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Lady Gaga CD Collection Thread - Pt. 3


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Just found out that as I suspected, Eh Eh was sent to the Israeli radio!

(I heard it a on the radio here and there + we sometimes get singles that was locally released in other places... not the first time)


anyway, as usual, the records company sent to the radio the EU originally printed one (yeah, the EP version) with a white sticker on it.


I'm managing to get one  :excited2: I'm so excited to get this single finally, and a special version of it!


I also found out that beside of Bad Romance that I already knew about,

they printed some remix single promos for Telephone / PF & Alejandro (CDR + printed cover, but it's the only thing official made in my country so it makes me really happy   :party:

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Seems like Germany will only produce top 10 singles as of now.

Gaga better won't flop over here. :(

Edited by Vin Versus
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Seems like Germany will only produce top 10 singles as of now.

Gaga better won't flop over here. :(

thats not right. Interscope is managing the whole release thing. So if there isn't a sample for the single (cover/inlay/disc layout) they can't press a single.

Its crazy how we got the last single in August and not really a 2. single. Well DWUW is the 2. single but we don't have a musicvideo or release yet.

it can happen that when the video is out we may get a release here in Germany but its a illusion atm.

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Just got a package from India!


BTW Slipcase

BTW Super jewel

BTW Indian single

The Remix Indian edition (White border and orance square on btn)


I really hope ARTPOP will get super jewel (India / New Zealand / what ever) they're so beautiful!

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My Applause 12" from Banquet came today. Officially in love. 

congrats! :P  looking forward to mine..

I ordered from there too yesterday (or the day before) and today our local music store called me and said they finally got it :

at least they know I'm collecting her stuff!

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I just got the Indian standard and Taiwan deluxe editions of ARTPOP, and the teal Koons ball is SO gorgeous :flutter: although the booklet was in ****ty condition and the case was cheaply made and sharp edges :noparty: But the Taiwan version with the full-back OBI :legend: amazing!

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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I know it's not CD related, but.. I was looking for a phone case and I found this




A bunch of memories!  :wub:


Cool! we didn't had them in Bangkok



Got my first (and probably last) vinyl today! These all cost together 18,77€ including shipping.



US and UK? that's a good price!!

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Cool! we didn't had them in Bangkok

It came with the HML package, it was a very poor-ish kit  :P It was a tote bag, a t-shirt and the laminate.

🌹 free britney 🌹
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