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Does anyone here play Apex Legends?

Healed My Heart

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Healed My Heart

I love playing Apex but don't have any friends that do! (Well, I don't have any friends in general :huntyga:)

Looking for people that want to play ranked (or just pubs would be fine too). I'm not the best but not the worst, lol. I rank up through gold every split but haven't ever made it to plat.

Edit: I play console

She/her 💗💜💙
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Rj Barker

I loved apex but my color blindness made me completely useless at it. Gave up. The colour blind settings aren't good enough for my poor eyes so I went back to overwatch. Too many greens and reds mushing together can't see a damn thing.:saladga:

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I’ve kinda wanted to check it out, but I’m predominantly a Fortnite player (and I’m actually pretty damn good :huntyga:).


I never got around to actually giving it a try, is it any fun? I’ve only heard of the name, I’ve never watched any videos or read reviews or anything like that...

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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I finally finished binging it about two weeks ago. Think I'm played out for a while.

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Healed My Heart
59 minutes ago, JustinLovesGaga said:

What platform do you play on? 

Lmao should have mentioned that. I'm on console (PS4)

She/her 💗💜💙
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Healed My Heart
1 hour ago, Rj Barker said:

I loved apex but my color blindness made me completely useless at it. Gave up. The colour blind settings aren't good enough for my poor eyes so I went back to overwatch. Too many greens and reds mushing together can't see a damn thing.:saladga:

Oh nooooo! That's really too bad, especially considering that they have a couple different versions of the colorblind settings (I think). Sounds like they need improvement!

She/her 💗💜💙
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Healed My Heart
1 hour ago, ToxicHot said:

I’ve kinda wanted to check it out, but I’m predominantly a Fortnite player (and I’m actually pretty damn good :huntyga:).


I never got around to actually giving it a try, is it any fun? I’ve only heard of the name, I’ve never watched any videos or read reviews or anything like that...

I love Apex! It has its problems of course but so does every game lol.

I've never played Fortnite so I can't really compare it to that. It's my favorite shooter that I've played due to the general game feel, particularly the shooting - it just feels really satisfying, similar to COD games I'd say. I'd say the focus is more on shooting and movement than abilities. I like that there aren't as many characters as Overwatch bc I find that overwhelming, lol. And that you can totally customize your loadout regardless of which character you're playing. I found that limiting in Overwatch.

The downside of Apex is why I made this post - when playing with a team of 3 against a whole lobby, you can get really held back by bad teammates. So solo queuing can be really rough and I think it makes it hard to get better.

If you ever wanted to try to play together, I'd be down to show you the ropes!! 

She/her 💗💜💙
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Healed My Heart
2 minutes ago, weed said:

yas mama!!! on PS4, Caustic main but I'll play most ppl, love lifeline 

Yaaaaaas!! Do you want to play sometime?

My main is Wraith but I also play Mirage and Path and honestly dabble a bit with everyone else too haha. Just depends on the mood! I am a terrible Caustic though :huntyga:

She/her 💗💜💙
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Healed My Heart
3 minutes ago, holy scheisse said:

I play everyday!! Mirage main, on a Loba bender this past season tho

Mirage is so underrated!!

Are you on console? Let me know if you'd want to play sometime! I'm guessing I'd get destroyed in a PC lobby though lol

She/her 💗💜💙
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holy scheisse
29 minutes ago, Healed My Heart said:

Mirage is so underrated!!

Are you on console? Let me know if you'd want to play sometime! I'm guessing I'd get destroyed in a PC lobby though lol

Haha I'm a ps4 player and I'd love to play! We should party up with @weed :party:

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Healed My Heart
10 minutes ago, holy scheisse said:

Haha I'm a ps4 player and I'd love to play! We should party up with @weed :party:

Yaaaaaas!! I will PM you!

She/her 💗💜💙
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Addison Rae

i try to but its SO hard :air: loba is THAT girl though 

sitting on his lap sipping diet pepsi
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