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Katy Perry Getting Backlash From Fans For Her Recent Tweet


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stan culture and its obsession with putting everyone down. She spoke from her personal experience, it’s really not that deep. 

But hey, it’s twitter, they will find a reason to roast anyone, even if it doesn’t make sense. 

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1 hour ago, Levine said:

Show me where Gaga said "I called my daddy and said to him it's ok if Trump lost xoxo" The fact that y'all can't understand why that tweet is problematic WHILE call us pathetic is :lmao:

Well, that's not exactly how Katy's tweet was worded..

It’s pathetic people are saying that we shouldn’t respond to Trump voters without hate, anger, finger pointing, etc. Of course there are many people in this world who are estranged from their family but to not infer that Katy meant well by this tweet and call her “privileged” is a tad extreme. If we continue to generalise and finger point at the other ~50% of Americans who voted for trump, we are only going to end up more and more divided. I refuse to jump on any sort of cancel culture bandwagon (some of the tweets in response are disgusting towards Katy).

I encourage you to watch that video of Megan phelps roper who knows at first hand what it’s like to be estranged from her family due to religious and political differences. Her attitude is VERY different to the angry twitter mob.

All of last week Gaga was encouraging people to vote; even those who don’t agree with her (she literally said this in her video). I’m pretty sure Gaga is keen to maintain a relationship with her father regardless of him voting for trump but the comments in response to this are acting like we shouldn’t even associate ourselves with any Trump voter. That is - yes, in my opinion - pathetic and unrealistic. 

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I think it was a bad decision by Katy to post this on twitter. I think she should have just made the call and kept her personal business private.

Why did she post it ? First and foremost, she posted it because she could. Twenty years ago, she wouldn't have had the option because twitter didn't exist. The world has lurched in a bad direction over the last ten years, and social media has a lot to do with that. Would we even have had President Trump without social media ? I know that racism and homophobia existed before Trump, but is it better to keep the lid on that bad stuff or to lift it ? There's a definitive answer to that question. It is better to keep the lid on. But social media has facilitated the lifting of the lid by the likes of Trump. Us humans have a lot of bad in us. We have bad things like anger, aggresson, hatred, envy, racism, homophobia coursing through all our veins. When we have peace, it's not because everything is wonderful, it's because we've got the lid on. Keeping that lid on is the best we can hope for, but social media is a threat to that.

Consider this thread. Many of the posts display some anger. This is anger expressed on social media about something else which has happened on social media. 

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Why are they all acting like they don't have a family member that is regressive and anti-everything? It's not as easy as saying 'pls uncle vote biden'. 

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All this people thinking they are enlightened and vigilantes, preaching sh*t... While actually the girl has done nothing wrong at all but advocating for more love and compassion. Even towards the people who are hard to love because guess what ? They might need it the most. 



hello hello baby.
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On Twitter, moral grey area's can't exist.

The situation Katy poses really complex for several reasons, and her approach is valid.

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9 hours ago, ALGAYDO said:

People who are racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc aren’t stupid. It’s not our obligation to convince them that prejudice isn’t good tho. 

I definitely agree with it not being our OBLIGATION, but I do think taking your time and energy to educate people (to any avail) is admirable a something we can all occasionally strive for. I’ve been hearing this angry sort of discourse from a lot of leftists and it seems to come from a place of such frustration with how little our efforts seem to do, but I honestly do believe that careful dialogues with centrists and even right wing people you are about is important. 

Obviously though when I know the person I’m trying to talk to is beyond salvation I have no problem snipping them right tf out of my life :laughga:

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With everything aside , I can't with a couple of users sayinng "calling her privileged is extreme" but anyone who says her pov is false "toxic"


No wonder politicians are getting worse and more extreme

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12 hours ago, elijahfan said:

She didn't mean any harm by saying that, like always with politics and social media, people are making it a bigger deal than it is... At the end of the day, what's important is putting positive thoughts and actions into the world, so let's not do the opposite. Of course each person have their own stories.

even though i disagree with cancel culture and i can see people exaggerate some events this tweet was a miss. to say family comes first is fine, but when your family has racist beliefs or beliefs that can be harmful against people then it's not family comes first. you can educate them, you can selectively ignore this part of their character (even though its not right). in no way is it a good thing to openly go on twitter and say that your family is maga supporters and first thing you did when their racist president lost, was call them and tell them you still love them. not when half of america has suffered during his presidency. especially when you have such a big platform. its like having a friend who is racist and telling them "youre still valid <3 we can have different opinions <3" opinions can differ on issues like clothing, food, movies. an opinion that degrades other people can not be right or valid.

i hope i made my point clear as to why katy is getting some well deserved backlash?

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I might not exactly agree with Katy, but come ON. This kind of response from twitter is unsurprising but just totally unneeded.

Katy meant no harm by this yes. 

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6 hours ago, JusKeepBreathin said:

Call your mom bro, tell her I love you. If she hangs up that on her. At least you put in the effort. 

You are out of touch with reality if you think some wacko president should get between you and your family. 

Being kind isn't about what you get in return. Just do the right thing. 

Has no one learned anything from being a Gaga fan. 

This is pretty tone deaf of you. For some people “call your mother” would equal “call that toxic person that made you suffer the most”.

It isn’t just about the president or politics, it’s also about what this resonates with from your past with your family. For me, it’s about putting up with all kinds of bullshit, rejection about my sexual identity and overall disapproval about how I conduct my life.

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Fact that shouldn’t be surprising: not all trump voters are sexist, homophobic or racist. Yes, about 25-30% of them are, but the rest shouldn’t be smeared. Powerless voters shouldn’t be smeared and called a failure. It’s the politicians who failed to reach out to them with concrete policies to tell them how the dem party would improve their lives (instead they promised no medicare for all during a pandemic, no legalization of weed, no end to trade deals, barely ever spoke of a minimum wage).


Trump actually promised these people something (such as stopping free trade deals) where as Democrats have continually shipped their jobs overseas (ex. NAFTA, and TPP which Obama was actively pushing for while Clinton was running lol).


Voters like them will always vote for their economic interests first before worrying about the “decency” and how “behaved” the candidate is. 

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But she's right though. If my parents supported Trump I would be disappointed but I wouldn't love them less. 

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