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Rank 'Joanne'


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1.  Dancin in Circles

2. Diamond Heart

3. Million Reasons

4. Joanne

5. Sinner's Prayer

6. Angel Down

7. Hey Girl

8. Just Another Day

9. A-YO

10. John Wayne

11. Perfect Illusion

12. Grigio Girls

13. Come to Mama

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PxA limited

It's so difficult tho. I only really like like 2 songs and really hate Come To Mama and Hey Girl, but everything in between is just no opinion.

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1. Perfect Illusion (I want a RockGa album so bad)
2. Diamond Heart
3. John Wayne
4. Dancin' In Circles
5. Sinner's Prayer
6. A-YO
7. Grigio Girls
8. Million Reasons
9. Joanne
10. Come To Mama 
11. Angel Down
12. Hey Girl
13. Just Another Day

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1. Sinner's Prayer

2. Just Another Day

3. Million Reasons

4. Diamond Heart

5. John Wayne

6. Dancin In Circles

7. Joanne

8. Perfect Illusion

9. Hey Girl

10. Come To Mama

11. Angel Down

12. A-YO

13. Grigio Girls

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1. Perfect Illusion

2. Sinners Prayer

3. Come To Mama

4. Hey Girl

5. Million Reasons

6. A-YO

7. Diamond Heart

8. Joanne

9. Angel Down

10. John Wayne

11. Dancin In Circles

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10 hours ago, MoonIight said:

Nearly 5 years after its release, have any of the songs aged or got better for you?

1. Dancin' in Circles
2. John Wayne
3. Perfect Illusion
4. A-YO
5. Sinner's Prayer
6. Diamond Heart
7. Come to Mama
8. Angel Down
9. Just Another Day
10. Grigio Girls
11. Million Reasons
12. Joanne
13. Hey Girl

Wow, this album aged so poorly for me :toofunny: I will probably still listen to DIC, Just Another Day, and the piano version of Joanne, but that's it.

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1. Come to Mama

4. Just Another Day

3. Perfect Illusion

4. Million Reasons

5. Grigio Girls

6. Sinner's Prayer

7. Joanne

8. Hey Girl

9. A-YO

10. Angle Down

11. Diamond Heart

12. John Wayne

13. Dancin' In Circles

The way people here doing Come To Mama dirty :air:

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1. Million Reasons
2. A-YO
3. Sinner's Prayer
4. Hey Girl
5. John Wayne
6. Grigio Girls
7. Diamond Heart
8. Dancin' in Circles
9. Perfect Illusion
10. Angel Down
11. Just Another Day
12. Joanne
13. Come to Mama
joanne million reasons GIF by Lady Gaga

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1. Diamond Heart
2. Perfect Illusion
. John Wayne
4. Million Reasons
5. Joanne
6. Sinner's Prayer
7. Dancin' in Circles
8. Angel Down
9. Hey Girl
10. Just Another Day
11. Grigio Girls
12. A-YO
13. Come to Mama

almost a tie with ayo or come to mama as the worst song but we have a winner I guess :billie:

the scars on my mind are on replay.
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1. Dancin In Circles

2. Angel Down

3. Grigio Girls

4. Just Another Day

5. Come To Mama

6. Sinner's Prayer

7. Joanne

8. Diamond Heart

9.  A- Yo

10. John Wayne

11. Perfect Illusion

12, Million Reasons

13. Hey Girl

I don't know
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Bops :firega:

1. Just Another Day

2. Perfect Illusion

3. Sinners Prayer

4. Million Reasons

5. A-Yo

6. Dancin In Circles

Cool songs :music:

7. Joanne

8. Come To Mama

9. Diamond Heart

OK Songs :)

10. Hey Girl

11. Grigio Girls

Not my jam :shrug:

12. Angel Down

13. John Wayne



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