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Incredible 911 MV Chinese Parody

Linus Gaga

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wowww!!!! they did amazing. A perfect recreation apart from visually, icons! I feel like it's a big brother with his little brothers who prob don't even know and it's so cute

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Omg this is the kind of kids who are like "Mom! Dad! Look at what we prepared!" except they're actually good lol

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Awakened M

This was so precious.:diane: 

I'm not getting any sleep tonight because I woke up to a beautiful life. I'm awake.
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I'm not gonna stereotype and assume, but there's a big chance this boy might be queer, so I hope his parents support him if that's the case (or not). I know these things in China are not the easiest.


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Gaga: total silence

LM: Well someone has to promote it 

Quizás bastaba respirar, sólo respirar, muy lento...💙
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1 hour ago, SevenWonder said:


OT: Is Gaga still banned in China?

I think she’s not...Even Russia unbanned her and I saw on tw that they had 2 huge Spotify ads with her on a building :billie: they even have Oreos and an Oreo ad 

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