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Little Mix's new album Confetti out now!

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UGH just over 3Ā hours until the album is out here in the UKĀ :bradley:

#JusticeForBritney ā™”
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Happiness, Gloves Up and Confetti is my trinity.Ā :worship2:

But the other songs are really good as well. It is a really strong album and they delivered....Ā 

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I think this is fairly mediocre as there is quite a bit of filler like theyā€™re previous albums.Ā 

The standouts to me are Sweet Melody, Break Up Song, Happiness, Gloves Up andĀ Holiday but thatā€™sĀ about it.Ā 

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I havenā€™t been able to listen all day cause of school.Ā :messga:

First listen the album is so great, full of bops. Favourite new songs are definitely Ā Gloves Up, A Mess (Happy 4 U) & BreatheĀ 


Used to be HighRoad
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First half of the album is great. Second half loses steam and feels filler-y. They definitely led with the heavy hitters. Back to DISCO!

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Really enjoyed the album! TheĀ first half is stronger, soĀ kinda wished they just released breakup song and sweet melody so the others could be more of a surprise! However with that being said, A Mess, Rendezvous and Breathe are BOPSĀ :vegas:

Get that fire exit door, Iā€™m off...
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kinda pop machine, I like that it's not about big tunes, more down to earthĀ  each one of them have their moment, but not my thing,

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Overjoyed to find this is their best album yet, as predicted, this is the best album I've heard in months, at long last. Their last 2 albums let me down and I feel they've never been able to top Get Weird but this finally did it. My favourites are Break Up Song, Holiday, Sweet Melody, Confetti, Happiness, Gloves Up, My Love Won't Let You Down, Rendezvous and If You Want My Love. They weren't kidding when they said it's their biggest sounding album yet, it's so bombastic, real pop smashes. Love the throwback 90's sound and the blending of pop sound with RnB vocals. As much as I do like their RnB stuff, pop is where they really shine, so they gave the best of both worlds here. My Love Won't Let You Down was nice to hear at this difficult time for many of us and Perrie's high note on If You Want My Love had me shook! There's been a lack of big sounding pop albums lately, everything's been more low key, so this is good to hear. I'm hoping Gloves Up and Rendezvous will be future singles.

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BUtterfield 8

So the songs that were released beforeĀ theĀ album came out are the only good songsĀ 

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