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Gaga impersonator visits elderly woman with dementia


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It's sweet cos she believes it's her but at the same time they basically hired a Madame Tussauds idk feels weird :neyde:

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Why does she look more like Tara Savelo than Gaga? 

Come to think of it, it’s very clever that Gaga hires makeup artists that look like her. 

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The Gaga imposter really did look like Gaga from the side profile.


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^^^ You guys are truly awful smh :fail:

The older woman will have no recollection of the meeting since she has dementia. If it was her dying wish to meet Gaga, and she was able to sing with someone who seemingly was her, can you imagine the joy that must have brought her in the moment? To be able to have a one-on-one experience with her favorite performer?

Tierney (the impersonator) also just beat breast cancer during the pandemic, and I highly doubt would do something cruel or wrong to someone else. I'm sure this was discussed at length with the family to make sure everyone felt good about the meeting, including the elderly woman. 


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f-ck dementia, don't judge people when they are in their hardest times.

This is beautiful and heartbreaking.

His fart felt like a kiss
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It's a nice gesture but as someone whose grandmother has dementia, this whole thing doesn't sit right with me. I won't go so far as to say it's cruel, but its definitely in poor taste. 

You remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love.
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Chromatica Island

This is the wholesome content I need on here

Any/All Pronouns, Genderfluid🏳‍⚧
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I kind of get the feeling that old lady wasn't buying it and once she left she was like I know that wasn't the real Lady Gaga. :triggered:

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This is no different than parents telling their children Santa is the guy at the mall  under the Christmas tree and they line up to take pictures. They want you to believe in magic and wonder and happiness and it is very harmless. Some of you all need to lighten up.

This is good and wonderful and the joy the woman got is truly well worth it. I would do this to a love one too. 

Some are just passed cause this is a missed PR for Gaga. She can't visit everyone but her magic and kindness is there. This impersonator is warm and kind and that traveled across. 

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