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Getting Gaga's attention ###

Mother of Puppies

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Cameltoe Chariot

I swear to god if any of you tweet #answersforchromatica you need to immediately:

- Put your phone down

- Log off GGD

- Get a job and/or a new hobby

The album came out almost 8 months ago, had 3 music videos, a huge medley performance at the VMAs and a ton of merch and other promotional stunts like billboards, the oreos (:vegas:) and iconic magazine spreads like the Paper future robot fantasy.

I don't know what else you guys want from her. Sure, I'd love a taped concert special, but there are so many tangible rumours about her Vegas residency contract preventing that from happening that I feel like it's delusional to think her team isn't doing it because they're lazy :awkney:

Move the f*ck on - if you're dissatisfied with what Gaga is/isn't doing find a new (lesser) queen to stan :kiss:

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Mother of Puppies

Maybe she thinks we don't care about Chromatica anymore... so we could just remind her that we still do...:heart:



anything else is too demanding in my eyes and was never the intention of this thread.

It's too hard to even organize anything, as we witness right now, cuz everybody keeps saying different things... lol we're a mess :ladyhaha:

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Yeah, if you want to show love, go with something like "we love you Gaga". Anything demanding like "answers for Chromatica" is just wrong, and not showing love at all, if anything it will just annoy her.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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Mother of Puppies
2 minutes ago, Oriane said:

Yeah, if you want to show love, go with something like "we love you Gaga". Anything demanding like "answers for Chromatica" is just wrong, and not showing love at all, if anything it will just annoy her.

yeah, I think so too...


I would go with #WeLoveChromatica2021


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23 minutes ago, NickyPuppy said:

Maybe she thinks we don't care about Chromatica anymore... so we could just remind her that we still do...:heart:

This fan base has literally been worshipping / whinging about Chromatica & it’s lack of promo since before the album was actually released. :toofunny: She receives endless tweets daily from her stans re: Chromatica.. no need to remind her of anything. 

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Moonlight on Water
6 minutes ago, afentis said:


I'm sorry for all the hate you got and the hate you will get in the future, knowing how this site works. You kept us hyped for something that's mostly dead at the moment and you got people to focus on Gaga in one thread instead of multiple threada about how she doesn't care. Thanks for the fun. I'm still uneasy on trusting insiders all the way but I do appreciate the hype.

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I think doing that would likely do the opposite. She seems happy after inauguration, we should let her free for a moment without little monsters' pressure.


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I feel maybe more of a #welovechromatica would be better. If she's struggling with mental health with lockdowns etc or the fact she has had to cut her whole album cycle short (we dont know what goes on behind the scenes) it's not going to make her feel good. A more supportive hashtag may be what she needs? 

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Mother of Puppies



I posted #WeLoveChromatica2021


I added the 2021 so she knows this is new and current... anyone who wants to join, go :heart:

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