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Gaga praises Lindsay Lohan's performance in "Liz and Dick"


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From what I've heard, it really seemed like a failure on everyone's part- cast and crew. But it's a Lifetime movie so I don't know what everybody was expecting :laughga: It really is getting roasted across the board, though. It was nice of Gaga to be supportive- she knows how it feels to have your work lambasted.

It sucks for Lindsay that she keeps landing these crappy roles in crappy movies. She's not going to be able to move beyond the past couple years if she doesn't take jobs that help her reputation and resume.

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Well alright, but the people in the comments are most likely on the dug up lawn in front of their trailer home fapping in joy over the fact they finally went outside for the first time this year and saw that they still had their Christmas decorations up and don't have to do anything but go back inside and insult more talented people about not being talented when they can't even bother to get their asses off the bandwagon, shove their shriveled up brains back in their oversized heads and actually learn a thing or two about Gaga and pop music before pretending they deserve the right to a superiority complex because they love rock music and are all pissy about it having died out years ago and needlessly attack anybody that does music now just because they aren't a skeleton walking around on stage hooked up to life support in a senior citizen home rock concert while they drink and rejoice after having spent their whole year trying to afford the show by stealing other people's money

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Squidward T

I saw the movie and it was awful but I have nothing aganst Lindsay, i think she has some serious issues but i don't think she is a horrible person. She needs to step away from acting and get her self together

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I truly hope she is being honest about this, not nice

This can be viewed as Gaga despretly seeking attention...Just like when she said Rebecca Black was a genius.

When she said that she wasn't even aware of Rebecca or her video :smh:

She called her a genius because she just heard the girl's music video made tons of views using only the internet as promotion.

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Well alright, but the people in the comments are most likely on the dug up lawn in front of their trailer home fapping in joy over the fact they finally went outside for the first time this year and saw that they still had their Christmas decorations up and don't have to do anything but go back inside and insult more talented people about not being talented when they can't even bother to get their asses off the bandwagon, shove their shriveled up brains back in their oversized heads and actually learn a thing or two about Gaga and pop music before pretending they deserve the right to a superiority complex because they love rock music and are all pissy about it having died out years ago and needlessly attack anybody that does music now just because they aren't a skeleton walking around on stage hooked up to life support in a senior citizen home rock concert while they drink and rejoice after having spent their whole year trying to afford the show by stealing other people's money

calm down


I'm Chloe. Except the C and the L are silent.
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Well alright, but the people in the comments are most likely on the dug up lawn in front of their trailer home fapping in joy over the fact they finally went outside for the first time this year and saw that they still had their Christmas decorations up and don't have to do anything but go back inside and insult more talented people about not being talented when they can't even bother to get their asses off the bandwagon, shove their shriveled up brains back in their oversized heads and actually learn a thing or two about Gaga and pop music before pretending they deserve the right to a superiority complex because they love rock music and are all pissy about it having died out years ago and needlessly attack anybody that does music now just because they aren't a skeleton walking around on stage hooked up to life support in a senior citizen home rock concert while they drink and rejoice after having spent their whole year trying to afford the show by stealing other people's money


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I mean even Sofia Coppola in "Godfather III" has a fan or two.


I didnt see Liz and Dick, so I cant comment on Lindsay performance, but you should know that Sofia Coppola performance is usually praised by the critics. There were controversies before actually the filme came out, but after most of the critics said that she was a good choice. And I can only agree with that.

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I need to see this! Does anyone know how/when I can watch this in the U.K!?

Brace yourself. It aint good. Not sure if this site will work for you but give it a shot.


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