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17 minutes ago, Haroon said:

that map..."too much water" :ph34r: 

ikr but i see a lot of boats and harbors in every island maybe we'll only get to surf in the areas that have rocks blocking them

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I'm so hyped. :diane:

Finally feeling free for the night, I got no worries. Finally got a claim on my life, baby, c'est la vie. ☄️
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Lion Heart

Lilie is the secret boss- I'm calling it. 


She's working with Professor Kukui and is secretly undermining his research. My guess is that she's either part of the villain team, or ..


she's a Pokemon herself 

 I just get a vibe from her. Or maybe she isn't 'evil', but she definitely has an agenda. 


Also the boy's clothes are interesting: the shirt seems like something Team Aqua would wear, and the shorts have the Team Magma colors. It could all be a coincidence but still.. 

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Lion Heart

Someone made this: 


The snowy region imo is Victory Road. Click to enlarge. 

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Poor Solange getting a bad ability, kii. 

At least the drag queen bat make's moves that are super effective against her 2x weakness. DraGODnite her impacT. 

I really hope we don't have to surf to the other 3 ideas :giveup: Can we just be fat and lazy and just take the boat/ship? 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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13 minutes ago, Prismatic said:

I really hope we don't have to surface to the other 3 ideas :giveup: Can we just be fat and lazy and just take the boat/ship? 

Right? I'm not playing a video game to do exercise :neyde: 

stream ritacadabra
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25 minutes ago, bionic said:

Right? I'm not playing a video game to do exercise :neyde: 

It's going to waste so much time. I just can't It was alrady a pain in the ass with Hoenn. I didn't even bother battling anyone from route 132-134. 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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Lion Heart




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Lion Heart


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Pokémon Sun & Moon gameplay confirmed to be featured in this year's E3, but Zelda Wii U will still remain the main focus. 

Read more here:



I mean it's kinda obvious that they would, but like me, many people were left agitated because Nintendo wasn't very specific with their plans. :laughga: 

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Nintendo France has announced that Game Freak director Junichi Masuda will host a Master Class at Japan Expo 2016 next month.

The Masterclass will be held on Thursday 7th July, and will present a reflective look back over the Pokémon series as it continues to celebrate 20 years since it first launched in Japan.

Back at Japan Expo 2013, The Pokémon Company International shared a recorded video message in which Masuda-san revealed Honedge for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Whether we will learn anything new about Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon is unclear at this point, but it certainly seems like the perfect opportunity to reveal something new.

Japan Expo 2016 will take place at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center between 7th – 10th July 2016.



We have this and E3 for more S&M news this month and the following month. Corocoro means nothing at this point tbh :laughga: 

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Does anybody know any good DS games ? A big list would be much appreciated. I just started playing  Pokemon Platinum and White on my cp and its working very smoothly so I might as well look for more roms to play with. :) 




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The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed two new Pokémon. First up is Nekkoala, the Contagious Dream Pokémon which is Normal-type with the ability Definite Sleep while the dog is Iwanko, and is a Rock-type Pokémon. It's ability is ability is Keen Eye or Vital Spirit. It is the Deep Eye Pokémon . We'll bring more as it comes

Iwanko is soooo cute. Yasssss KING. 


I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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