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The 24 Days Of Christmas At GagaDaily 2012!


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Thank you Chica :party:

10 Telephone -Samba De Comedy Tonigh :music:

The stuff Japanese monsters do!! :party::woot::music:

Thanks Chica, i really love this day.

I do too! Sorry I couldn't be the one to leak it haha! but Dima did an excellent job!
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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The stuff Japanese monsters do!! :party::woot::music:

I do too! Sorry I couldn't be the one to leak it haha! but Dima did an excellent job!

Yeah, Dima be amazing, ever amazing

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I DLed the swing collection, it was missing Just Dance, so here it is:


I wish someone would make swing versions of all her songs, from The Fame to The Fame Monster to Born This Way, that would be so awesome :D

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I love you more :P You're a lot more reliable than me lol, I just happened to DL like everything I could whenever I came across it.

@ Blinks, about the Id3 tag thing, I'm trying to learn that, another member fixed TNP Vol 2 and will be sending it to me so I can compare and contrast what I screwed up on it.

I never really paid attention to Id3 tags until a few days ago, so I realize it's time to get with the program.

I'll check get.t out and see what I can do for future uploads.


@ Blinky, the Swing Audio Gaga, I have never ever even heard of before. That would be a great gift.

and there are more Dolby 5.1's coming soon down the calendar!

Well my main issue with ID3 tags is the title, whenever you add a song with a long enough "file name" to iTunes and it doesn't have a "title" it uses the file name but cuts it off after so many letters, it can be very frustrating. Another thing is track numbers, it can be hard to sort things out without them. You can edit all this stuff in windows explorer if you just click on properties. Artists and album names can be edited in bulk so I don't worry about them as much as titles and track numbers. Usually when I download songs they don't have track numbers or titles so I have to fill them out myself. But of course this all only applies to mp3s, but m4a and wav files can't be edited in explorer. Regardless I think its amazing the way you brought together various compliations, and with how you've taken charge of the advent calendar :) The way I make sure ID3 tags work out is I upload whatever it is to iTunes, edit them there (its easier for me to edit song info in iTunes than windows explorer, plus it works on more audio file types), then right click on the whole album or whatever and click "convert ID3 tags...", then choose version 2.2 or 2.3 and click ok just to make sure the changes stick lol. The tags on TNP v2 aren't so bad, most of them are right, but I'd like to get my hands on the versions of the album with the changes to the tags, if its not too much trouble but don't worry about it.

I'm shocked! Truly, to think that you actually missed it somewhere along the way is a mystery to me lol. And OMG I can't get enough of the Dolby 5.1 audio! I love that you've gotten your hands on so many of them, I really hope to see even more than you've already posted :D You are the coolest!

You have all of those? Can you post them somewhere?

Yup I've got it all, and I can post them, though it may take a while.

Actually I was wondering if anyone had any specific requests from the list I posted, and Chica, if you want any of them for the advent calendar and you want it to be a surprise just PM me or something so I can get them to you :) Some of the stuff I even paid for which if you know me is a really big deal :P Sorry I took so long to reply, I wasn't feeling well but I should be available today, tomorrow and maybe the next day :P So if anyone wants me to upload anything let me know sometime soon.

Really hope I can contribute somehow,

Love you guys <3

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It says that the bandwidth for the acoustic collection is too big. Am I doing something wrong? :toofloppy:

Hmmm. i have like several DLs for that, I'm sorry if you've encountered problems, I'll try to get it up and running again love <3
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Wait what? Idgi :huh:

Never been here during Xmas before :flop: what is this?

Every December since 2010, this site, Gaga Daily, holds a virtual Advent calendar for all of it's members called "The 24 Days of Christmas at Gaga Daily Boards".

If you can imagine the cardboard foldout kind with chocolates you may have had as a child during December, this is the grown-up equivalent for us!

Each day, we open a new little door and get a new little gem (or in my case lately, big audio compilations)

to tide us over and keep us in anticipation of Christmas Day.

Since 2010, we have had an unofficial tradition of sorts -- a kind anonymous donor or donors have come through every year and donated a rare song or snippet or photo for the 24th day. Lately, in 2011 and now in 2012, we have become almost spoiled rotten, as not only just ONE treasure will be donated, but many and in quick succession. This is nice, but it spoils the fanbase to a large degree, because they become less grateful for what we have and always crave more. So they are less likely to appreciate one rare gem and more likely to clamor for more greedily.... BUT that's why they call us little monsters, too, we can never have enough Gaga to eat. :teehee:

I must say, the greatest gift of all was last year, when Gaga herself released a track for us on Christmas Day, called Stuck On F*cking You. It was as if she knew we wanted her music above all other gifts.

Sine when was there a Japanese iTunes EP: Jazzy Gaga?

Since, it seems, 2011:

They have Metal, Reggae, Disco and Jazzy Gaga.

You have no idea how much I want the other three oh my god

Oh JazzGa! My favorite! Thanks Chica :hug:

You are so welcome. I really love this album.
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Lady Palutena

Actually I was wondering if anyone had any specific requests from the list I posted, and Chica, if you want any of them for the advent calendar and you want it to be a surprise just PM me or something so I can get them to you :) Some of the stuff I even paid for which if you know me is a really big deal :P Sorry I took so long to reply, I wasn't feeling well but I should be available today, tomorrow and maybe the next day :P So if anyone wants me to upload anything let me know sometime soon.

Really hope I can contribute somehow,

Love you guys <3

I'd like to request "Babies Go Lady GaGa" (Does it sound any different than "Lullaby Versions of Lady GaGa"?)

Please and Thank You :)

Adoremus in caelum, Palutena. Dea luminis.
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