palestinians? This is very, very offensive. Go hide yourself in shame.

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talking about antisemitism and racism, why is adl promoting kahanist photo? 




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7 minutes ago, Ronlop said:

Most 18 year olds aren't even educated or well informed about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. A lot of them don't even go to combat or have killed anyone throughout their entire service. They serve the army because they must and some of them feel pride in that by defending their country. After years that the Jewish people were persecuted, expelled and killed throughout history, they finally have an army to defend themselves. Antisemitism will continue to remain for probably many more years and the Jewish people will continue to face threats so there is a sense of pride in the fact that they can now, after thousands of years of struggle, defend themselves.

Now, that does not mean IDF should not be held accountable for the crimes it does partake in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And it doesn't mean their actions shouldn't be criticized and investigated after every operation. 

But you can't have a non-political individual face the criticism of the army she non-voluntarily served in. Gal, like every Israeli, should have the right to not be defined by Israel government's actions. She is a successful actress who has worked her way up all by herself. She does not deal with politics and she is not spreading any Israeli propaganda. She works in the entertainment industry and attempting to shut her down only because of where she came from makes absolutely no sense.

I'm sorry but did you even read many of the replies here before writing all of this? She literally SUPPORTED the IOF in particular. And it's not my fault that 18yo are not educated about things and want to feel pride by joining an army (whether voluntarily or not doesn't matter). We're not in the 90s anymore, the internet is right there. There are people who know what's up and refuse to join the army, I'm sure if they can have access to info then so can many others. No excuses. 

And Gal Gadot is very much dealing with politics and propaganda. Stop depoliticizing Israel and the support it gets. 

9 minutes ago, Ronlop said:

It's not on us. It's literally what happens. The criticism towards Israel and people straying away from seeing both of the sides has directly affected Jews all over the world.  link link link

Instead of acting responsibly, people are only fueling the fire and this is the result. There are two sides of this conflict and both should be heard.

 Okay then, like I said, talk about that anti-Semitism instead of shutting down people who are against Israel. And there are no 2 sides that are victims in colonization, the colonizer does NOT deserve to be "heard" because it's a colonizer, period.

11 minutes ago, Ronlop said:

There's false propaganda in both sides. The BDS movement do not recognize in the concept of a national homeland for the Jewish people. Especially when the co-founder of the BDS movement has opposed to a Jewish state, does not believe in a two-state solution and has denied the persecution of Jews in Arab countries. The BDS movement supports the delegitimization of the Jewish people's right to self-determination and their solution is for them to be again a minority under one state, which has happened throughout history and frequently ended with Jews being persecuted. 

It's important to add that Hamas which is a terrorist organization that is currently ruling over Gaza aim to establish an Islamic state instead of Israel. They are profoundly anti-semitic, act based on the Jihad and do not want the Jews in their land. 

The "two sides" argument is the reality of this conflict. As long as Israel and the Palestinian authorities won't return to the negotiation table to discuss the two-state solution, this won't be solved. 

Of course the BDS movement does not recognize a Zionist Jewish State, neither do I. It's literally a settlement built on genocide and ethnic cleansing, why tf would anyone who doesn't approve of that support it? A two-state "solution" is an invitation for further expansion of Israel. Look at the "ceasefire" that they broke a few hours after it was put in place. Literally yesterday or the day before they announced that they're gonna bomb new target. You really expect us to believe that this "state" wants a peaceful existence with the indigenous people of Palestine (be it Muslims, Christians, or Jews)? The BDS movement opposes ZIONISM and the STATE OF ISRAEL, not Jewish people. Stop conflating the two. 

The "two sides" of the "conflict' is far from the reality of the conflict You don't negotiate with your colonizer, your uproot your colonizer. That's that on that. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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7 minutes ago, Bambino said:

Are you simply wiping off the identity of millions of Palestinians? This is very, very offensive. Go hide yourself in shame.


very common, pls report it


another example: 



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8 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:


No one should be punished because of their opinion. That's fascism. 

I hate extremism. 

What Israel is doing to Palestine is not extremism to you? Evicting them, bombing civilians, attacking ambulances, killing children and journalists, controlling their water and food supply? Palestinians are not even allowed to drive on the same roads as Israelis.

It's only extremism when people ask for solidarity? 

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2 minutes ago, lego said:


very common, pls report it


another example: 



This is how it has been for decades, academics have been punished by western learning institutions for saying anything about Palestinians and their rights, the news does  not report things truthfully, and yet people have been brainwashed into thinking it is Israel who does not get fair representation when the mainstream narrative has always been twisted to support the Israeli state. It is only now that finally social media at least actually cares about Palestine.

Like my god, how blind can you be to material reality...

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so much words for one purpose - delegitimise Israel’s, the only expression of Jewish right of self-determination, existence. Jews aren’t allowed to express peaceful message towards their homeland. Purely antisemitism.

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8 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:

She was literally born in Israel. Imagine being cancelled because she doesn't want the country she was literally born in to just disappear. The US is a colony why doesn't it just disappear. We had the absolute worse president ever. That doesn't mean that when Trump was in office the US should have been wiped off the face of the earth.

But supporting a free Palestinian state doesn’t mean this kind of weird nuclear Holocaust, genocidal nightmarescape that you’re painting. People in the US born here still speak out against the atrocities it commits on the reg. It’s not just taking land once, for Israel’s government it is THEIR desire to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth. So no, it’s nothing like what you’re talking about. They’re committing genocide. If she can’t speak out against that then idk maybe don’t host a documentary so deeply ironic to your beliefs.

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11 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:


No one should be punished because of their opinion. That's fascism. 

I hate extremism. 

didn't know you could have opinions on genocide LMAOOOO

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11 hours ago, ThisGuyTony said:

I don’t support her beliefs but should people from the US, UK, Spain, etc not be allies for anything anymore because they are from “settler colonial states” as well? :bear:

Also every single country in South, Central, and North America, parts of Russia, parts of China, etc.

 I'm extremely critical of Israel and quite critical of Zionism. But the "settler colonial state" thing has serious issues, and people conveniently are forgetting that Jews are also indigenous to Palestine. There are 2000 year old clay tablets with the word "Judea" on them.

One can advocate for Palestinian rights and for Palestine to be free without denying that Jews are also indigenous to the region.

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12 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:


No one should be punished because of their opinion. That's fascism. 

I hate extremism. 

China needs to hear you so badly. They're the best at "punishing people/countries for opinions."

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3 hours ago, Ziggy said:

But supporting a free Palestinian state doesn’t mean this kind of weird nuclear Holocaust, genocidal nightmarescape that you’re painting. People in the US born here still speak out against the atrocities it commits on the reg. It’s not just taking land once, for Israel’s government it is THEIR desire to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth. So no, it’s nothing like what you’re talking about. They’re committing genocide. If she can’t speak out against that then idk maybe don’t host a documentary so deeply ironic to your beliefs.

She said she wants peace in a two state system. You guys are reading what the Israeli government is doing as her actions. I don't want kids in cages yet that what's going on at the border. How is that my fault if I join the army? 

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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