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Katy Perry Getting Backlash From Fans For Her Recent Tweet


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Well. Maybe she's opening a dialogue so she can bring them back from being idiots. Who knows. But everyone that's upset is probably right. White people always do this with their racist ass friends. 

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Genuine Guy 09
13 hours ago, Luke78619 said:

People really get angry over the tiniest **** nowadays, it’s so frustrating. Either take her advice or leave it, it wasn’t meant to apply to every situation, stop putting your own narritive in her words ffs :interestinga:


if democrat nad left wing voters are the tolerant ones who set the example, then set the example. Trump got over 60m votes... rightly or wrong, it doesn't matter what you think you have to be the bigger person. She is actually speaking from a perspective where her family are the opposing party. Many many of us are in the same situation, political arugments cause so many upsets. Be kind!

Stare at the Chartster in the mirror they talk to me too. #StreamFunTonight
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UGH, I swear centrists and "middle ground" people are worse than Trump supporters sometimes. At least you know what Trump supporters will do, but the others go around and stab you in the back as soon as they get what they want. Absolutely disgusting. 

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It's not cute, but jumping on it just seems like an unnecessary thing to get worked up about. There are bigger issues to worry about in our politics that require our mental and emotional bandwidth. Wasting any on this is just doing a disservice to yourself and the causes that still require our attention.

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1 hour ago, Hyoha said:

This is pretty tone deaf of you. For some people “call your mother” would equal “call that toxic person that made you suffer the most”.

It isn’t just about the president or politics, it’s also about what this resonates with from your past with your family. For me, it’s about putting up with all kinds of bullshit, rejection about my sexual identity and overall disapproval about how I conduct my life.

It took years for my mom to come around. It would have never happened if I did push from my side. Like I said in the comment. If your mom hangs up, it's on her. You made an effort and can be proud of the amazing person you are despite the kind of person she is. 

Anyways I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. That is not the intention of any of my comments. I know there are more than one kind of parent out there and some parents land on the "Carries mom" side. But even if a comment or tweet doesn't apply to your specific situation it doesn't mean you get mad at the tweet or comment, especially if it is only coming from a place of kindness and hope. 

I mean people are literally upset because someone said to be there for your parents.  Every comment someone makes does not have to encompass the billions of people cohabiting the globe personal situation. Why hang that shít on Katy, Gaga or whoever? Your problems are yours to figure them out. Stop feeling personally attacked by tweets meant to inspire kindness.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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Galactic Mess
1 hour ago, Glamourpuss said:

But she's right though. If my parents supported Trump I would be disappointed but I wouldn't love them less. 

This. My close family is aware of my sexuality and is ok with it, yet they voted for an ass of a conservative candidate because they couldn’t handle the left-wing party in power anymore. Things are way more complicated than “oh if you vote like this or that you’re against my existence”. 

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13 hours ago, TWICE said:

No. You act like she has like 10 followers or so, she is bounded to be criticized with the platform as huge as hers. And this case, yes she deserves to be called out.

People would drag Gaga if she has tweeted something like that for her father. I know I would.

???? Her supporting her father despite him voting for Trump is worthy of being dragged? It's none of your business, you don't know either of irl lmao, as if people are perfect. Get a clue honestly :triggered:

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12 hours ago, Pennywise said:

Okay, y'all. The oppressed DO NOT HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER to educate the oppressors. We have every, and I repeat, EVERY, right to completely cut off any Trump supporter. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHY THEY VOTED FOR TRUMP. At the end of the day, they knowingly voted for a racist, ableist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic (and this list goes on) person. It does not matter why, that still makes them evil people. It. does. not. matter. why. And if you can be like "oh we should be nice to them still, they're human"? Well, how nice of you to be able to be nice with someone who'd see many of us killed and be happy about it. How very nice is that. 

Non-trump supporters are not the ones responsible for the "division" in that country either (at least not to the degree Trump supporters/conservatives are), so don't even try that. 

Oppressors don't get to demand respect. Oppressors don't get to ask for humanity, they don't get to ask for niceness. They don't even get to ask for basic human respect at this point. So save your breath and stop defending oppressors in the name of "niceness". Because you say "nice", you say "family", you say "a non-divided country" but all I hear is privilege. 

This is overly dramatic I'm sorry :ohwell: drag me if you wish but people are not evil just for voting Trump :ladyhaha:

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11 hours ago, PartySick said:

My grandma has a friend in Virginia that she calls every day. She supported/s Hillary/Biden but her husband supports Trump.

According to her, they fought over Trump literally every single day for the past four years :toofunny: but they're still happily married.

I'm sure at some point I'll make the effort to reach out to some of my still-MAGA family and friends.

We just all need to contribute to lowering the temperature here imo. Cool it down. Get back to arguing ideas rather than being warring tribes.

I absolutely agree. I can't even imagine what having Trump supporters in your family must feel like, especially for people from the LGBTQ community, or even people of color. I think for now we just need to let the dust settle and hopefully people will have calmed down a few weeks or months from now. We're coming out of a very dark period of 4 years, it's gonna take a while for wounds to heal.

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15 minutes ago, Sepsami said:

This is overly dramatic I'm sorry :ohwell: drag me if you wish but people are not evil just for voting Trump :ladyhaha:

gaga thoughts GIF

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10 hours ago, Hyoha said:

She can do whatever she wants, the problem with her tweet is telling us that we should call our families in case we’ve had strong disagreements over politics.

Not everyone wants to do that, let alone can do that. Some people are so estranged from their families that it’s actually a really sensitive subject.

All in all, she’s just privileged and a bit out of touch with reality which is what people are actually complaining about.

Then don't do it? I wish people would stop acting as if Katy sent this to them in a personal message :air:

She's just trying to put a positive message, and "woke" twitter jumps at every little thing they can use as ammunition, it's tiring 

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