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Gaga & Sunglasses

Mother of Puppies

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Mother of Puppies

Hey guys,

I've been thinking about this for some time and thought it'd be cool to have a thread about it.


Gaga often wears sunglasses, even inside buildings, at nights, in a lot of interviews and also in a lot of her selfies or on pictures with other people. Actually a lot of "celebs" do that and I was wondering why that is. I think a lot of times it is to not show your eyes, because they tell the ultimate truth of how you really feel, right?

I wear sunglasses quite often too (because they are my favorite accessory) and strangely they make me feel more "protected" (and not just from the sun lol) and I feel a lot more confident. I'm not quite sure why that is, but I could imagine that celebs feel the same way. Do you feel that way?

Another reason is that when paparazzi take their pictures the flashlights can be really dazzling. And of course it is a great accessory and she probably just loves wearing them because they make you look cooler and a bit like an enigma. :selena:


A lot of times Gaga wears sunglasses in interviews too and I have read that some people consider this to be "rude". What do you think about this?


Share some of your favorite Gaga pictures where she's wearing sunglasses or your favorite sunglasses that she has worn.


My personal favorite sunglasses for myself are Wayfarers


Here's some of mine

(I still wanna buy those round Ray Ban's to complete my sunglasses collection)












She once wore some sunglasses with studs but I can't find the picture anymore


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I think she wears them because fashion

it's sort of like, my past is an unfinished painting..
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Reject False Icons

She has many many iconic sunglasses but one thing that’s still an enigma to me is how aviators look so crooked in her sometimes :enigma: and she doesn’t fix them, like it’s normal to her. But she doesn’t have asymmetrical ears 

1 hour ago, MotherOfPuppies said:







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4 hours ago, domixwodix said:

I think she wears them because fashion

Agreed. I think she just wears it as an accessory because it competes the look

Inside, we are really made the same. 🕊
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Celloo Deng


These are my faves :firega:

I think she wears them both for fashion and privacy. They really are the ultimate accessory 

i try to live in black & white but i'm so blue
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4 hours ago, Reject False Icons said:

She has many many iconic sunglasses but one thing that’s still an enigma to me is how aviators look so crooked in her sometimes :enigma: and she doesn’t fix them, like it’s normal to her. But she doesn’t have asymmetrical ears 



Joe Biden looking great

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Mother of Puppies
10 hours ago, Reject False Icons said:

She has many many iconic sunglasses but one thing that’s still an enigma to me is how aviators look so crooked in her sometimes :enigma: and she doesn’t fix them, like it’s normal to her. But she doesn’t have asymmetrical ears 




Yeah it's when the temples and the "nasal plates" are crooked... it doesn't seem to bother her. :selena:

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Back in the day it was really special if she would take her sunglasses off during an interview. She would often mentioned it while she did it.

I think it meant that she felt truly engaged, respected and connected in the conversation. Silly me lived for the moments that she did that and hoped she would do it if I got to interview her some day, but that day never came.

She is also the reason I started collecting vintage designer sunglasses. I have found a pair that is worth over a 1000 dollars for 10 bucks. I have a few pairs she has/had as well. 

My favs are the more extravagant pairs, there is one with multiple glass pieces attached, I think she had dark brown hair at the time she wore them,but I can't remember the brand. 

And these custom real gold ones she had made are so fab:


According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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Personally I think that almost all people look much sexier with sunglasses on, (looking @ u str8 boys on Tindr holding a dead fish :excuseu:) because you can't see where their eyes are looking or what expression they have. So that means your brain can just assume they look perfect and hot underneath the shades even if they're really making a weird face :lolga:

It's the same effect that makes me assume guys are all hot underneath their beard lmao

My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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Mother of Puppies
5 minutes ago, the Devil of Pop said:

Personally I think that almost all people look much sexier with sunglasses on, (looking @ u str8 boys on Tindr holding a dead fish :excuseu:) because you can't see where their eyes are looking or what expression they have. So that means your brain can just assume they look perfect and hot underneath the shades even if they're really making a weird face :lolga:

It's the same effect that makes me assume guys are all hot underneath their beard lmao


I think when people wear sunglasses and you don't see their full facial expression, it makes a person interesting and mysterious, because you are guessing how they look underneath and what emotions their eyes could have. So you're like an enigma and people think this is sexy. I even believe there was a study on that or something... I have to look for that

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My favorite Gaga sunglasses are the iconic H0LES from the ARTPOP era and the GREY ANT glasses that she used to wear all the time from The Fame to BTW Era :legend:











My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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Mother of Puppies

Ok I found this and yeah they pretty much say the same


They add an air of  mystery – The eyes are known to be the windows to the soul, so when someone covers them with dark lenses it make the wearer seem mysterious and confident.

"The eyes are such a tremendous source of information - and vulnerability - for the human being," said Vanessa Brown, a university lecturer. "Hiding them makes you more like a puzzle that needs to be solved. And for the wearer, shades make us feel somewhat invisible that we can get away with much more with them than without."

They make the wearer look edgy and glamorous – Sunglasses have long been associated with celebrities, Hollywood stars from the 1950s started wearing sunglasses to defend themselves from being recognized by the public or stalked by paparazzi, which has gone on to give sunglasses a certain 'cool factor'.


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10 hours ago, Reject False Icons said:

She has many many iconic sunglasses but one thing that’s still an enigma to me is how aviators look so crooked in her sometimes :enigma: and she doesn’t fix them, like it’s normal to her. But she doesn’t have asymmetrical ears 



Maybe her nose is asymmetrical... I have the same issue lmao

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Kind of off topic, but I used to be so obsessed with sunglasses and I would try to find dupes for all of the cool designer ones Gaga would wear on Aliexpress. I had like over 100 pairs at one point :bear: It was giving obsessed.

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