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1 hour ago, Foxy said:

I think they meant to do that for the 20th anniversary :koons:

Oh I bet its gonna be like X & Y all over again. I miss speculating during the pre-release. Those fakemon artworks, fake dex listings, and Im really sorry if I had to bring Gaga up but every pre-release feels a bit like 2012/pre-ARTPOP :neyde:      Some rumors back in pre-E3 2013 that happen to float around like the fairy type did appear numerous times in the internet though. I think they started appearing during March 2013 where an insider claimed that the final evolutions of the Kalos starters are based on a knight, a mage, and a rogue, which turned out to be true.  

I hope the Angel pokemon mentioned from the recently rumored dex listings for Sun and Moon  turns out to be true. I love angels, and I've been dying for an angel pokemon since I could remember. :giveup: 

Oh I see, that makes sense then but then they'd be celebrating the 20th anniversary for like 3 years :koons: 

When it comes to speculations, especially with Pokemon, I think everything's fake because as a child I was trolled too much :noparty: Seriously some fan made Pokemon are too amazing :giveup: 

Oooh an angel Pokemon could be cool! Something more creative than the adorable Patamon though


Just now, bionic said:

So no third game for Gen 6?

This could be the joint 3rd & 4th for Gen 6, like how B2W2 were for Gen 5 :gaycat: 

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If Sun/Moon is gen 7, then it would be so awesome if we can revisit Kalos and/or Hoenn (alas Johto) to complete Zygrade story and introduce Volcanion and get to do Battle Frontier (Hoenn obvs >>>>, sorry Sinnoh). But that's impossible knowing GF.

My somehwat ocd might kick in if we don't get a game or part of the game to complete Zygrade story lol.

And I really think BW/BW2 game/anime (anything related to it) is my least favorite Pokemon era ever. I honestly forget that it exist 99% of the time. 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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I would die if you could travel to Kalos in Gen 7 to make it an extended third entry

stream ritacadabra
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1 minute ago, bionic said:

I would die if you could travel to Kalos in Gen 7 to make it an extended third entry

That will make it the best poster game since Hoenn tbh. There is so muxh explaining for Kalos. 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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12 minutes ago, Prismatic said:

Btw, remember to stream the future theme song of Pokemon S&M


LOOOOOOOOL, omg didn't even realise :air: 

1 minute ago, bionic said:

I would die if you could travel to Kalos in Gen 7 to make it an extended third entry

Knowing GameFreak it'd just be a boat ride to an empty island with Volcanion waiting for you :koons: 

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36 minutes ago, Prismatic said:

That will make it the best poster game since Hoenn tbh. There is so muxh explaining for Kalos. 

I hate Hoenn :laughga: 

stream ritacadabra
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Lion Heart
11 hours ago, Foxy said:





A European Trademark site has added new listings today for two new possible game titles, complete with logos. These logos are Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. It is not currently known if these are to be the games revealed in tomorrow's Pokémon Direct or if this is just a placeholder. We'll bring more news as it comes.Please note, this is currently unconfirmed. (c) Serebii

You want more receipts ? try searching the titles here: https://oami.europa.eu/eSearch/#basic

I dont know about you guys but I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING. Im not sure if its a Kalos sequel or a gen 7 game but whatever it is, I am so amped up. Tho Im trying my best not to get too excited on this since its unconfirmed. Maybe its real, maybe it really is just a placeholder with a very well edited logo. Try taking this news a grain of salt guys we have exactly 24 hours until we can get something from the direct. Remember, X&Y was trademarked months after it was announced and it came with a logo. But still.. grain of salt, people.  

OMG YAAAAS pls :giveup: 

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Lion Heart

Rumored Megas list




I bolded the ones that seem most likely. Bellosom (Sun exclusive) Vileplume (Moon exclusive)? 

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Lion Heart

The tease :giveup: 


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Lion Heart

:udidnt: The foreshadowing


Moon / Sun 

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