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Chromatica: The film concept


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Hi everyone, the past few days I've been trying to come up a visual album for Chromatica! So I wrote a concept on what the story and visuals would be like. I’m no video director but I had fun coming up with it:heart: so heerrre we go:



We see Gaga in a board room filled with label executives, she sits at the table with her hands in her head while those around her argue and scream over charts, the direction of her career, etc. she glances over to her phone, receiving a news notification of the announcement of the pandemic, and a text message from a lover saying they should take a break.  Overwhelmed and exhausted with the abundance of negative energy, she storms out of the building. Walking the streets of New York late at night in this outfit;


she spots a brightly lit small club titled: Club Chromatica. Curiosity taking over her, she tentatively opens the entrance  to the club hoping to relieve some stress, only to be engulfed by bright lights and sucked into a portal.




Falling through this portal, Gaga sings Alice while wearing this outfit:


She floats and spins around while she laments about searching for her “wonderland”. It would look similar to this commercial:

At the end of the song, Gaga finally lands onto a dance-floor in what appears to be a weird underground facility:


Dazed, at this point Gaga thinks she must be dreaming. Escaping the little facility, she emerges out only to discover she is in a desert area at dawn

She is found by the pink tribe aka the Kindness punks and they explain to her that she is on planet chromatica, a planet ravaged by conflict and strife.

The Pink tribe are the keepers of the peace and do what they can to keep everyone from fighting each other!


Agreeing to join their cause, Gaga joins forces with them and together they maintain peace between the tribes in a epic dance number!




Gaga and the kindness punks travel to the sprawling main city of chromatica, where it is always plagued by rain. While on their mission on maintaining peace they stumble upon a woman named Ariana, the leader of the thought to be forgotten purple tribe


The tribe consists of various people who have suffered tremendous forms of hurt/trauma and have been cast away from the previous tribes they originally belonged to.  Hidden beneath the sprawling city Gaga and Ari encourage to embrace the pain they have felt and to dance it all off and find strength within themselves!


Before the beginning of the song, Ari and Gaga sit together on a rooftop confiding each other of experiences in their life that traumatized them. 

They have a heartfelt discussion about society and how women are treated  Gaga is vulnerable and Ari comforts her. At the end they both hug each other and comfort one another telling themselves they won’t let their past define who they are. They are Free Women

The rest of the video would be very similar to Edge of Glory, Gaga singing while climbing down and dancing on the fire escape ladders and then prancing around on the streets




As she walks alone wearing this outfit:

she hears her phone buzz in her pocket. She received another text from her “ex” which quickly reminds her that this world she’s living for is not her own and will have to eventually return to the sad gloomy reality that awaits on earth. Gaga quickly becomes overwhelmed, realizing she is trying to help a struggling planet along with her OWN planet both of which has too many problems that she cannot do all by herself. Gaga would serve us acting, running across the streets of the city with tears on her face about to have an anxiety attack while Fun Tonight plays.


Close to the end of the song she calls upon a taxi to help her drive away from the city. With teary eyes, she says “I’m not having fun tonight” one last time looking through the window when we hear tires screeching and then cut to pitch black.

CHROMATICA ll + 911:

This part plays out exactly like the music video. It all turns out that Gaga was hallucinating everything and wakes up realizing she was in a terrible car accident. 



The yellow tribe aka the Cyber Kids scramble to repair Gaga and prevent her from passing away. Basically it would look like the paper magazine shoot Gaga singing as she gets hooked up to machines/gets repaired





Patched up, Gaga is introduced to Blackpink, a group of freedom fighters who have been actively trying to maintain peace within the tribes. They then reveal that the person behind the unrest is the leader of the red tribe aka the government officials. No one knows 

What the leader looks like, but they have been spreading propaganda throughout the planet and has been encouraging the civil unrest happening widespread. Determined to end the chaos, Gaga along with Blackpink mount onto weird spaceships and engage in a air battle next to a giant spire that houses the leader of the red tribe


Thanks to Blackpink, they give Gaga an opening and allow her to break through and infiltrate the building. 


Inside the building, Gaga encounters a mirror maze


On one of the mirrors, Petga materializes and attempts to coax Gaga into stop what she is doing. 

She promises Gaga endless fame and wealth. As Gaga tries to navigate the maze, she encounters reflections of her from previous eras. All her iconic outfits sing to her and try to make her stop looking for an exit. The video would be full of easter eggs for the fans. She eventually performs a dance break along with the reflections and through her ferocious dancing she makes the mirrors BURST. She finds the elevator and makes her way to the top where the red tribe leader resides.




When she makes it to the top, the chair swivels behind a desk to reveal:

DUN DUN DUNNNN, the leader, the villain looks disturbing similar to Gaga! The entity says harsh and evil things to regular Gaga, calling her a failure and saying she was weak for allowing herself to get taken advantage of. They both take turns singing verses from Replay and fiercely dance whenever the beat drops almost as if they are fighting. Very much performative dancing. RedGa pulls out a gun in an attempt to shoot regular Gaga but misses and both struggle and fight for it. Eventually Gaga gets a hold of it and as Red Gaga belts out “you had the GUUUUUUN” Gaga closes her eyes, screams and shoots RedGa. She stumbles and falls backwards, breaking the window and plummeting to her doom. As the last line is sung, RedGa connects with the ground and explodes into a cloud of red sparkles


Gazing through the now shattered window, the endless rain that plagued the city slowly stopped. We cut/pan to Gaga walking through a field wearing this:


We see the leaders of every other tribe walk along with her, they all shake hands and sign a peace treaty. Elton John, the leader of the Blue tribe Freedom Fighters walks along with her singing the song as various members of each tribe interact with one another. Hugging kissing and holding hands with one another. As Gaga and Elton sing we would get beautiful nature shots of them in various locations. Cuts to the tribes helping one another as well. Very much Born This Way tease where everyone loves each other and it’s all inclusive and heartwarming.

1000 DOVES:

As Gaga closes her eyes, allowing the sun to warm her skin, she opens her eyes to realize she is not in a field  anymore. She slowly realizes that she is in the club all long, and a server woke her up asking for her to leave. Something about the dream she had awakens something inside of her. With a grin, she leaves the club and takes on the real world. As 1000 Doves plays, we get a series of clips of Gaga sitting in the board room again and smiling despite the executives arguing. She organizes the relief efforts for Covid, marching out in the streets with her mask advocating for equality and the importance of mental health and kindness. A small monologue happens after the song similar sounding to the Marry The Night Monologue. Gaga accepts that the world is a sh*tty place and she has experienced sh*tyy things, but she refuse to let that hinder her and seeks to make life her dance-floor! As she sits at the table at Interscope, Bobby turns to her and asks “got any ideas for a new album?” And Gaga turns to the camera, smiling then a immediate cut to black.


Credits roll and Babylon plays. No video for it sorry!:flower:

EDIT: courtesy of @samuelx they provided an excellent concept for the Babylon video! Here it is:

“so instead of her going back to earth for 1000 doves and waking up in the club, she ended upin that iconic cave that we’ve seen in the rain on me vma performance and Spotify visualizers,  we see her on a huge rock, Dressed in an outfit similar to the 2018 V magazine shoot the song starts playing and it’s her and all the chromatica tribes dancing and celebrating with amazing cheography, the second verse starts to play and the chromatica tribes have constructed a massive portal on top of the huge tower she killed redga as a gift to gaga so that she may return whenever she pleases, the second chrorus starts to play and she marches through the portal, she ends up in a dumpster next to the club and a note that says “thank you” with the chromatica symbol signed we see a shot of the Hollywood signand various iconic LA symbols and the last part of Babylon “strut it out walk a mile serve it ancient city style” and she is strutting throughLA, she marches into the meeting, and says my next album will be called chromatica With a smile on her face holding her note. We see the last shot of her shedding one tear to herself with her back turned to the meeting and she whispers “thank you” and the video ends with the credits being Babylon Haus Labs“

Sorry for it being so long nnn but yeah this is what I thought of. I wish Chromatica got a film for it I feel like it would have amazing fashion and dancing!

Thots? Critiques?❤️


💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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Just now, HoneyB said:

she spots a brightly lit small club titled: Club Chromatica.


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Million Gypsies

The amount of work done to this post :enigma:

I love this and can definitely see in my head how this all plays out :tony:

...Kinda salty about the no MV for Babylon though :triggered:   I can let it slide this once because the other parts are well done :huntyga:

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Well damn ok lemme try to come up something for Babylon:bear:

💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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15 minutes ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:



it’s a compilation of Gaga sacrificing gays on a pentagram while Babylon plays in the background






Following the story, Gaga is hosting a celebration for her album releasing in a big grand ballroom and accompanied by various famous drag queens, Gaga vogues and dances across the ballroom as Babylon plays. 


💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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Wait I have an idea for Babylon: 


so instead of her going back to earth for 1000 doves and waking up in the club, she ended up in that iconic cave that we’ve seen in the rain on me vma performance and Spotify visualizers,  we see her on a huge rock, Dressed in an outfit similar to the 2018 V magazine shoot the song starts playing and it’s her and all the chromatica tribes dancing and celebrating with amazing cheography, the second verse starts to play and the chromatica tribes have constructed a massive portal on top of the huge tower she killed redga as a gift to gaga so that she may return whenever she pleases, the second chrorus starts to play and she marches through the portal, she ends up in a dumpster next to the club and a note that says “thank you” with the chromatica symbol signed we see a shot of the Hollywood sign and various iconic LA symbols and the last part of Babylon “strut it out walk a mile serve it ancient city style” and she is strutting through LA, she marches into the meeting, and says my next album will be called chromatica With a smile on her face holding her note. We see the last shot of her shedding one tear to herself with her back turned to the meeting and she whispers “thank you” and the video ends with the credits being Babylon Haus Labs 

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WAIT @samuelx I LOVE that idea!:giveup: I’ll add it to the OP thank you!

💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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